Mormonism, Homosexuality, Parenting Tips & More (Patreon Q&A)

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What I like about The Perrys:
1) Ya'll are hilarious!
2) Ya'll are well-studied ("be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.", II Timothy 2:15)
3) Ya'll are wise ("he who wins souls is wise, Prov. 11:30b)

I am inspired 💗


Not yall roasting my name and question🤣 but thank yall. I asked this question in Glory Vegas but remember there was no wifi for the phone🤣. Thanks for answering "COUSINS" . YES eden and I as 1st born of 4 natural leaders🙏🏽


“Demons can write too, they got pencils too” 😂😂😂
Jackie I love you haha


I was a mormon; and when I found out how demonic it was I ran to Jesus of the Bible (Because the Mormon Jesus is not biblical) and How the Lord opened my eyes was amazing! I am so grateful that I have been delivered from religious and Occult spirits. Now I pray for other Mormons could have their eyes open.


Born and raised as a Mormon and stopped going to the church ever since I left to go to college (2017). When I was in high school “something” told me that I needed to seek another church. Long story short 6 years and baptized as a Christian later, god revealed to me his marvelous plan. That “something” was the Holy Spirit and it was a 6 year journey to get saved. God placed specific people in my life for this reason.
My family is still Mormon, majority of my friends are Mormon I pray for them.


I love the conversation that Preston had with the Mormon guy because I'm sure many others on that plane were listening to that conversation quietly and a seed was planted. 🤗


Being able to just discuss with a random stranger about the gospel is a grace I definitely need to be strengthened in me. We gotta preach this gospel, We really have to.


Extrovert here 🙋🏽‍♀️ My introverted husband literally asked me one time “are you uncomfortable with silence?” 😂😅

That one question taught me so much about myself & my insecurities. God has been teaching me the value of stillness & silence since then. 🙏🏽

Oh, and because hubby loves me he helps me out a lot in this. When we’re at a dinner table and a moment of awkward silence occurs, and he notices me itching to fill the void, he nudges me as if to gesture: it’s ok to let the moment breathe babe 😂😩😩


Part of the reasons why I like Jackie is because she has the gift of sarcasm😂😂


When Preston said that the LGBTQ+ question wasnt for him after he said all that bout the mormon rlly shows me how powerful each persons experience and past is important now to help pthers to Christ.


Love the discussion here on Mormonism. As a former Mormon myself, I think it’s really important to help Christians understand what Mormons believe so that we can better evangelize to them.

I have to say that the Mormon you had that conversation with, Preston, gave you some misinformation—likely not intentionally. Most Mormons don’t know their own doctrine or history very well. Myth, folklore, and personal interpretation pervade the LDS community.

I learned this first hand on my Mormon mission. Mormon missionaries aren’t just tasked with converting people to Mormonism. They also teach fellow Mormons in the congregation that they’re assigned to. There’s 2 reasons why this is done: 1. to help reactivate less active members of the congregation; 2. to ensure that all members of the congregation understand the fundamentals of the Mormon doctrine. However, in each case, it’s done under the guise that the missionaries are practicing for when they teach non-Mormons.

Missionaries go through rigorous training on Mormon doctrine and continue their studies daily—they’re up to snuff on their doctrine. Throughout my mission, I found that many actively practicing Mormons did not know the basics of their doctrine. From what I’ve observed, this is likely due to many hearing the information a handful of times throughout their life, misremembering, not studying their materials critically, and coming to their own conclusions and interpretations. It also doesn’t help that LDS leaders themselves have their own interpretations and doctrines and will disagree with one another. “Today’s revelation is tomorrow’s heresy, ” a phrase that is common from ex-Mormons who have observed this fracture in LDS leadership.

That being said, I’d like to correct the info that Mormon on the plane gave you. A summary of the misinformation:
- The Book of Mormon (BoM) was not translated in a day
- The BoM was not claimed to be written by an angel
- The reason why Mormons see the BoM as necessary
- Why Mormons believe God’s church was lost and needed restoring

In going over this, I hope it helps you understand Mormonism better and how to speak God’s word to what Mormons believe.

Let’s start with Joseph Smith. Joseph grew up during the second great awakening of Protestantism. It was a period of religious zeal, conversions in the hundreds, and tensions between different denominations.

According to what the LDS church teaches, at age 14, Joseph was confused about which church to join. Following the admonition given in James 1:5-6, he went into the woods and asked God to know which church was ‘true’. He claims that God and Jesus appeared to him in a pillar of light to answer his prayer. They told him that none of the denominations were true, that they were an abomination to God, and to join none of them.

Some time later, Joseph is visited several times by an angel named Moroni. Moroni told Joseph that there were gold plates buried nearby that contained ‘the fulness of the gospel’. Moroni told Joseph that at the right time, God would use Joseph to translate the plates so that the fulness of the gospel could be restored to the Earth. He then went on to quote several passages of the Bible (out of context) that foretold of this restoration. He also told Joseph that when he received the plates, he was not to show them to anyone.

At 17, Moroni lead Joseph to where the gold plates were buried. Joseph retrieved them along with a device called the Urim and Thummim which would allow Joseph to translate the plates.

