ESP32 super simple setup with Arduino IDE

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*** Arduino core for the ESP32, ESP32-S2 and ESP32-C3 on github ***

*** Get link for Arduino preference from this Espressif webpage ***

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***We designed this circuit board for beginners!***


You've probably heard of the ESP32. It is a Wi-Fi and Bluetooth enabled micro controller that's really pretty cool. They're super affordable. Everybody seems to be using them. They've been around for a while. Great community built up around them. And what's even better is you can program 'em right inside the Arduino IDE. Now me, I've been using the ESP8266 for a long time. That's a Wi-Fi enabled chip also. It's kind of like, I don't know, the little brother of the ESP32. That's kind of one way to think about it. Anyway, what we're gonna do in this lesson is walk through getting the Arduino IDE set up for the ESP32.

All right, so let's go ahead and jump into this. We are setting up the Arduino IDE to use the ESP32. Now, everything I'm about to show you here is coming straight from the documentation. They've got a GitHub page where they've got the Arduino core here, and if you just follow the getting started guide over here, it's basically what I'm gonna be walking through. All right. So definitely make sure. We'll include the links to these two webpages in the description. But if you have any questions after watching this video, you know, ask in the comments. All right, so here we are in the Arduino IDE. And what we need to do is tell the Arduino IDE where to look for additional boards. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to preferences and in preferences, there's this place where it says Additional Board Manager URLs. Now you'll see I already have a URL in here, right? This is for the ESP8266, which I use a lot. So we need to add another URL. Basically the Arduino IDE is gonna go out and it's gonna pull down information about different ESP32 boards from this URL. Okay, so where do we get this URL? Well, it's on that page I was talking about. And they've got a stable release link and a development release link. I'm just gonna go with the stable one. Again, it's just a webpage. It's going to here. Let's stick it anyway. Let's see what happens when we just go here. All right. Okay, so check this out. This is what the Arduino IDE is gonna be pulling down. All right. It's just a bunch of


***About Us:***
This Arduino lesson was created by Programming Electronics Academy. We are an online education company who seeks to help people learn about electronics and programming through the ubiquitous Arduino development board.

***We have no affiliation whatsoever with Arduino LLC, other than we think they are cool.***
Рекомендации по теме

Hey thanks a lot, man. Straight to the point. Love it!


turned the sound on and follled simple instructions half way through...Genius.. Happy trails and hunting! Trying to build a dash cam!


Oh wow I've just ran outnof SRAM on my Uno! Perfect video. ESP are well priced while ST and others have sky high prices right now.


Great video especially for beginner's other start out saying its easy and by the time your 5 mins in its too complicated, your video is clean and easy to follow, Thanks


My serial port is not showing up, is there a fix for this. I am also using Mac.


Will you be doing more ESP32 stuff? It's a killer MCU. And lightening fast!


I am trying to load basic blink test sketch to my newly purchased ESP32-S2 TFT from adafruit, I am using PC, my computer is not able to recognize this board at all, I have heard on different forums this is common issue with PCs and Mac owners never have such an issus .

I tried different combination pushing & holding buttons and still not much of success. Am I ever going to be able to use any ESP32 controller with my PC ? my older ESP8266 is working flawlessly and have few of them been using them for past few years with no issues.

As always thanks for providing such a rich contents and straight to the point instructions .


Ii would appreciate a review of the code for LED timer. I anticipate using it for program speakers to keep track of time to end the meeting on time.


That board you are using is not an Adafruit ESP32-S2 - iIt's an Unexpected Maker FeatherS2, and the board definition you used is not correct for it. You need to use the UM FeatherS2 board file. If you don't use the UM FeatherS2 board definition, the flash size is wrong, the PSRAM is not enabled, and the pin definitions for stuff like I2C and SPI will be wrong. How do I know? Because it's my board I make and sell :) 

You also, only have to put it in download mode the first time you flash it, then it will appear as an UM FeatherS2 in the ports list.


Any plans to do any lessons on DIgi xbee ? or do you have any available...


How can I use the ESP32 without delay?
Can I use the millis function?


May i ask where u buy this circuit board?


I don't think it's as simple as being just a better esp8266. The esp32 is a dual core device and has a multi tasking executive included. This might be just what you want but it also means you are no longer directly in control of the running code. You need to be aware of the implications of this when planning your project. Stick with the esp8266 unless you specifically need the extra speed/features of the esp32.
