Will the #Antichrist be Revealed Before or After the #Rapture?

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The Day of Deception in 2nd Thessalonians Chapter Two
In 2nd Thessalonians, Paul continues to develop the theme of the day of the Lord (deception rf. Mat.22:8-14), but always keeping in mind that it does not relate to members of the church (review 1Th.5:3-11).
1. The comfort of the rapture, 2Thes 2:1-2
The “coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him” (v.1) is a reference back to 1Th.4:13-18 and speaks of the rapture of the church. It is this doctrine that will bring stability to believers going through trials. The phrase “soon shaken in mind or troubled” (v.2) speaks of the condition of those who deny the rapture. The words imply an instability of life resulting from inner agitation or anxiety. This is the very condition of those who claim we are now in the tribulation period. Trials and afflictions are a normal part of history and of life. The tribulation is an entirely different matter.
Note: It is “the day of the Lord” that is in view here. This is proved by the fact that the most ancient manuscripts have “day of the Lord” not “day of Christ”. That this is the most accurate translation is proved also by the context. Paul does not need to go into great detail here, as he had already instructed them with regard to “the times and the seasons” (1Th.5:1), a reference to different dispensations in God’s plan. The “day of Christ” is a reference to the rapture of the church. The “day of the Lord” begins with the tribulation period (Isa.13:6-13) and ends with the creation of a new heaven and earth (2Pe.3:10; Rev.20:7-21:1-5).
2. The coming of antichrist, v.3-5
There are two forms of deception in view in these verses. The first speaks of the danger of Christians being deceived into thinking that they are in the tribulation period (v.3). The second refers to those who will be deceived by antichrist (v.4-12). Two major events must precede the coming of “that Day”.
A. There must come a “falling away”. The basic meaning of the word used here simply means “to depart”, and of fifteen uses in the N.T., 11 times this is how it is translated. Since Paul uses the definite article with the word, it should be translated “the departure”, referring back to “our gathering together to Him” (v.1, 1Th.4:13-18). It may come as a surprise to many that this is how it was translated by William Tyndale (1526), Coverdale (1539), the Geneva Bible (1557) and Beza (1565).
B. After “the departure”, will come the revelation of antichrist, the man of sin and the son of perdition. This order is the only interpretation that matches Daniels prophecy (Dan.9:24-27), the historical outline given by Jesus (Mat.24:4-31), the revelation of the mystery as given by Paul (Eph.1:9-14; 3:1-12) and the divinely inspired outline of the book of Revelation (Rev.1:19; Ch.2-6).
C. Since antichrist will fulfill the prophecy of “the abomination of desolation” (v.4; Dan.9:27; 11:36-39; 12:11; Mat.24:15), and take his stand in the temple of God, it requires that the temple in Jerusalem be rebuilt, and Jewish sacrifices reinstituted, before this can take place. This event will occur in the middle of the tribulation period (Rev.13:6-8).

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Praying for all of the people who have not believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. God is not willing that any be lost. He is offering you the way, the truth and the life…Jesus…. He is the only door to the Father, forgiveness of sins, and salvation to eternal life…abundant life. What’s there not to love about the kindness of the Lord. Pray for God to show you He real.


Thank you for explaining the LORDS plan very clear. Jesus is coming soon.


thank you sir for a wonderful teaching.... now i fully understand AND what to learn EVERYTING christ and the bible says and how we should live to become worthy


The Christian’s life should be characterized by inner peace.


Never heard that being taught to be the rapture. Very Interesting.


Deception is the greatest danger to Christians.


The Apostle John cleared all this up for us if we will just go read it. "And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold." (Rev. 4:4 KJV) How do we know who these 24 Elders are? They tell us themselves in Rev. 5:9-10...."And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth." Note the collective pronouns, "us" and "we". There will be NO ONE in heaven singing of having been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb other than His church. And it's not until Chapter 6 that our Lord rises, takes the title deed to the earth, and begins to break the seals, ushering in the 7 years of Jacob's Trouble.


Answer lines up with Daniel 9 and Matthew 24


2 Thessalonians 2: 3 says it all; That day (the rapture, .) will NOT come until the falling away and the man of sin is reveled; And Jesus said AFTER THE TRIBULATION OF THOSE DAYS!!! then they will see the son of man on the clouds with power and great glory


If one is filled with the Holy Spirit... The restrainer....we/the Holy Spirit has to leave before the antichrist be totally free to cause havoc.


Could you please tell me the name of the Pastor, so that I may look for more of his sermons? Is this Gene Cunningham? Thank you.


A falling away first then the man of sin is revealed then the end will come 2 Thessalonians 2:3


I'm ready to die for my Jesus Christ! I am not afraid! I only Jesus Christ as the True Messiah! I will die for Christ name sake! Remember some of us will be taken in capture! Some of us will die if the false Messiah force us to worship the Beast the man of lawlessness! Son of perdition is the devil this Messiah! I don't care if they cut my head off! I want to be with my Jesus at any cost! Y'all repent so that Jesus will save us, He will rapture His people who make up the body of Christ which is the Church! The believer's in Christ!


why does the antichrist persecute the saints?
