NEVER EVER say these things to PISCES

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Pisces are gentle individuals who often put other people's needs before their own, but this doesn't mean they never get upset.

In fact, they absolutely hate hearing these seven things.

Based on Pisces Sun Sign

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The thing I like about Pisces is they don't judge people and always accept you for who you are.


Speaking as a Pisces of 64 years, I would like to give few things you SHOULD say to a pisces. 1. Thank You
2. What can I do to get closer to you?
3. I'm truly interested in what's on your mind. 4. Please, don't feel like you have to do everything 5. Tell me your fantasys 6. Are your feet hurting? Take your shoes of and go soak them in the Jacuzzi


OMG! SO TRUE!! I'm a Pisces and the most annoying thing I hate to hear is Hurry Up!, like I hate being rushed!


Us Piscis go beyond the limits to make our other half very happy. But, once they tell us they don’t care you can forget about that lovable Piscis. We can be extremely cold blooded. Extremely.


I am Pisces but I am done ✔
Now i think only and only about my health, well being and what is best for me..
No more being taken advantage of and being there for others..
Never love anyone too much as you give them the power to crush you..
Take care all and look after yourself..


Im a Pisces. I hate being told to do something i was already about to do which stems from the "hates being rushed thing". Today i was discussing with a fellow Pisces how we are half emotional and half logical and both side are constantly fighting for control. Sometimes it can really be exhausting if you don't develop skills to process your emotions in a healthy way


Pisces is a mutable sign. We are creative as well as logical. We can be whatever we need to be at any given time.


Same here I don't like being told what to do when I was about to do it


I'm a Pisces ♓.... and I can relate to all of these.


A true Pisces never falls for a scam. We’ll pretend to fall for a scam. That’s the difference.


I'm a Pisces but I always think about myself a lot rather than people around me. Idc if you're one of my family, I'm not giving you something I have not accomplished yet. I am not self-centered either, just want myself to be better enough before helping everyone. Please don't be mad.


Don’t rush a Pisces, they will be a cute small fish for a second but then they turn into a SHARK


Yes, absolutely. Pisces needs to feel safe and secure in order to share personal things. And yes, they are BIG daydreamers, which I love about the energy!


Yes to all of this 👏🏼. Also I don’t like being treated like I’m incompetent or ditzy, I find most Pisces, including myself, are people pleasers for the most part so will let others think they are right even in situations when we know we’re right lol, so people think we don’t know much, but actually, we’re incredibly smart and competent


Please stop saying that Pisces play victims: as a Pisces my heart has been burned since a very young age. I’m tired. I’m hurt. I’m sorry for me and everyone else, so when some one has come to me on my last straw and I express my built up negative emotions, do not say that I’m playing victim(or innocent). I do understand that we both could be feeling negative from the situation, but I also know that I’ve been more genuine, more kind, more gentle, more sensitive, more caring, more positive in any situation with anyone. So I’m disappointed that my character forced me to the loser of everything in my life, including our situation( or argument). If that’s what u call a victim then that’s what I am. And that’s case do say that Pisces always play victim, make it clear that Pisces always ends up being a victim 💯

04/13/2024- wow I made this post two years ago, and I have matured a lot since then. Good and bad. I’m not sensitive anymore I’m still not the villain very often but I’m definitely no victim. I stop letting people take advantage of me, run over me, use me, being fake to and all of that. Nowadays I either distance myself, use people back who use me or I get my revenge (I have probably gotten my revenge once or twice) but I hope to do so more in the future. I wonder when Ill be drawn back to this comment In more amazement..


I'm a Pisces and it absolutely drives me mad when I get told to hurry up! I get really bad panic attacks easily, so that makes it 10x worse.


I am an 83 yr old Pisces. My long and difficult life as a pure ♓️ has left me feeling wounded ( but not a victim. See the difference?). It’s hard being so sensitive and leaves scars. But l’ve learned and am still learning to accept and even love myself and not wish to be as the world seems to expect a ‘normal’ person to be !😅. I will carry my sensitivity to the grave. All l could have done but did not because of doubt, worry, lack of confidence etc, doesn’t really matter. Misunderstood and very creative, l have followed a spiritual path and know l should persevere and breathe. People love to tell me all these things like: ‘you should…. Stop doing!… you are too….! ‘. But l see that none of that matters. It’s just the ego which gets hurt.


As a pisces, definitely can vouch for EVERYTHING said in this video. In fact most of them happened to me just last month.


They are so nice to everyone but no one is nice to them


It's all rlly true ... I mean when we try to say things and others asked "why are you lying" I'm like tf u don't know it yet so stfu
