Cortney Nickerson Joined Live from Salt Lake City Recapping Cloud Native Rejekts | Cilium + eBPF Day

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Cortney Nickerson Developer Relations @thekubeshop Recapping @CloudNativeRejekts and Co-located event Cilium + eBPF Day Live from #kubecon2024 #saltlakecity.
People are starting to mature "K8s adoption". It's No Longer A Matter of having a 1/1 track of how to get things deployed. People now have things deployed & they're having different usage issues.
eBPF adoption has started to go beyond networking, security, and observability, and has very cool demos around usage in an enterprise environment during talks at Cilium + eBPF Day.
People are starting to mature "K8s adoption". It's No Longer A Matter of having a 1/1 track of how to get things deployed. People now have things deployed & they're having different usage issues.
eBPF adoption has started to go beyond networking, security, and observability, and has very cool demos around usage in an enterprise environment during talks at Cilium + eBPF Day.