C++ Debugging for the ESP32 in Visual Studio
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Dave shows you everything you need to know to get up and running quickly with source-level C/C++ debugging on the Arduino platform using an ESP32 chip. Access call stacks, breakpoints, local variables, watches, and more.
[My bad for calling it 'Zadiag' in the video - whoops!]
[My bad for calling it 'Zadiag' in the video - whoops!]
C++ Debugging for the ESP32 in Visual Studio
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you need to stop using print debugging (do THIS instead)
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456 Hassle-Free ESP32 USB (ESP32-C3, ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3)
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#224 🛑 STOP using Serial.print in your Arduino code! THIS is better.
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GDB is REALLY easy! Find Bugs in Your Code with Only A Few Commands
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