Fox Walk - How To Walk Silently Through The Woods

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Fox Walk - How To Walk Silently Through The Woods
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This video was made and produced in Austria.
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Me: *trying this*

Me: *my joint cracks*


I've always wondered how the Dead Silence perk works


I can use this technique to sneak out of my office to go home and nap during business hours.. :-)


You can tell this girl ruled at hide and go seek.


'Who knows? This could save my life one day!' I say to myself at 3am when I should be doing homework


After watching this video my Sneak went up by 10. Thanks!


Some of us (Old) archers have been hunting in socks for years . Old multiple layered socks are great, very quiet and disposable . We called it "Indian walking" back in the day . You have the technique down pretty good . Another trick in very dry areas, it the skitter method . You know you are going to make noise so you place your foot in a series of quick taps to imitate a squirrel or other animal . This was a very good video . ( Perfect your walk at night in the dark ) Learn to feel the forest floor !


Oh hey, I've kind of done this! I don't have a real need for stealth, but I really like walking as quietly as possible. Noise brings attention, and I avoid real human interaction at all costs.


This is pretty much what my grandpa taught me when I was a kid. I lived with him on a Cherokee reservation for a few years and he got me into the habit of walking like this so much that I've been unintentionally sneaking up on people pretty much my whole life. Walking like this works to move silently even when you're not in the woods. Obviously I don't lower myself when not trying to be quiet, but I everything else I still do on the regular.


Saving this for when hunger games becomes a real thing


Me and my friends play a game called Stalker and it's pretty much a game where there are two teams of two, one team is trying to survive as long as they can and the other has to capture them (grab or tackle) to win as fast as possible. We go all out, black outfits, going places during the day to memorize good ambush spots for Hunter team. Pretty fun.


“Gonna try to walk silently to see if I can spot wildlife”

*jumpcuts to ridiculously loud pantlegs sloshing against each other*


This got me 30 melee kills in airsoft, Thanks.


well its easy
step.1 Get a leaf blower
step.2 Blow away the leaves from your path
step.3 walk, run, do whatever you want without making a single noice


So I literally just tried this right now at 3:00 AM
In my hard wood floor home
With heavy duty military boots with a carbon safety toe.

After getting over the generally awkward position of kneeing down a bit and focusing all my weight into one foot whilst trying to accurately land the motions of my feet to follow your instruction, I did notice a significant reduction in noise generated. It was a slow pace from my room to my kitchen (no more than 15 feet at best) but that's clearly just because I've never done this before.
On my way back, the only noise generated by my steps was the creasing of the boots leather and a light "clack" as my boots touch the hardwood floor. HOWEVER, I actually managed to completely eliminate the clack by going in heel first, but sliding into the step rather than stepping. I slide my heel in, and when it touches the floor, gently bring my toe down.

Now of course, this is not a forest where sound travels a lot clearer and there's a lot of forest debris to step on, but I found the experience interesting anyways.


if you are doing this to avoid scaring animals, tuck your hand into your pits or your pockets. NO other critter but man walks with appendages flopping around. So critters notice that movement and are quite fearful of it.


In the finnish army we were taught a similar technique, but a faster one. Bend your knees, hold your weight on the backfoot, but then put your heel on the ground and "roll" over that foot so that your weight transfers from your heel to your entire foot and finally onto your toes. It's also silent, but once you've done it a bit you can move very fast, at almost a jogging speed.


Maybe im a bit of a freak but i practice walking silently in all my daily walking. (I like in a city btw) its a great way to increase the exercise potential of walking without having to walk alarmingly fast. Also up and down stairs, it looks like youre on an escalator.


*Learns Technique*
*Becomes a Ninja*


Much easier to be quiet in the damp woods. It's the dry leaves that make it harder. Crunch-o-matic walking to me no matter how hard I try to be quiet. lol
