BEYONCE revelation from @jackiehillperrychannel is wild🤯😮‼️ #beyonce #christian #witchcraft

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Delve into the discussion on why some Christians choose not to listen to Beyoncé. Uncover diverse perspectives, exploring the definitive stance on media discernment within the Christian context. Join us as we navigate the intersection of faith and popular culture. 🎶🚫 #FaithChoices #MediaDiscernment #ChristianPerspectives
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Lord, if there's anything with evil intentions or orgins in my life, please expose them and help me get rid of it. Amen.


A prayer that never gets old:

”Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.“
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭139‬:‭23‬-‭24‬


I come from a Buddhist religion and recently started my walk with God. I anointed my home for the first time and prayed to God to show me anything I needed to get rid of that I could be overlooking or desensitized to. At the end of my home anointing and cleansing I went into my daughter’s room to talk to her about praying. I saw a poster of an anime my daughter watched and at the bottom of the poster was the satanic pentagram. God is so good. He may not answer the moment you ask for it, but He will answer your prayers!!


It’s not just Beyoncé it’s everything in this world that we prioritize more than GOD, our work, house, money, cars, clothes, we are allowing IDOLATRY in us, may GOD give us all grace and mercy always


When I was in school I remember one of my teachers saying he threw out his entire record collection when he became saved. I was blown away by what he did how could he waste all that money and those amazing records. Years later when I dedicated my life to Jesus I took my entire collection of music cds and tossed it in a big trash bag. I thought back and said to myself “now I understand”


When I was a kid I used to wonder why my Grandmother used to say turn off that Devil Music!! Now that I am an adult and I have learned so much, I completely understand exactly what she was trying to teach me. I miss her so much!! ❤


Just this morning I was thinking of this . I used to wear a lot of evil eye bracelets for 2years & sage in my house to so say help protect me, protect my energy & expose my enemies, but the times of wearing it, I was always feeling stuck like my life was not moving in any directions! I would pray & pray & trusting God to protect me, save me & etc. nothing was happening, I was always angry & depressed..Then one day this year out the blue I decided to throw away every piece of evil eye bracelets & threw away the Sage & begin praying.. anyway to make a long story short.. within 2 weeks I moved into a new house🙌🏾🙌🏾 I wasn’t even looking for a house & BOOM..GOD IS GOOD yall.!! God said the reason u felt stuck before is because u was trying to serve 2 masters & “I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH & THE LIFE!” because u chose me I FAVORED u!!! Hallelujah Thank you JESUS ❤❤🙏🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾


I used to claim my identity being a self proclaimed “music junkie” I thought I was better than others for my taste in music. I collected records, band merchandise, went to tons of shows and concerts, and followed the lives of these musicians. I literally worshipped them. I actually even got tattoos to honor them. I then chose to become closer to God and one of the first things to go was my worship to music. I was always depressed in that music. He has delivered me from it. In fact I’m even going through tattoo removal just to show my dedication to this. Amen Lord.


Wow people are waking up everyday ! Thank God 🙏


Thank God that people waking up because they got demonic stuff right in their face in their house and their heart and in their soul and don't even know it thank God for being a revealer of Secrets




“Lord, if there any things that has evil intentions or origins in my life, please help me expose them and get rid of it”. Amen


Yes! Pray for discernment. Pray for clarity of mind to see whats poison, and what is food. Stay hungry for his word.


I heard her lyrics before that said “I charge my crystals in a full moon” That’s
divination. A few years ago before I read my Bible faithfully and realized what I was doing. I got sucked into tarot readings online and I would buy crystals because readers would tell the audience that they had healing abilities or could bring you love and riches, which they didn’t, but yeah I threw away the crystals and stopped watching tarot. Don’t have anything to do with that stuff. The devil and demons are all up and through cards and crystals.


I was told long ago by a very wise man: “the devil has a pleasant face”. He told me that because I questioned a painting of satan, shown as a handsome young man. The wise man said to me that if he showed this true form I would be repulsed and turned away. But a handsome man could slowly turn my head away from good and just. I was so young but those words hit me hard. Catch more flies with honey than vinegar……I will not be a fly caught in his web. The secular music and art deceives slowly until we accept it as “normal “.


I found that if a Beyonce song was on the radio, I had to turn it off. There is something (demonic) about her songs that physically and mentally wore me out. It stressed out.


PraiseGod ! He is so good, and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever ❤


My hubs and I were chatting one day and I said something about him being “infamous” at work because everyone knows him and loves him. He laughed and said, “I don’t think that word means what you think it means.”
I said it means you’re infinitely famous to which he laughed and said no. I looked it up to discover he was right but we both were like, “why did I think it meant that and why was I so sure?” He even agreed it sounded familiar but couldn’t place it.

A couple of days later, he told me he knew where I got that false definition! The movie “three amigos”!

We had a good laugh about it but let’s be real for a moment. We are so easily influenced by entertainment. I used to just listen to whatever music… I especially loved heavy metal… I didn’t pay attention to the lyrics (tho I could often sing along)… I didn’t pay attention to song titles, band names, etc.
But I started learning about some satanic things and when I first paid attention, I assumed they also didn’t realize what it really meant so I kept justifying listening to it… over time I realized they absolutely know and I noticed the less I listened to that sort of thing, the more I could focus on my relationship with Christ.

Everything will have an influence on us. We can’t get away from everything but we need to be mindful of it all and avoid what we can.


Been telling people about Beyonce for over 10 years now. THANK YOU for finally waking up!! Really and truly is not about hating Beyonce but instead realizing how her music is distorting your thoughts.
