San Francisco is the WORST CITY & I'll never move back

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I knew I had to make this video eventually, but I put it off as long as I could.


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"If you're going to San Francisco, be sure to wear a gas mask on your face."


"If you're going to San Francisco, Better make sure you've had you're shots"


1. Over priced....everything!!
2. Expensive housing for shitty living conditions or spaces.
3. Homeless people everywhere.
4. The streets smell like piss and garbage.
5. Looks like a smaller version of New York City
6. Places like the Mission district and Haight were fun places to visit. Now it's all full of yuppies and expensive stores. Haight Ashbury was Hippie central not college kid metropolis....think of Berkeley (if you're from the Bay or have ever visited there).


When I was a kid, SF was a swanky, elegant town. Twenty years later, visiting SF, I was followed down the street by a bum. The place had changed radically to a dumping ground for gays, homeless, & leftover hippies.


When I visited San Francisco in 1986, I saw a human turd on a park bench. When I went back two weeks ago, it was still there.


The South Park crew must have had similar experiences, they rip that place to shreds regularly.


I’m a former San Franciscan and I noticed a big change in the city after the 2008-2009 financial crisis. Although there are obviously a fair number of rich people, the struggling majority seemed to become more desperately poor after the crisis. This is probably due to to a slowdown in spending and tourism, combined with rising unemployment. Many people began to resort to prostitution and drugs. Yes homelessness increased, but also there was more graffiti, more trash on the streets, less law enforcement, and a surprising rise in drug dealing and prostitution inside of legitimate businesses.


San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley...Proud sponsors of the Oppression & Victim Olympics.


I was recently there. It really is amazing geographically. The trees, the bay, the hills and beaches....but yeah, some of the stenches are unearthly, very dirty and you can really feel the oppression of the insane cost of living. Too bad the lost boy b’s have so much influence. It’s pretty interesting in that if you even go back to the 60s there seemed to be this a-b dichotomy. The Grateful Dead and the merry pranksters were much more your A types, fun free spirited artists but then you had the college radicals and left wing terrorist groups. Kesey and Garcia both were anti political because they saw the left and right as just mirror reflections of each other.


If you don't like the scum slum nasty things in S.F., don't even bother going to Santa Cruz, especially the Beach and Boardwalk. The of my daughter's friends in separate incidents at different times went there for a day of family fun, but they almost ended up disastrous! They went into the restroom with their small daughters who were 4-7 years of age, the daughters got done first and went outside to wait; while waiting, a young Hispanic woman came up to them, and TRIED TO TAKE THEM AWAY!! In each incident, the mother came out and stopped it; also in each incident Boardwalk Security was called, they did NOTHING, so Santa Cruz PD was called. All refused to do anything; even though there are hundreds of cameras, THEY ALL REFUSED TO DO ANYTHING!!!! HOW LONG UNTIL A LITTLE GIRL IS KIDNAPPED!? WELL THEY EVEN BOTHER, OR SWEEP IT UNDER THE RUG??!! HOW MANY MORE HAS THIS HAPPENED TO?!


I go to art school in SF (lol) and I've got to say it is bizarre. Most of the American students of a radical/activist bent are emotionally unstable and produce mediocre, propagandistic art. Even those who maybe aren't radical seem unstable in a way that's hard to describe, and because most if not all come from well off backgrounds (art school is expensive), have an air of traumatized privilege. Then you have a vast contingent of Chinese and Korean foreign students who basically exist in parallel to the local milieu, doing their own thing; I'm guessing the tuition provided by these foreign students keeps the lights on and school doors open, because I can't see how such a small student body sustains the university otherwise. Suffice it to say, these factors nake for a strange environment, one i would only recommend for the most determined and self-directing art student.


I understand exactly what you're saying. I moved to San Francisco to try to start my music career. I'm an independent straight white guy. I too learned to try to keep my mouth shut. sSet up my little recording studio and went out playing my guitar everyday for 5 years. I got labeled as a racist and decided to get the hell out of there cuz I could see what it really is about. that was in 2007 when I left. I'll never go back.


When visiting SF in July 2003 to shoot photos for a book project, I was stunned to see all the signs extolling the virtue of giving coin to beggars ("Jesus gave money to poor people in Galilee" and "St. Francis My take-away was that the city had NO interest whatsoever in addressing their "homeless problem" (a.k.a. "bum infestation") but would rather encourage the tourists to deal with it and finance those parasites. While photographing the crowds waiting for their turn at the cable cars near the BART station, some crazy homeless lady started screaming at me to give her money, to which I politely yelled back, "Get lost, I'm working! Why don't you give THAT a try?!?" Strangely, no one in that epic crowd took her side.


George Harrison visited in the early 1970s. He thought he would discover an artist, crafting, cultural Mecca. Instead he found San Fransicko .


I grew up in Sacramento and enjoyed the weekend trips to The City, but was always glad to leave. Then, when the prices started going up in "Frisco", the residents who left migrated into Sac Town, so of course prices went up. Fast forward to me moving to Utah and guess what....they're coming. Probably because Adobe and other tech companies are building up "Silicone Slopes". I just hope they don't try to "Californicating" Utah.


Lived in the City in the late 90’s attending university. Moved back to SoCal and never looked back. I’ve been telling people for years: “It looks nice on a postcard but you don’t wanna live there!”


Pity there are so many historical sites, museums, and art galleries (not all of which are shit) there.


I lived in SF most of my life. Once I did the landlord buyout thing, I was done with SF. I was not really liking the way SF changed. The cost of housing is so high, it seems like people are even more stressed out. I could not take the housing stress, so I moved to So. Cal. I miss some of my old friends but I do not really miss SF.


I'm a native to the city, South San Francisco to be exact ( San Mateo Co.) but I have worked, resided, & hung out within the city limits for a lot of my life


Dude!!! Oakland here. You are COMPLETELY RIGHT! I never felt like I fit SF was my home. When I landed in Oakland, BOOM! I knew it was my home. Then, I slowly turned into a queer gender SJW... I stopped growing, having goals, working hard etc... I just wanted the world to take me as I am! Here I am! I am done! Take me and give me money! I was very vocal on people being PC. I was triggered left and right. I was triggered so easily that when people said I was sensitive, I WOULD GET TRIGGERED! Hahaha! In a skirt, I was this tough, smart, ex military, queer gender with the best poetry. Now that I disagree with some of their ideals, I am an idiot and brain washed from YouTube... It is channels like you brother, that helped me become a GGTOW. You nailed it with the difference between Oakland and SF. Also, I ignored politics and was part of the hive mind. Gay = Democrat. Now, I am happy with making my own political beliefs and votes :) Great video bud!
