Here's the truth about America today:

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Here's the truth about America today:

If you're rich, you'll live a long life.

If you're working class, you'll die 10 years sooner.

Theo Von and I agree — it's time to do something about that discrepancy.
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I'm a guy in his fifties, living in Australia. Last year, I had a heart operation, with a new valve installed. The valve was made in the USA. My cardiologist said the valve is so well made, it could probably last a century (obviously that doesn't extend to the rest of me). Our health-care system means I was able to have the entire procedure and hospital stay and no cost to myself. Not one dollar out of my wallet, because our taxes cover our health system.


Other countries take care of their citizens ours does not.


Our food supply is loaded with sugar, salt, and fat. Fruits and vegetables cost more than junk food. And we have to pay through ridiculous sums of money for healthcare.


Our healthcare is expensive.
Our streets are unsafe to walk or let the kids play outside because of guns.
Stress and overworking to try to make ends meet is a huge contributor.
Even as a senior, working to pay property taxes.
Corporate greed.


Didn't expect to see a hippie Axl Rose talking to Bernie Sanders, but this is the future we worked for


As a UK citizen who worked as an NHS nurse through the Thatcher years and saw her start to dismantle the service, most of my colleagues and I thought, in order to break it enough to try and justify privatisation, I am constantly shocked by thd poor health care so many US citizens recieve.
I now live near my family in Spain and while Spain bills the UK for my use of their system it too is state funded. Also while struggling with staff shortages is still better than the UK system the 14 years of Tory real term cuts havd done their best to kill.


I'm 65, and I have witnessed this country going down the toilet in real time.
Worked myself to the bone just to survive and it's darn disappointing !


36T in debt. America is not a rich country.


I have always said that if we removed the need to worry about money in this country, 90%of people would live longer and be happier and healthier. Big pharma would lose out, so they do not want us to be happy and healthy. They want us to get sick and stay sick. Keep fighting the good fight, Bernie and shining a light on these issues and all the economic disparities that negatively affect seniors. Please get them changed progressives. Thank you.


We have excellent ‘keep you sick for profit’ care!


And women are facing the mortality rates that were present before modern medicine and understanding of female reproduction. My cousin's wife nearly died this past weekend, after experiencing spotting since Wednesday, and when finally rushing her to a local hospital, the male doctor calmed her and then sent her home without doing anything. She'd had a miscarriage pre-overthrow of Roe Vs Wade, and a DNC was performed so that she would not face infection and ultimate sepsis. Come the next day, she was bleeding out and rushed by ambulance to a different hospital. Only then did they take care of the dead fetus in the uterus which risked her life. However, they did not give her simple antibiotics that could keep her blood stream from becoming septic. wtf??? We're all worried about her as she's a doting mother of 3 and their father, our cousin, would be left a widow of those three children without her.



No health national health care is one of the leading factors for our truncated life span. What continues to amaze me is that the absence of a national heath care program is the principle reason that GM went bankrupt. GM simply could not compete with European automobile manufacturers because every GM product had $5000.00 USD of private health care included in the car's build price. European manufacturers live in countries with public health care.


If our country is so rich. Why does our country have more depth than any country in the world.


Good points! Americans also need to reduce their animal product intake to increase life expectancy.


Bernie gets a vote from me every time I see his name down for Senator of MY state. Couldn't be more proud to call him "our Senator Bernie, " and we'll share him with the rest of the US....but never lose sight of home, Bernie. You're loved and appreciated here.


It's the fast food dood. Start with the average weight of US citizens vs. the other countries. Then ask who has the worst health care system.


But healthcare in the USA is a business, not a service.


Mr Sanders i think we should be getting money back from insurance especially car insurance, if you drive all year without incidente, why do they keep all of the money?
Not fair for the little man who's struggling to keep up with it all.


The drug and alcohol problem is people seeking artificial happiness because they have lost hope of finding it in the real world. The cost of corporate greed to everyone is staggering on so many levels.


I spent $123 on grass fed meat, raw cheese, organic fruit and high quality dairy at ALDI, yesterday. That's a one week supply for one person and wholly unsustainable. I'm lucky to have a good job.
