Jeep Wrangler TJ how to fix no fuel pressure

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This video shows the fix for no fuel line pressure on a 1997 Jeep Wrangler TJ. This video was taken back in August 2017 and as of 11.24.2017 we have not experienced the issue of no fuel pressure or power to pump.

Problem: Jeep would run for a day then die and not get any fuel pressure or would run for a few weeks and then fail to start with no fuel pressure.

Temporary solution was to unplug the grey plug next to the ecu and plug it back in, this would solve the problem for a short time.

Also note be sure your battery is sitting on the black temp sensor. If you have your batterie on a spacer or have painted your battery tray that will cause weird electrical issues.

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Ron Sloan
Our 97 Jeep quit on my wife and I had it towed home. I did all the standard check and was getting ready to pull the tank. I watched your video and then sprayed the plug with BestLine MLT 100, top and bottom and started right up. Saved me hours of work. Thanks a bunch.


To anyone that comes across this for your fuel pump not turning on or priming when you turn your key on check fuse #11 (PDC coil)


Thank you for this excellent trouble shooting video. I learned a lot.


Thanks brother, saved me a fuel pump fr! ✌️


I hope you reply. Great video. I have a problem with my 4x4 not showing on dashboard only. I already changed the transfer case switch.. any idea.


I had the same problem with my 97 Jeep Wrangler 4.0 engine. Did all the same checks as you and ultimately found the same solution.
Unfortunately my first instinct was to replace the fuel pump which solved nothing.


Just a note, should be abke to hear the pump prime turning the key on.


I have a 02' TJ with the dreaded long crank... Would something like this cause me to have to turn the key over 2-3 times before firing up? The Jeep runs fine it just takes me 2-3 cranks to get it fired up every time.


I had the same problem wiggled that harness an boom the fuel pump turned on an now I have a running jeep still trying to figure out why It's running rough an back firing


I’m having this sort of problem right now too. I’m waiting on my new pcm right now which is skim disabled — I removed the skis module from my steering column. I know the computer was bad already due to high voltage on all new 02 sensors...took a lot of time to figure out that the pcm was the problem(flagship one sent me a defective pcm and wouldn’t refund me), bought a brand new mopar pcm and had it programmed. Will be getting it Monday. But I’m concerned that the crank and no start is being caused by potentially something else at the moment — I don’t hear the pump prime but that could be because of the security feature? Could be cutting off the fuel. I checked the fuses and they check out good. Checked all the plugs and nothings wet there. Low on fuel— I’m going to pour a gallon of fuel in the tank Monday....I’m wondering if that’s the problem. Or is it just that my pcm is just trash to the point that the air and fuel mix is so far off the the computer can’t correct it anymore. I need to install the new pcm Monday without the skim and just hope it fires...if it doesn’t I’m thinking it’s the fuel pump. I replaced the crankshaft position sensor. The throttle position sensor I’m going to replace Monday too. I haven’t checked the ground or power to the pump yet...I’m going to try spraying carb cleaner in the intake if it doesn’t start Monday after installing the pcm and putting gas in the tank to see if it actually fires...if it does it’s either the fuel pump or the power and ground.

This video is interesting though. What wires are those Youre talking about that you spliced and soldered ?


What's the connectors under the steering wheel you pointed at? My fuel pump isn't priming and all of gauges are dead.


My 05 Jeep TJ suddenly didn’t start. Crank but not start. I checked a few things and then decided to spray starter fluid in the intake. It started and then turned off after a few seconds. I have a few questions. That means spark plugs are good right? Cause I got it to start. Also, the truck doesn’t have a port on fuel line for a gauge. So I listened for the pump when turned on, nothing, then felt the relay when turned on and felt it click, fuse looks good. Do fuel pumps go bad all of a sudden? No warning. I haven’t seen any warnings.


ahahahahahaha -- without that fuse - instead of just blowing a fuse -- the whole danged wiring on that line will burn out - could even start a fire - seen it happen - odd thing ya did !


Can't get the video to play past :48 anybody else having this problem?
