When this comment was made, Akali now lost:
- R1 Stun
- non-targeted R1
- Heal from her Q
- Shroud that can hide her from turrets
- Q being able to cast 2 times in a row (not anymore, will this be another problem?)
- A shroud that can last long enough at rank 1
- Permanent movement speed in her shroud
- Being able to increase the shroud's duration
"You're dead, I'm alive, see?Balance"
Still crying about this
2018: Akali is killing Yasuo and Ekko in the spotlight
2019: True Damage
That shroud looks 100% totally not cancerous and balanced
they should make a new spotlight introducing akali’s current state
Who's here after she got nerfed and ripoff half of her mechanics that is in this vid
This viseo should be edited every patch
This whole video is a meme on the league balance team
1:20 No she wont.
1:45 No it wont
2:25 No it cant
2:30 According to next patchnotes her R1 wont be a dash but a point and click
Nice champion.
As if turrets weren't useless enough...
*Thanks Riot!Half of those abilities have been removed!*
that shen arena looks sick, would be a great 1v1 map !
Watching this in 2020 and i wanna cry to be honest.
Vladimir: Tower diving is sooo easy when you can sink into the ground.
Kayn: Oh please, I can literally walk through walls.
Akali: Hold my Potion.
Riot: Yes, I think she needs another dash.
Really ironic that she believes that balance needs to be pushed
"I'm dead, you are alive. See? Balance"
Akali 2020
The only time it shows her dying is during a 1v4
This is actually an indirect buff to other champions such as: Zed, Talon, Zoe, Fiddlesticks, Irelia etc
...because now Akali will take up another 24/7 ban slot ( :
And 3 years later, half of her kit got changed.
No more energy restore on empowered attacks, no more heal on Q, her Twilight Shroud won't hide her under a turret, she can no longer mini-stun enemies with the first cast of ult, her ult is now a target-first before becoming a skillshot, and she now deals magic damage with both parts of her ult
It's so sad they had to change her up a ton cause she was just so broken