Occult Government Exposed: Today's Wars

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The Occult Government and the Anunnaki: a Dark Agenda? This video explores the theory that the Anunnaki, ancient gods from Sumerian mythology, may have never left Earth and continue to influence modern human civilization and conflicts. It suggests that many of today's global tensions can be traced back to the dawn of civilization in Sumer, when divine beings like Marduk and Nannar, from the clans of Enki and Enlil, were believed to have walked among humans. The narrative explores how kingship, political power, and religious authority were directly influenced by these gods, who were said to have descended from the heavens and established city-states in Mesopotamia. According to ancient texts, the Anunnaki created humans to work for them, and their descendants became the ruling aristocracy. These rulers governed the early city-states, with laws and decisions influenced by divine commands. The video examines historical and mythological accounts that suggest the gods not only shaped early civilizations but also set the stage for conflicts between different regions and peoples, conflicts that some scholars believe persist to this day. The political organization of Sumer and the role of its gods are examined, including how religious authority was tied to the rulers of city-states, with kings and priests acting as intermediaries between the gods and humanity. The Anunnaki, identified as higher gods, and the Igigi, who were lesser gods, played a key role in this structure. The video connects these ancient narratives with later historical developments, including the spread of monotheistic religions such as Judaism and Islam, which incorporated many elements from earlier polytheistic traditions. It explores the idea that ancient deities like Yahweh may have originated as part of a broader pantheon, including gods worshipped in other civilizations. Additionally, it touches on the idea that the wars between the Anunnaki and the Igigi, as described in Sumerian texts, could have laid the foundation for later geopolitical conflicts. The story of Marduk’s rise to power and his conflicts with the gods of the Enlil clan is highlighted, suggesting that these mythological accounts are not merely stories but potentially reflect real events that shaped the course of human history. The video also looks at how certain figures from ancient texts, such as Gilgamesh and Enlil, may have influenced later mythologies, including Greek and Roman traditions, and how these ancient beliefs about divine rulers persisted into the modern era. There is a focus on how the transfer of knowledge from gods to humans shaped early civilizations, from agriculture to law, and how this knowledge was often tied to religious and political power. Finally, the video proposes that the influence of these ancient gods, particularly the Anunnaki, may not have ended with their supposed departure from Earth but continues to shape human history and conflicts to this day.

Music by Envato Elements and InAudio
Images and videos: Envato Elements, MidJourney, and Runway
Script and editing: Lucas Martins Kern

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Please don't be bothered if I take a while to respond...


00:00 - Introduction
02:42 - Who are the Anunnaki
05:10 - The Political Organization of Sumer
08:25 - The House of the Gods
11:37 - The Gods of Heaven and Earth
15:27 - The Wars of The Anunnaki
19:27 - The Fallen Angels
24:45 - The Anunnaki Wars
28:29 - The Anunnaki Never Left
34:47 - Judaism and Islam
38:35 - Jesus and The Anunnaki
42:42 - Nannar and Islam
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Excellent presentation...I truly believe that these"god's" never left and are still running the show


the "promise" of a returning of these "gods" seems to be a threat to me


When you say the created you mean they engineered humans, or hybridized with their DNA. Any god who dies bleeds or doesn't live forever is not my God. My God is eternal loving and merciful. Anything or anyone else who poses as a god is beneath me. God resides in me


Thank you so much for this video, I've been waiting for someone to present a better timeline of where each Anunnaki was located in relation to what we know in history! Appreciate all your hard work!


Actually the Anunaki especially ANU Enlil And humanities Manifester ENKI spoke of The Father of All The Source and that a messenger from the source Named GALZU spoke to the 3 about how the Anunaki and the Earthlings fate was tied and the actions of the Anunaki and their past was genetically given to We Earthlings in this the SOURCE acknowledges that Humanity has SOULS of the Source and should be allowed to grow into Universal Beings. The Mission Logs of Enki gives great details about the creation and development of Earthlings As Above So Below


The loss os Sitchin was a great blow to we who know the truth...our entire existence is built on lies!


History ignored is bound to repeat itself! The Anunnaki never left! They are underground in Antarctica. That's why we common men are not allowed to go there and the rest has been divided among the most powerful government of the earth!


I'll have to watch this a couple times to absorb half of what you've said.


Yes Enlil descendants are the Cabal imo.




Great summary of the Anunnaki and their historical connection to monarchies, religions, rivalries, and wars happening through today. It's the Anunnaki continuing legacy on earth.


This is known.
EnKi was abandoned here as was his half-sister... Anyone who knows the lore knows that not ALL the Annunaki left, EnLil stranded some as punishment.


Peace on earth, haha, that is laughable. NEVER, too much corruption and greed.


The first minute claims that the dawn of civilization to be in Sumer. That is a huge misrepresentation; Mesopotamia was only the dawn of post diluvian civilization. And now there is evidence that isn't true either. There are actually civilizations still post diluvian, but older than Sumer. There was clearly pre diluvian civilization FAR more advanced than post, as proven by pre diluvian megalithic structures found all over the world.


Lucas my friend. I have commercials in my video. Congratulations $$$. And the book of enki is wild ride. I love it. There are 2 books. And a third that's not quite a fit in the story. I can't wait. I love your narrations. Your artwork is Hollywood worthy. ❤❤❤. This is from thespian play called "OLIVER". more please lol😂❤


Just wait until Nibiru makes its return, i bet the Annunaki on Nibiru will not be pleased with our “ progress “ under those who remained


The AI art in these are getting very good


I watch your videos often they are all well presented! Having said that; I neither affirm nor reject the premise from which these videos are made. To a mere mortal like myself they do seem like something from a modern sci fi movie and the amazing graphics make this even more so. I no longer know what to believe as I no longer accept the modern day narrative about our origins and nor do I accept the outdated explanations given by Christianity. The best that I can do is to hold your explanations in tension and continue to be open minded. It seems to me that the masses either accept or reject things so quickly having never understood the great virtue in being able to “ question everything” and when you do this it doesn’t provide nice easy explanations! I will continue to watch your videos and keep an open mind.


These videos needs to be shown on national television


I'm Indigenous American, abd my tribe calls the Earth, "Elohi".... wonder if it's Elohim, but the "m" is silent?? I wonder if Elohim is Earth.🤔💭
