PS5 Pro vs PS5 Slim vs PS5: What's the difference???

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The PlayStation 5 lineup just got bigger with the launch of the PS5 Pro and all its power with16.7Tflops; joining the lineup of the PS5 Slim and the OG PS5! 🎮 But what are the real differences between these three consoles, and which one is worth your money?

In this video, we’ll break down everything you need to know about the PS5, PS5 Slim, and PS5 Pro. I’ll cover their specs, designs, performance differences, and, of course, which one might suit you best based on your gaming style and budget.

Who Should Buy Each?: I'll help you decide which console makes sense for your needs!
Whether you're new to PlayStation or looking to upgrade, this guide will help you make an informed decision. Stick around till the end to see which one I recommend and why! 👍


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stick with the base PS5 and save your money, the extra cost does NOT outweigh the marginal graphical/performance "enhancements" and yes i did buy one last friday, but returned it on Saturday.


Stick with base ps5 or ps5 slim theyre both kinda basically the same while the pro isnt really too worth it at all cuz of its high price


I play my ps5 on a 1080p screen, so I see no reason for me to upgrade to pro when performance mode on the base looks the same as fidelity mode.


Ps5 pro is like freaking Trunks going ultra ascended super saiyan with massive strength and build but not able to hit Cell with those power😂


I wrote PRO on my I got a PS5 Pro and I only spent $499 😅


PS4 slim was the best designed ps ever for me.


The Playstation 6 need to have a disc drive with the ability to play Playstation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 discs.
Do that with 2-5 TB of storage at a 500-600 dollar price range?
If it does that.. it'll EASILY defeat both Xbox and Nintendo while also being a direct threat to PC gaming.


Nope, no way in hell - more accurate conclusion is "get the slim"


The 3 strips of windshield wiper blades and excess graphic power isnt worth $300. Imo.

At $425, the OG is a better buy as 99.9% of games can't even utilize the power of the PRO.

No ty Sony... I'll wait for PS6.


I think the ps5 slim is the best cause it’s faster than the original ps5 and the ps5 pro is to expensive


Paying the extra money and still having to buy a blu ray drive makes it a big no from me. A big problem with console upgrades is developers are going to focus on what the majority of players own which will be the regular PS5. Developers haven’t fully moved on from the PS4 yet so there is no way they are going to cater to the handful of Pro owners.


as someone who plays games that take more power to run on the ps5 and has seen OG ps5 struggle to handle certain things i am happy that i got the ps5 pro. so i'd say it's very game/user dependent.


Good thing I got the PS5 slim during Black Friday, it’s so much cheaper and it’s also way smaller than its PS5 and PS5 pro counterparts.


I finally got a Slim after having a series x since launch. I only wanted spider man 2. The dual shock controller is great for solos but I prefer the Xbox for call of duty and other multiplayer games. Glad I didn’t splurge for the pro. Sony really got you guys


I have both slim and the pro, i try it for couple of days, and especially with the game supported the ps5 pro performance, i played it on my sony bravia 9 (high end ass tv), it not worth the upgrade, the upgrade is so minimal, for those people ardy have ps5 og/ slim, just save the money for ps6, but if u have the budget to spend on the pro, and need to follow the crowd/trend, go ahead, plus im not a hardcore gamer, so it’s gonna be very hard for me to appreciate all those minimal graphic upgrade and couple of fps with those price tag, im gonna keep it for gta6, if there’s no more reason for me to keep the pro, im gonna sell it, that my pov


Am finally going to get a PS5, now there PRO, glad I waited


A pro console without a pro controller, a Pro Stand, and no disc drive, if you want all that you’re over $1000 for a gaming system that’s not even that big of a power increase over the current PS5….


You're absolutely 💯 correct, if you never got the PS5, jump right ahead and get the PS5Pro.


It probably also comes down to diminishing returns a bit. The PS5 Pro is what 40 or 50% faster? But games aren't going to look 40 or 50% better. Higher FPS would definitely be nice though.


So the only difference is …. Nothing. It’s suppose to have better graphics and storage but the graphics aren’t there 😂 I’m not getting that I have a ps5 and ps5 slim. I was able to buy extra storage for consoles at GameStop and Best Buy.
Thank you for letting us know not to waste $700
