The Epic of Gilgamesh - Sumerian Mythology

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The Epic of Gilgamesh - Sumerian Mythology - See u In History

Art: Marcus Aquino
Color: Rod Fernandes

#Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #MythologyExplained
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This is one of my favorite pieces of world literature. It is so very profound about how a person should live a good life. My favorite character was not mentioned here. She was Siduri, a mystical tavern owner and beer brewer (in Mesopotamia it was mostly women who brewed and sold beer). Gilgamesh stopped at her tavern during his quest for immortality after Enkidu's death. He told her of his grief and his wish for immortality. She told him "Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to? You will never find that life for which you are looking. When the gods created man they allotted to him death, but life they retained in their own keeping. As for you, Gilgamesh, fill your belly with good things; day and night, night and day, dance and be merry, feast and rejoice. Let your clothes be fresh, bathe yourself in water, cherish the little child that holds your hand, and make your wife happy in your embrace; for this too is the lot of man."


Ah first bromance ever recorded in history.


Gilgamesh went trough some real character development, I feel like that's something you hear rarely in greek myths where heroes are great or terrible and stay that way until death. A lot of it probably has to do with the concept of fatum but still it's nice to see mythology that is unique in that aspect.


Although Gilgamesh is Sumerian in origin, it was the Assyrians who passed this story onto us. The Assyrian king Ashurbanipal was literate and loved these stories. He had them all preserved in his library, when the city of Nineveh was burned to the ground, these stories were found in it's library and that's how we know about them. I would say this story preseves Assyrian way of life, even though it predates them. Assyrians had a very martial society, they loved war, adventure and sports. The Sumerians by contrast didn't like venturing far from their cities.


I'd love to see more Sumerian tales like this, props to the artist for making these wonderful drawings 🔥


Always wanted to hear about Gilgamesh. Thank you


Everytime I hear Gilgamesh, Gate of Babylon and Enuma Elish just pop to my mind.


you left out my favorite part about how Utnapishtim tells him to conquer death he must first conquer the little death known as sleep by staying awake for 7 days and nights. but after all his adventuring he was so exhausted he passed out almost immediately. then Utnapishtim had his wife bake a bread each morning and put it next to Gilgamesh as proof of his failure and when he woke up the first loaf was already as hard as a rock from age


Gilgamesh really did go through all the phases to eventually find humility.


The message of Gilgamesh epic is that a man can not be immortal with his body but his actions will grant him immortality.


Wow. I never knew this story was so profound and so current. I’ve noticed in real life that fighting can create a strong bond of respect between men, but I haven’t before heard this in a story before. This should be a household tale


Man this story is better than most stuff coming out nowadays!


You have been the first person to narrate the epic of Gilgamesh whose story telling is compelling concise. Great video


People know about the Iliad and the Odyssey, but the oldest Epic is the Epic of Gilgamesh, what a story and what an ending, I know this since high school 😃


No matter how many times I hear this story I always want to listen to it again. Must of seen this story on over 20 different channels of YouTubers…it just fascinates me for some reason. I feel like this story is a key for us somehow so I keep looking for different channels retelling the story. I understand the moral to the story but it seems like there’s a hidden message and when you realize it you will see clearer than ever before. Who knows but I’m gonna keep trying…great video!


The myth of the man who had everything but doesn't appreciate it. He had to walk the path of getting something and knowing the value of what he had.


I will say this again and again.

We need more Assyrian, Sumaric, Babylonian, and Mesopotamian mythology and traditions! 👏🏽

Being the first civilization there’s so much more rich culture than Ishtar, Gilgamesh, and the Hammurabi code- and that’s if people know any of those three.

Edit: it’s wild how many people are offended and being defensive by me stating the simple truth with real evidence to back it up until historians discover or unearth artifacts that say otherwise 💀


Why have i seen a million wothless re-makes from holywood, and never seen this wonderful story told on the screen? This was great. Thank you.


Life of Gilgamesh is truly worth noting. His promise to his friend is everything to his character.


Old Epics always seem to inspire new storys, and I think that is pretty interesting. Beowulf was a huge inspiration for The Lord of the Rings. Though mostly in name and attitude there was a character in Fate Zero and Fate Stay Night named Gilgamesh, and the name Gilgamesh is also mentioned in Futurama.
