Which of the 16 Personalities are 'Late Bloomers'?

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Looking at the late (and early) bloomers of Myers-Briggs personalities.

Merchandise designed by the talented Maria Filar 🎨

The 16 Personalities of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are INFJ, INTJ, INFP, ISFP, INTP, ISTP, ISFJ, ISTJ, ENFP, ENTP, ESTP, ESFP, ENTJ, ESTJ, ENFJ, ESFJ

#16Personalities #16Types #MBTI #MyersBriggs #INFJ #INFP #INTJ #INTP #ENTP #ENFP
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INTPs really hitting with that “There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen.”


Time stamps:

0:30 — Speed Racers:
0:33 — ESTJ & ENTJ
0:50 — ISTJ
1:19 — ESFJ

1:46 — Planners:
2:03 — INTJ
2:32 — ISFJ
2:52 — ENFJ

3:12 — Eventuallys:
3:42 — ESTP
4:23 — ENFP
4:54 — ISTP
5:15 — ENTP
5:39 — INFJ

6:15 — The real late bloomers:
6:57 — ISFP & INFP
7:34 — ESFP
8:04 — INTP


As an INFP, I wanna be everything and follow every profession and study a lot and not miss out on anything . Then I get stressed and overwhelmed by how much I wanna do and how less planning I've done for it and then want to become a literal rock and do nothing.
P.S- Frank is such an amazing explainer. Gives bangers for sure!


INFP here. That was so true, about the INFP... If money wasn't needed to live, I would stop working immediately to travel the world, make art, try new things and help people on the way. Yep. Even if I found a job thanks to my passions, I hope that one day, this job won't be needed anymore, to fully concentrate on my passions and bloom. :)


As an infp I agree what Frank said I don't care about career plus studies and making plans for future stress me. I just want to be a rock. 😢


Middle-aged INTP here with a message for some of the young INTPs. It can be really frustrating and discouraging to not know what to do with yourself. I floundered around until my late 20s, jumping from one interest to the next. I then spent the next decade not knowing how to make a decent living off of everything I'd learned. It all started to come together in my mid-30s, and I'm now at a point where I managed to double my income in the past year alone. In my experience, the late blooming INTP is very real.

If I could give some advice (a hack, if you will), it would be to try to define yourself more by what you produce than what you consume. I really like music and gadgets, and my interest in these subjects defined me to some extent. I learned to work on gadgets. I learned to play instruments and compose with DAWs. At some point, I realized that the core subject that interested me was the manipulation of energy. Aside from making weird noise over beats, what I was doing when I was playing with FL Studio was automating a process. This led me to being interested in automation engineering, which turns out to be a modestly lucrative field with lots of demand.

tl;dr Follow your interests, but keep an open mind and try to find the intersection of those interests and profitability. Don't give up. I love you.


INFP = LATE BLOOMER 🌸 I’m 43 and just discovered my calling and career field. Took a long time to discover and lots of trials and errors! Also took about 7 other career field attempts 😂


INFP late bloomer here.👋🏾 I'm 48 and about to publish my first book in August.


Interesting and well explained! I have a friend who's INTP. She did this and that for years, married young, raised a family, went to school, followed various interests in unrelated areas, did projects, learned lots of things and then in her 50s figured out what she wanted to do for her real career. Got a masters and a doctorate, and in her 60s makes good money doing obscure but apparently satisfying things in a couple of government jobs. 🙂 I'm ISTP. I worked various technical fields from youth and became a jack of various trades and had adventures trying out different sketchy or wholesome things through the years, and always got by. Then in my 60s I became a homesteader type out on some land I bought, and am very happy with that. Did I ever bloom? Don't know and don't care. I think you described us both pretty well.


I love that you always find an interesting topic that always covers all 16 personality types.


