Assassin's Creed Mirage - Basim Finds Out The Truth [ENDING]

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Assassin's Creed Mirage - Basim Finds Out The Truth [ENDING]

In this my new video of Assassin's Creed Mirage you can see the ending cutscene of the new game from Ubisoft.

This Assassin's Creed Mirage video was recorded, played and edited completely by me, the video is taken from the PS5 version of the game, I thank Ubisoft for providing me with a review copy of the game.

I remind you that Assassin's Creed Mirage is available from 5 October 2023 for Playstation 5, Xbox Series X/S and PC.

In AC Mirage we retrace the origins of Basim Ibn Ishaq, a character introduced with Assassin's Creed: Valhalla and who we discover is the reincarnation of Isu Loki.

In this video you can see the final part of the game's story mode, which ends with the boss fight against Roshan and with Basim discovering the truth about his past and his recurring nightmares.

In this Assassin's Creed Mirage final scene we also discover that Nehal never really existed and that it is a memory of Loki.

If you liked this Assassin's Creed Mirage Ending cutscene video, remember to leave a like and subscribe to the channel for more videos like this.

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Let's be real, those who played Valhalla have seen this coming as soon as Mirage was first announced.


People arent getting this. Nehal is to Basim what Odin was to Eivor. Nehal IS Loki, its his original Isu soul, but obviously he changed his face and became "Nehal" so Basim didnt realize he was talking to himself lol. Basim may be his reincarnation, but Loki still had to find a way to free his soul and trick Basim into accepting it into himself so Loki could take control.

Where Odin tried to forcibly take control of Eivor (and ultimately failed), Loki took a different approach; they pretended to be Basims friend to gain his trust then trick him into releasing their soul, very much like the Loki of Norse mythology. It doesnt take a genius to figure this out folks lol.


If only he didn't embrace loki in that way, so that loki takes control.

Basim's mannerisms changed which what led me to believe that loki is semi controlling the body.

If Basim had faced his fear with the jinni beforehand without opening the isu door, I wonder if basim could have remained in control whilst also having a resident isu in his subconscious. He would have been a great master assassin that was very likeable and not two faced.


I’ve seen a lot of people with mixed feelings about this ending, completely understandably bear in mind, however I think there are a couple of important things that people are missing.

1) Basin’s story started in Valhalla, and whatever your thoughts on that game, and this game serves to tell the origin. In a way, this game always had to end with the Loki reveal due to it being such a massive part of his character. We all knew they would address it, if they hadn’t it would’ve been very strange.

This game addresses how sages work in universe, but unfortunately banks on whether the player actually likes the concept of sages outside of Aita like the Norse sages that were introduced in Valhalla.

2) The role of the order of ancients and the Templar orders are very different. This isn’t helped by the games in though as Ubisoft like to treat them mechanically as the same thing. However Valhalla separated them from each other, the Templar order being what came after the dissolution of the order of ancients due to Aelfreds hatred for their worshipping of the isu and what they left behind.

The Templar’s seek control of the world under a single banner, whereas the order use their control and status towards their ends.

(Another thing I’d like to add that’s unrelated is when Nur says “revenge is not our way” when the entire creed was formed by two who were consumed by vengeance, which you could either interpret as the irony of the creed or the point of it, being to let go and commit to something greater than yourself).

There I closed the damned bracket😂


Roshan: "Impossible. The student does not defeat the teacher."

Basim: "La shayiwakiun mutlaq bel kulun mumkin."

Roshan: So it seems.


Remember when Desmond was reliving genetic memories to stop Abstergo? Yeah. Good times.


What a lot of people are getting wrong is that sages are reincarnations of isu people. And when sages memories come back they aren’t like separate people but memories that are slowing returning. For example it’ll be like if you had amnesia and then someone tells you about your old life and the memories start coming back. People think it’s another person taking over when in reality it’s just the old you’s memories returning and it’s up to the sages to do what they want with said memories. Basim accepted Loki and let his old memories decide what he will do. Basim is still basim just a little different.


Only Basim learnt the ending. They didn't show us anything. If you haven't finished Valhalla, you will have no idea what happened. Atleast a small summary scene showing what happened with Odin, Loki and others would have appropriate.


My boy took the imaginary gf thing to a whole nother level


I am painstakingly playing valhalla and actually understand wtf is going on with bassim and his story. The bad thing is valhalla is just too long i hate it until sigurd story starts then it becomes interesting


"I will never see you again, will I be alone?"

His voice cracking with those words, superb voice acting


Had this remained a DLC the ending would have made sense.


I agree with the rest here that they should've shown a scene with the aesirs to give context. It's hard to make sense of without knowing Basim's backstory from AC Valhalla


So thats why basim no longer has a eagle...


Ahhhh this makes what happened w Eivor and Odin make so much more sense to me, when Eivor was fighting Odin at the end I’m guessing that was him rejecting “fusing” w Odin and remembering who he was.


I think this journey that Basim is going through it’s a journey of finding out who he is who he was in his past life overcoming his fears and confronting his demon the jinni. Nehal What’s like his spirit guide or truly maybe she was a Loki reincarnated as well but I’m so glad that he has come all this way and now he’s finally who he really, his finally whole again.


Altair probably stumbled across the disk with Loki's memories in his time in Alamut, wonder if he felt bad for him


I think this represents the punishment of loki from norse myth. Loki was bound to a stone in a cave for killing baldur and had a serpent above him drip venom onto him.

Most likely the jailer here is Odin


So Eivor is the Allfather while Basim is the Trickster God. Well it wasn't a surprise at all since it has been revealed back at Valhalla. But this game reveal how he become the Villain he would be at Valhalla.


Many people may overlook this, but the guardian or these moments of Loki's de-confinement may be Sigyn or an allusion (like the Nornir were for the calculations). Although in myth her visits bring him moments of relief as she was witholding the snake's poison, they also mean torture as once filled, venom was supposed to pour heavily at his face. There we have a tortured and torturer relationship.