The translation took 3 months. Joseph would sit on one side of a curtain with the plates and the Urim and Thummim and would read the translation aloud. On the other side of the curtain sat his scribe, Oliver Cowdery, who wrote down everything Joseph dictated.

During these 3 months, Joseph ‘learned’ about priesthood authority, which is essentially the authority to represent God, act in his name, and lead and administrate his church. Joseph claims that John the Baptist, Peter, James, and John all appeared to him and Oliver. They passed the priesthood authority on to them both, after which Joseph and Oliver baptized each other. Mormons claim that there is an unbroken line of priesthood authority beginning with Adam, passed down to the 12 apostles, passed on to Joseph and Oliver, and passed down to present day Mormons.

OK, let’s dig into some of the details I just covered.

In order for there to be a ‘restoration’ of God’s church, there had to be a falling away. Joseph taught that once the last apostle of Christ died, the authority to lead God’s church was lost. He goes on to say that the Christians from then on had no authority to teach or lead and that their doctrines and interpretations were corrupt. They refer to the period between the last apostle of Christ and Joseph Smith as The Great Apostasy.

Mormons also don’t grasp what’s taught in 1 Cor. 12:12-27 on the different parts of the church that make up the body of Christ. While Christian denominations can accept each other as valid members of the body due to shared core beliefs (the Trinity, the resurrection of Christ and salvation through him, the Bible being God’s word, etc), Mormons believe that a church must have the correct interpretation on all matters in order to be God’s church.

Along with that, they believe in the concept of ‘continuing revelation’ wherein God continues to appoint officials on his behalf to reveal his truth and will to the world. Therefore, if that official is on the Earth, then those who follow that official are obeying the Lord.

Additionally, Mormons see the Bible as insufficient to know all that God has for us to know. They believe that through its many interpretations over the centuries that the original meanings and truths were lost. This is part of the reason why they see need for the Book of Mormon which they refer to as Another Testament of Christ.

The LDS church asserts that the Book of Mormon is necessary for 2 reasons.
1. it gives a lens through which to properly interpret the Bible, thereby settling the debates between Christian denominations.
2. its authenticity proves that Joseph Smith is an actual prophet of God and further proof that God restored his church through Joseph.

I hope this clarifies the details of the Mormon church’s history and what they believe. There’s much more that could be said: other beliefs that have come out of Mormonism, the actual events of what happened with Joseph Smith as opposed to the LDS’s official accounts, and the mountain of evidence that stands against the validity of both the BoM and Joseph Smith’s claim to be a prophet.

I’ve been a Christian for 6 years now and explaining Mormonism to Christians is always an endeavor. Their theological language is similar to ours, there’s common misinformation about Mormons in the mainstream, and Mormons themselves are usually not reliable sources for explaining their own beliefs.

I hope this has been helpful to you. If you have questions about what I’ve written here or other aspects of Mormonism, I’d be happy to continue a dialogue with y’all!


I think silence can also be a trauma thing from childhood. I say this from personal experience because anytime my dad would be upset with me. He wouldn't talk to me. But when he talked to me he talked in great lengths and lectures. So I think that's why some people find silence hard because maybe that was a form of discipline or punishment.


The fact that y’all pay SO much attention to your children spiritually and naturally is MIND BLOWING!!!! I applaud y’all 👏🏽💙 Especially with what Preston said about his son. Not receiving adequate male affection and affirmation created a desire in me to reach out to men sexually to gain those things. Love y’all!! This is good!!💙💙💙


I especially loved the talk about the kiddos... After two years in prison I'm finally getting my daughter back in my life and now that my life is God centered I've definitely been contemplating what this version of motherhood will be like and what new roles I will have. This was very helpful. I am so excited for this long awaited journey to begin.


Wow the way you both beautifully articulated the characteristics/personalities of your Children has helped unlock something in me. I’m most definitely like Sage. I wish this was nurtured in me as a kid, rather than being looked upon negatively as being over sensitive.


Jackie's reaction to her husband and the way that he loves their son was the reaction y'all were wanting when Preston praises her face. What a sweet time, thank you for sharing everything you have with us


I don’t know why but when y’all spoke about sage my eyes FILLED with water. I relate to her and wish someone would’ve prayed that for me.


I don’t know if you actually read the comments, but I need to just let you know your content has been such a blessing to me. I was a witch for over a decade. I met Jesus and got saved. Obviously the Word of God is my strength and foundation, however I wanted to let you know that your content helps to strengthen my walk with Jesus. You have a true gift for explaining scripture in an easy to understand way. Thank you for what you do. Sincerely.


Through the miracle of technology, it is such a *privilege* to be able to get a glimpse into what God did for you two both as individuals but also as a couple and THEN to see how you both steward the gift of parenthood. To go on this (virtual) journey with you and your family has been such a beautiful testimony of what God can do when we make the decision to give him our lives. I remember when you the footage from when you 2 were just dating, and now look! Although I know that you experience trials and trouble like everyone else, please know that your lives are so beautiful, your family an inspiration and we are sooo grateful that you share some of that with us. Both of your teaching gifts are 🔥🔥. KEEP shining!!!🙏🏽❤


Mormons came to our house and we read their "testament" and compared verse to verse to the Bible, including the one Preston mentioned. All in love. They were just kids and I hope we were able to plant seeds. They kept coming back until they realized we were trying to convert them and were never going to cave.