INFP here, almost 30 and finally starting to "bloom"... But not because of lack of interests or work ethic. Unfortunately it's partly a health issue ("mild" chronic fatigue syndrom), but also because I have too many interests and was clueless about the business side of things. So I had a lot of projects, but couldn't market them. Now I am establishing myself as a freelance copywriter (writing ads, in my case, for eco-friendly/sustainable businesses), and the coaching helped me with the whole "focus and think like a business" thing. But even when I make a good income, I don't see myself tied down to one location or company forever. The health restrictions make work hours unpredictable, but even if I was healthy, I'd rather have the option to live where I want, with the community I feel connected to and where I can contribute, not be tied there due to work obligation. Funny how for other people it's the complete opposite. I used to kind of look down on people who were too habit-driven as "boring" but I now realize that a tree doesn't grow overnight and a building or school won't prosper unless there are people who care for it long-term. So we all are needed, the explorer, the artist but also the maintainer. That's the fun about the personalities


INFP, late bloomer here. 😍 very comforting to know my life choices weren’t so random, after all! thanks so much for this video, FJ!!


As an INTP this is true. My friends are already settled with nice career and jobs, getting married and I still want to pursue my higher degree.


INTJ's life goal: Accomplishing accomplishment


Infp here. I didn't bloom into what I would consider my fullest potential until after having my son. I was a geologist before that, which was good for money, but it definitely wasn't my true calling. I feel much more purposeful raising my son than processing water use permits (what I did as a geologist) 😂.


As an INTP, I was asked what I want to be when I'm older than I am right now, and I said exactly what you did while introducing "The Real Late Bloomers."
I find the concept of having an aim kind of boring, because there has to be more to life than just, say finding a river you like and canoeing on it for the rest of your days.
My response to the above mentioned question (further) was " I want to keep learning and learning as much as I can before I decide, _I can figure out the rest myself._ "
So yes, we might be late bloomers, but it's not just laziness or plain rebellion. We just find this idea of following the same path forever an illogical and impractical thing to do. Needless to mention, it's *BORING.*


As an INTP, I relate.
Over the course of my life, I have tried a lot of different things, and it's been good, but I do feel like I'm still figuring out where my life is headed. There are a lot of ideas brewing in my head, and some of them feel like they're getting closer and closer to forcing their way out into the world. Like a chest-burster, if you will.


As an Isfp/infp, who never did figure out what I wanted to do “when I grew up”, I was told by a probable INTJ cousin years back…”yah, well you launched, but you never landed”. Well, I’m over 70 now and I really don’t regret living in space.


As an INTP who "discovered" web development in my mid-thirties and have been doing it ever since, this sounds very familiar - though I definitely have some INFP leanings, based on these descriptions!


I'm an INFJ and I've thought about it like your "blooming stage" is like building a puzzle, and you "bloom" when the picture is finished.
When you build a puzzle you often have a picture that shows you what the puzzle will look like when it's finished, you just need to put the pieces together.

And some people have all the pieces immediately and build their "puzzle" quickly and efficiently.
But for some people, they don't have all the pieces available, and they need to find them, or they don't have the "picture" of the puzzle ready, so they don't know what theyre building towards, or sometimes they don't know how Big the picture is, how many pieces do you need?

I feel like my journey has been like sort of knowing what the picture is, but not having all the pieces, and the pieces i DO have are upside down.
Like, I know I've wanted to help people, but I didn't know in What way. I've looked at teacher, but also psychologist, but I just couldn't find exactly what I was after. (that's the vague picture).
Then I've also not really known myself, so I've had to "discover the pieces" of my puzzle, and when I do find them, I haven't seen their "true" potential at first (the pieces are upside down).

Needless to say I've only "bloomed" recently. I started to feel like I have all the "pieces" when I was maybe 27, and it's only really in the past Year or so that I feel like my picture is coming together, and I turn 33 this summer.
But I still don't know if my "picture" is 100, 1000 or 100, 000 pieces "big". I feel like I'm still finding pieces or flipping new pieces to the right side.

Basically what I'm saying is, I'm in the procecss of Blooming, but I don't think I'm finished yet. 😅😅
Does anyone understand what I'm saying, and do you relate? even if you Don't I'd love to hear your perspective!
