Fratelli Tutti animation | CAFOD

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CAFOD Fratelli Tutti animation
An animation for KS2 primary pupils and secondary age pupils.
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Pope Francis released his encyclical titled Fratelli Tutti on October 4 2020.
Fratelli Tutti is addressed to ‘brothers and sisters all’ and in it he asks everyone to reach out to our sisters and brothers in need, whoever they are, wherever they may come from. 

He says ‘We need to think of ourselves more and more as a single family living in a common home.’ (FT 17)

We are all challenged to turn outwards and think of ourselves as one global family, becoming neighbours to all, and Pope Francis gives the example of the Good Samaritan who reached out to help the injured man that he did not know. 

Fratelli Tutti is a radical challenge to us all, a new dream for a world after coronavirus. It turns the world upside down, placing human dignity at the centre. At CAFOD, we believe this means moving towards a world where all can flourish and no one is beyond reach of the love and support that they need.
This anim
ation explores the key messages in the encyclical and invites children and young people to put Fratelli Tutti into action.

Voiceover: Simon Riordan
Illustrations: Dominie Leigh Sævareid


CAFOD stands for the Catholic Agency For Overseas Development. We are an international development charity and the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales.

We stand beside people living in poverty – whatever their religion or culture. Through local Church partners, we help people directly in their own communities, and campaign for global justice, so that everyone can reach their full potential.

CAFOD works in communities across Africa, Asia and Latin America.

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