My Son Sees What Happens Before The Rapture | DREAM

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My son‘s dream lines up with this. He had just turned seven. He said it started with the sound of a horn blowing in the sky. We went outside to see what it was and then we were being lifted up into heaven. He described Jesus and he wore a white robe with a yellow sash, but as he corrected later as he grew older and said gold, he didn’t know the color gold yet. He described heaven and the gate to heaven. So I asked him to draw himself next to the gate so I can have an idea of how big it was and he literally put a dot in front of the gate. This gate was massive to him, he described plants and animals, flowers, God, Jesus, and that we were happy it was a beautiful place. Then his attention was turned. He said the earth looked gray with lots of natural disasters happening. He said he saw lava flowing through the land. He saw giants too, they were killing people and destroying things he described what they were wearing, which wasn’t much clothing, the clothing that he did have was more like armor with spikes and they had weapons too was described like a bat, but nothing he ever seen or we could find, but they had nails or spikes through them, another one was a ball & chain also had spikes on it. I had only been saved a few months prior. I didn’t know anything about the book of revelation yet, according to my son, the rapture happened first then the Giants and the calamities came the Earth and people and objects and things were being destroyed and killed by the giants, I asked him what was the most important thing that he saw or learned and immediately responded, Jesus said that he’s coming soon. he felt that urgency was important and that was the that came from his mouth Lauren my son‘s dream confirms your son‘s dream. At first I thought the Giants were a metaphor, but I’ve heard others share the same thing that the Giants are coming back.


A 15 year old kid had the same vision back in 2016. The same thing about people eating people. Jesus is coming!! I think we are all feeling something is coming.❤


last year i had a dream that i was in a beach and that i was the only one there, i remember being freaked out because i saw a tsunami coming towards me, as someone who is terrified of the water i started panicking and having an anxiety attack, when the tsunami came i closed my eyes and really said to myself “this is it” when i opened up my eyes i was shocked because i was inside the tsunami but i could still breathe, i looked around and saw my body was encased in a bubble, which was protecting me from the tsunami, thats when the bubble with me inside of it went up like a basketball being bounced, and that was when i woke up, thank you god for saving me 😢


Nephilim dream, I had last year was horrible. In my dream it came out of the ground in my back yard .And opened up and took my family member. I was tried to stop it but he was too big. In my dream I felt like they were living under ground, and in the mountains in my dream. We were hiding in the house the giant was walking around my house and I could feel the ground shake.⛰️. I prayed in my dream in Jesus name and woke up. Ephesians 6:11-20

Thank you for sharing his dream.


The people at cern have stated that they are opening portals to other dimensions. JESUS said that men's hearts will fail them for what is coming upon the earth 😮😮😮


That definitely sounds like the tribulation. The giants and chimera come out after the rapture.


Look at the giant skeletons they're putting out Halloween when I saw those Yashua put in my heart they are coming.


God bless you, sister I so appreciate this video. I think we all feel the heaviness of the end coming. God bless your son and your entire family and all watching.
It’s unfortunate, but I stopped going to church…..during the return of churches opening the situation was disheartening because they kept pushing to wear mask and 6 feet apart. Also, I attended a church that did not believe the prophetic and rapture so made it very difficult for me to find a church in New York City specifically in Brooklyn, so I started doing Bible study with a fellow brother in Christ that lives in another state that believes in raptur, and we read the word daily. Your son is one of the most strongest God-fearing young man that I’ve heard I could hear his voice shaking, but he trust in our Father God.
If you know of church in Brooklyn, New York, that believes in the prophetic and rapture, I would love to know, but I believe that the churches within us, and as long as we ask the Lord to keep guiding and showing us and teaching that he would get us through these last days🙏🏼
Maranatha 🎺


I also had a very vivid dream a few years back. In the dream I was busy in the kitchen, when I heard loud booms in a distant. As I ran out I saw something like a space war. Then all off a sudden there appeared these giant’s who were chasing people and eat them. I also saw traffic jams because all the people try to flee the city. Thanks for the testimony. Many blessings from South Africa and hold fast to Jesus. He is coming soon.


I believe he dreamt about the 3 days of darkness prophecied.


