Why I Became a Traditional Housewife | Modern Homemaker |

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5 years ago I became a housewife and homemaker, and I have loved it ever since! But HOW did I get here and WHY do I love it so much?! Let's discuss it today.

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Homemaking is the way to change the world!


I never wanted a career either. I always dreamed of being married to my best friend and having my family! I was so blessed by God to find my husband at 15, he was 17 and we’ve been together ever since! We have 4 kids and 10 grandchildren, time has just flown by! We worked hard, my husband went to nursing school after our kids were born. We didn’t have the fanciest house or the most stylish clothes but we got by. I worked part time at times but mostly I was home. I recognize that not every woman has the option of being a SAHM, I was very blessed and I know it!


I never thought I wanted to be a mother and homemaker. Spent 10 year chasing other people’s values and getting absolutely no satisfaction or fulfilment out of it and falling into severe depression, also losing my connection to God. Fast forward and I’m 35 with 2 beautiful sons; living what had become my dream life of being with my kids and providing a safe, comforting place for my husband. It is a blessing and I have never been happier ❤ all glory to God 🙏🏼


That’s encouraging. Being a homemaker is hard work and probably the most important jobs we can have.


I am manifesting my transition into stay home mum/wife.


I’ve always wanted to have a career and never thought I would have to be a SAHM. We decided that me working while paying for daycare (that’s not cheap) didn’t make sense, no matter how much I wanted to be out of the house and work. I’m not the one who loves being a SAHM so I’ve started a small business since our first was a newborn and working from home when I have time while still being a SAHM, was the best balance. We are all different, you gotta find that happy balance where you are happy as a mom. I get depressed when all I do is chores all day and watch the kids, I need that creative work “fix”. I see some other moms that absolutely love being a homemaker and not work, and that’s totally awesome!


Yes I love being a homemaker. My dream was to be a mom and a wife as well 💕 as be a singer, actress, dancer singer, artist basically an entertainer. Love how relatable and real your conversion was. ❤


So good. Thank you for sharing. Love the heart behind your “why”. Great job, mama.


Beautifully and eloquently explained. Thank you for creating high-quality future husbands!


I’m a SAHM as well! I have 4 children under 5 years old. I’m American but my husband is British and we live in the UK. I’ve just started a blog and YouTube channel which will hopefully bring in an income at some point.
I want all the same things you talk about in this video!


Just subscribed. Absolutely love your vibe and your lobe for God x


Hi, I would like to hear your experiences and steps on how you started homeschooling, especially because it is not common here in the Netherlands. I myself work part-time and my children deliberately go to a small-scale Reformed school where the emphasis is on faith and how children live according to God's word. but I'm curious what the home teaching (curriculum) is like.


It's not a easy thing to work outside especially for an introvert who values privacy you also have to deal with rude people who are strangers No time for you hobbies just work work work not sure if i want that or not


What’s your citizenship? How do you homeschool. I really want to do it in the Netherlands


Wjat about if you just are? Its not my choice. I have bo other choice. The worst my choice? Choice is free will....


I never ever wanted and never wish to be Mom have kids and stay home. I wanted career. Work. Have my own place and travel. I did studied all I wanted. Bought my place. I have a child and been raising on my own her Dad never supported we were married got divorce. I re married. I have my child and have responsabilities. I would like to stay home. However, I need to earn income. If I could find a way to earn income online from home I would.
