GERMAN WORK CULTURE | Working in Germany

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About the 1-on-1 Moving To Germany Coaching Calls:
During the call, we can:
✔ Address any questions that you have about living in Germany (Such as: about visas, employment, daily life, etc.)
✔ Identify your main goals and vision for your future in Germany
✔ Discuss any fears or doubts you're experiencing
✔ Uncover any mental roadblocks or beliefs that are keeping you from moving to Germany
✔ Create an actionable plan and strategy, so that you can work towards living in abroad
✔ Establish proper techniques to build confidence in yourself and your plan of moving

Get your Questions answered, eliminate any of the fears, resistance or limiting beliefs that you have about moving to Germany. With the right tool and guidance, you will be able to move to Germany and find a job here in a shorter amount of time. You don't have to have the fear of failing or getting overwhelmed on what are the correct steps to take. I am here to help and I can't wait to talk to you! :)

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Fighting during meetings, work-life balance?
In this video, I'll be talking about the German work culture and what type of environment you can expect, if you're moving to Germany to work

😀 About me:

hallo Zusammen, I'm Diana! 😀 I'm originally from Toronto, Canada but I'm now living and working in Berlin, Germany ☾ On my channel, I share my experiences and thoughts on living and working abroad as an expat in Germany. Thanks for your support ☮
Рекомендации по теме

For most professions in Germany you need a vocational training, which must be passed 2 - 3 years with a test! And yes, most Germans prefer to work for an employer until retirement! Thus, the future is safe for family and financial future such as mortgages, loans and insurance, which are so important in old age to still live with a standard.


If you think Germans get aggressive at work you have to come to France. The French love yelling and even crying at work and after the meeting they go out for lunch and are friends again. It is just that they love debating and they don't see it as something personal... but I (german) am still not used to it ;) Great video by the way :)


It is not true.. We talk bad about our companies all the time...but we never talk about it in front of other coworkers...😉


I'm with my company this year for 30 years.It is an American company!!!!
I don't agree, that people are yelling at you during a discussion. This is also in Germany not the way how discussions should be held. Especially not from a boss to his workers. This would be bad leadership. It can happen, but it is not ok.


About the heated discussions during meetings - the German word "Streitkultur" is used to describe such heated discussions that still stay professional and don't get personal. Done correctly can produce great results, because every participant's input has been made clear and all the others took those into account. Sometimes this also results in better communication because the (then former) participants know where each other stands, respect each other, and coordinate their work better, sometimes even becoming friends as well.


In germany, You Holiday, and work in-between those holidays/leaves


Our English teacher loves youu and we had to watch this Video by our own in our English lesson :)
Best regards to miss Staiger-Pannes


I have just become a qualified electrician and sorting out my Polish Passport to come to Germany. I am from South Africa and we are on the brink of a civil war and complete economic collapse. I hope I integrate well and find a reasonable job. Sehr danke fur deine information. Ganz liebe gruße aus Süd Afrika!


If someone asks me about the weather, I recommend a weather app, because that app will even give him that information, if I am not available.


Thanks for the nice video,
you are absolutely on point with your arguments and
also a big thank to you for that nice English, you are very good to understand, it is easy to follow your explanations, even for someone who didn't grow up with English as there mother language.
Happy Easter, have a day. 🐰


Depends on, in which area you work. E.g. in customer service centers (callcenters) the fluctuation of people is very high, also in restaurants, hotels etc. The thing is you often get only a contract for 1 year, and after this another for 1 year or less. But after these 2 years they have to give you a permanent contract, because this is mandated from German law.


I've dated a Canadian Girl for almost 5 years and I personally believe you nailed it 100% - each point. So this Video is probably very helpful to everyone who effects it.


Frohe Ostern! Happy Easter! 🐣 🐰 Would love to hear your experiences while working at a German company :) What are some culture shocks or things that surprise you?


So helpful and honest! Loved this video. Thanks 😊


If all work environments in germany would be open minded, focused on the person, and allow for the individual to exist, that would be awesome. Most aren't though. If you're lucky enough to have a job you can enjoy, and you're in a bubble, because your friends have the same luck, it surely feels like it is a german thing. But if you go to your local supermarket and ask the cashier how many fucks his/her employer give about their workers, the answer will be "move along I don't have time to answer such questions, my boss wants me to fill the quota" (translation: 0 fucks)
If you have a job where the employer must compete for the best employees, or is generally involving creative work, you will probably find a relaxed work environment. If you have a job which involves simple routine tasks, you're treated like a bot, because you're replaced faster, and cheaper, than any machine.


Love the small talk and bluntness or lack thereof


Very informative!!
Very professional 😍😍👍 when you do this video!!
Appreciate your efforts 🙏💓🙏😊!!


I’m Canadian too and have worked in Germany for around 30 years. I agree with most things you say and most of them can be applied beyond the workplace too. “Discussions” is one of my pet peeves. Having a normal discussion is fine. When differences of opinion occur, this can lead to the heated debate you described. This can happen anywhere and is not restricted to just work. There is a German word “ausdiskutieren” which means basically “to talk something out”, but it goes a bit further than discussing then agreeing to disagree. The more heated the discussion and the more emotional it gets. It becomes an act of trying to convince someone to change their mind. It can be exhausting at times - even after 30 in business. I find it often easier not to have an opinion, unless I know that I can prove my point. Survival strategies!


Fantastic Diana. What a information you made. God bless you.


Great video! I agree on everything you said. I think the reason why people also stay in a company for a long time is that every company does things differently. We are a little bit lazy to search for a new job and to adapt to the new standards of a new company. And if payment is okay and the colleagues are nice we like to stay there. Also the financial security is a big reason why we don't like to hop from one company to another and the reason that you have more rights (more vacation days, higher payment etc.) after you have been in a company for a longer time. Everything else you mentioned is based on culture and tradition which is very important to Germans :)