Years ago I had a dream about giants that were chasing people including myself. They were eating them. As I was running from one of them I stopped at a boulder the size of a double cab pickup. I slid under it and layed there very quiet. I heard the giant walking towards the area of the rock I was under until he stopped. Next thing I saw was the rock being lifted off me. And as I looked up I could see the angry face of the giant and new he had me. The giants were as tall as full grown fur trees! Repent and ask forgiveness and accept Jesus Christ As Your Lord And Savior With All Your Heart And Soul And Be Saved from what is coming for all that are left behind! Love and God bless you all!♥️🙏


Good morning to the beautiful Lauren and all the best to the channel. Remember, Fear NOT, for I am with you to the very end of the age. Jesus is with you as well! Keep the faith little children, read Psalm 91. There is the time of Jacob's trouble coming on the world. Birth pains for the Kingdom of Heaven. Be ready, but Fear NOT. The Lord of Hosts did not die on the cross, so that you could perish at His hand in the last days. God Bless you all.


PRAISE GOD! THANK YOU, KING JESUS! All knees will bow before the King, King Jesus.


I believe every single word he said. I hope people will understand where the Truth lies, only with God. May God bless all his children and save them from the horrible things to come ❤❤❤


Amen my sister 🙏🏼, I have an incredible testimony. My son is 15 years old and is nonverbal. He has autism. In the past few years, we have been working on his communication through a spelling board. You will never believe what he spelled to me, he said he saw Jesus in a dream, I asked him, what did Jesus say? He spelled... I AM COMING SOON! If you could know my son, you would know how miraculous it is that he gave me this message.  I am so blown away that Jesus gave my special needs child this message 🥹🥹. Hallelujah 🎉... get ready, our king Jesus is truly coming for us 🙏🏼  xoxo


His dream is like mine.i have always had visions since i was a child.i saw those black things years ago, but didn't take much notice.they where just like this.tall, black and dangerous.i forgot about them).they would hunt us.the Storm part.i ve had visions of.some how i thought they were related to the hurricanes in America.i had 3 dreams days apart.the first dream i saw tall white buildings and the city was next to water.i saw a bright shining star land in the ocean.people ducked for cover, by got back up.the second dream.people got messages on their phones and cars telling them to head to higher ground.then i was driving in a van on a cliff over looking the ocean.i heard two men say the danger was over.but i kept going and i saw the bright buring star again fall into the ocean.the 3rd dream.i was trying to get someone to come inland, away from the ocean.then i was at a place high above the ocean, right next to it.i saw people worshipping something God hated(just like what your son said, they were going about their day).then i was in a crowd and suddenly missiles threw over our heads and i also saw the bright burning star (i used to think it was a nuke).they landed in the was very real and scary, as if i was really there.then someone said"look at that wave". everyone looked and i saw a wall of water, a hundred feet high giant tsunami coming straight for the coast.i grabbed a child and ran into a building, shut the door and said goodbye, knowing we had jesus, but that tsunami was going to hit us.everyone else was left outside.all those who did things God hated.there was no time to escape.Even though we were high up on a cliff.(tsunami, s can mean floods or large bodies of water).i ve had other visions where we are caught up in a tsunami ( Christias)but we dont die.then after we are changed I walked out and saw darkness everywhere and rumble on the ground . people were trying to get inside churches, but it was too late.i dont live new tall white buildings or water.we have never had an emergency broadcast said, incoming ballistic missile, head to higher ground.these past few years i have had visions so real.i saw a lady thinking about eating her dog because she was so hungry.i heard her crying.i saw her dog and its two coats.2 weeks later that very same dog coat was for sale in the shops.i saw that woman this year, walking her dog.God is pouring out his spirit 🙏.


Your son is right on point. Read Matthew 24:37-39. What most people forget - or don't connect the dots, because it's not explicitly called out in Mathew, is that in the days of Noah there were giants on the earth. Then read Joshua 24:2 - they served "other gods" on the "other side of the flood". Now read Genesis 6:4-7. Nephilim bore giants with human women - corrupting God's creation and creating all manner of Giants. I personally believe this is where all the mythological creatures/gods of Greek Mythology come from! - they were once "real" before God flooded the Earth. Your son also mentions the animals being changed/tainted when the giants walk the Earth. There is more to this - but people like to report/flag posts when the truth is spoken - so I will leave it at that.


I've had dreams that seem to take place post apocalypse, a portal opens in the sky, and 20' tall demons were dropping out of it onto the earth.


God bless your son as God has trusted him to see and hear what is to come. Makes me think of Acts 2:17 as this seemed like a dream and a vision. Thank you to your son and thank you and Shawn as you are living out your lives in obedience and trusting Jesus so that your children also SEE and also believe in the Lord Jesus.


Get together with the Lord now, repent of your sins, before it's too late ❤
