An Astronaut Finds Jesus

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How did astronaut Charlie Duke find Jesus? Find out with guest General Charlie Duke and Tim Moore of the Lamb & Lion Ministries evangelism team as they provide their Prophetic Perspectives (235).




How did astronaut Charlie Duke find Jesus?

#PropheticPerspectives #ColTimMoore #Apollo16
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Thank you for this presentation. The flight he speaks of took place the year I graduated from high school and I remember being glued to my television set in Gainesville Florida. I love his testimony.


I have to say it. “To infinity and beyond!” OK I’m done lol 😆. God bless you sir


Excellent, testimony, Tim. Just signed on.


Praise GOD!! HE will show you THE WAY if you let HIM!! Charly Duke is a living example.


how did you get through the van allen belts? I hope one day you will let those around you know.

to the commentator... blessed hope is a reference to the rapture of the church


Two of my favorite things, spaceflight and Jesus. 🙂


How come the Lord describes the moon in Genesis as a light and yet when you ‘land’ on the moon it is lightless and dead and grey?


This man’s testimony of being on the moon & seeing the earth hung in space round like a globe puts all these flat earthers to stop telling tales saying we never went to moon, earths flat is all bunk what they say .I believe Charlie wouldn’t be lying as a Christian believer in Christ Why should he lie? He’s telling the truth and I believe him thx for sharing this video


Jesus isn't/wasn't lost so this guy never found Jesus, Jesus found him he's the one that was


Another example we hear of a lot these days:
A so-called “prophecy” in Social Media Land? Kindly be reminded of 1 Corinthians 12:27-28 and 1 Corinthians 14:24-25. This is the Internet, not a church setting. YouTube’s not the church. The general public is not the church, either. The church is the church. Prophecy is one of those Spiritual Gifts for use in church. Man doesn’t teach it; there IS no “class” for it. A person does not “learn how to prophesy”. The Holy Spirit doles it out to whomever He feels like. As with any Spiritual Gift, it exists for the sole purpose of building up the Body of Jesus.

Used to do the same in public settings with “prophecy” until The Lord turned on the lights. INSTANT REPENTANCE. There are no prophets today. The last one was about 1, 950 or so years ago. Both Matthew 7:15 and 1 John 4:1 are self-explanatory. Simply the fact that a “prophetic word” is being posted in public is tell-tale in itself that it’s NOT a prophetic word.
Anyone reading this, do yourself a HUGE favor and R-U-N...FAST.
These aren’t prophets, they’re charlatans.

No thanks. Pass on man-plans. Will cheerfully do what The Lord says instead. An individual ultimately only affects him or herself. The only thing these types of charlatans are trying to say with their so-called “prophetic words” is that their human opinion carries greater weight that the Opinions of The Lord. They’re fakes. Spiritual Gifts are Spiritual Gifts. Public is public. Red flags are red flags. Worth considering: When these so-called “prophetic words” DO NOT come to pass, then what? Word to the wise: NEVER put words into the mouth of The Lord. That can be dangerous.

There’s also a HUMONGOUS difference between a Biblical prophecy and what is seen in many instances here in this itchy ear “modern society” (2 Timothy 4:3-4) where so-and-so puts up this post about having this “prophetic ministry” thing. That’s actually fortune-telling. Biblical prophets existed in the Old Testament to point the way to Jesus and what both Calvary and the Resurrection of Jesus were all about. There is also a HUMONGOUS difference between a “prophecy” and a “word of knowledge” or a “word of wisdom”. In that last sentence, three separate Spiritual Gifts were named. For your own sake, make sure that is well-known.

Also, one big red flag to watch for is anything “prophetic” posted to the general public. Biblical prophecy mentioned in The Word is absolutely one thing but that’s where the line is to be drawn.

Make certain you’re not trying to grab a microphone and prophesy in public! Church only! Spiritual Gift only!

There’s only one truth, and it belongs to The Lord. It’s THAT truth which sets someone free, not some “human opinion” (John 8:31-32, John 8:36).

On a “side note”, if a prophecy fails to come true, the giver is known as a false prophet (Old Testament principles of Deuteronomy 18:17-22 in that now-obsolete Mosaic Law (Hebrews 8:6), then Jeremiah 28:15, and then in the New Testament, there’s Matthew 7:15 and 1 John 4:1.

Prophecy is meant for Edification, Exhortation and Comfort. (See 1 Corinthians 14:3.) How does one do those? Someone who prophesies can edify with the Gospel, someone who prophesies can exhort with the Gospel and someone who prophesies can comfort with the Gospel. Like a Word of Knowledge or a Word of Wisdom, Prophecy is NEVER to compromise The Word in any way, shape or form.

In New Testament times when 1 Corinthians was written, the word “prophecy” is what we would say today as “preaching”. “To cause to shine” is the initial meaning of the verb “to prophesy”. The primary concern in church is the public Ministry of Christ. In 1 Corinthians 14, that someone who prophesies (preaches) is someone who expands on the Word of The Lord. Regardless of what humans say, either gender is allowed to prophesy in a church setting.

(SIDE NOTE: The term “Christ” is a title, not a name. It means either “The Anointed One” or “Messiah”.)

Everything ALWAYS needs to be, “Thus sayeth The Lord, ” and never, “Thus sayeth the so-and-so, ” to take precedence. It’s that dot in the middle of a sheet of paper which is known as the absolute truth in every circumstance. Only The Lord can live there. Mankind cannot. I’m sure there’s quite a bit more to the story but then again, Isaiah 55:8-9 is what it is. But...then again also...He’s The Lord and we humans are...well...humans.
Always state Biblical truth. The results are between the recipient and the Holy Spirit. Make sure what’s stated is Biblical truth, however. If it is not, fix it so it is.
It’s only The Holy Spirit Who can guide into all truth (John 4:34-38, John 14:26, John 16:13, 1 Corinthians 3:5-9).

There ARE NO contradictions in the Word…EVER.

The Holy Spirit can speak for Himself. He owns the place, after all. WE don’t.

Sometimes love must be tough. The desire is for everyone to hit as close to 100% as possible of everything for which The Lord created that person, self included. No one is perfect and there is no one righteous...AT ALL (Isaiah 64:6, John 8:7, Romans 3:10-12, Romans 3:21-26, 1 John 1:8-10). According to Ephesians 5:11, instructions are to have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness but rather expose them (see also Jude 1:23).
“...and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:31-32).
