Airpod Max’s are good

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Airpod Max’s are good. But they are TERRIBLE value.

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The fact I got a ps5 for $50 less than lose really puts it into perspective

How does it say 33 comments I only see four


As someone with 20$ headphones I can confirm that 90% of the the sound ain't even workin 🗣️. (But I am laughing because I done saved myself 530$)


550$ is audiophile territory, ain't no way i am gonna spend that much money just for the apple logo. Might as well get myself some sennheissers and an amp for that price.
I can go with something cheaper if i wnt active noise cancellation or something for outside.


You're not paying 550$ for the audio, you're paying for the Apple logo


XM5's are just OBJECTIVELY better! Better battery, better noise cancellation, much better sound profile, the ability to customize said sound profile, a button to TURN THEM OFF! A better case, the list goes on! The only thing the maxes do better is the transparency mode, but that's a niche feature as it is!


For $550 it better mute traffic, amplify bird chirps, and let me hear what the girls at the back of the class are saying


As someone who uses off brand earbuds, I cannot speak on this.


these literally cost more than my laptop and my monitor together 💀💀💀💀💀💀


I own a pair of Pioneer SE-L40 open air headphones from 1972. These cans blow any other I've heard out of the water. They're open air design means that bass is not super boomy; instead, bass sounds very crisp and clean. They're amazing.


Still with my SONY XM3's and got them on release and the NC still hits like nothing else.


550 for a headphones, 350 for a switch. It's a no brainer


I’m not super into tech aside from a passive interest, but I have severe sensory issues and need headphones to function in my day to day. My favorites are my Bose NC 700s. I love the noise canceling and I like adjusting them to less when I need to hear (they work great for when I’m playing banjo or ukulele) and I think the sound quality is really nice. But the biggest thing for me is that they filter the sound around me, which makes existing in such a loud world a lot easier


If you’re really gonna spend hundreds of dollars, I recommend the Bose QC over-ear headphones. (Disclaimer: These are the only ones I’ve ever really owned but they’re very reliable and so far I’ve gotten them wet, dirty, etc, and they still hold up. They also sit around my ears rather than on top so my ears aren’t sore after I wear them. I keep them at half volume and it’s pretty good, they go pretty loud and you can hear them when you wear them around your neck.)


Might get hate for this because it doesn’t follow the narrative, but I own several pairs of high end headphones, studio monitors, beyerdynamics, and the xm5s he showed in the video. The AirPod maxes sound great. Not as good as wired audiophile headphones to a dac and eq’d how you’d like, but for wireless headphones, they are among the best, especially when it comes to ANC and ESPECIALLY transparency mode. It sounds like you’re not wearing headphones at all, and I can’t say the same about anything else I’ve tried. Are they overpriced, sure. But saying they’re only good if you have no point of reference is majorly false imo.


Lmao the thumbnail of the short makes it look like you're wearing them in the amazon listing 😂


I own both Sony WH100XM4’s and AirPod Max’s. Here’s my advice: if you want a balanced EQ the AirPod Max’s may be worth it to you, they sound so much more balanced than any other headphones. If you don’t know what that means or you just want bass, buy the XM5’s or similar headphones.

Edit: Also, if you own an Android don’t buy the AirPods obviously BUT nice third party headphones sound worse on iPhones than they do on android during to being tuned for LDAC as opposed to AAC.


Nah those headphones cost as much as much as my gaming pc 💀


You're not paying for the brand, you're paying for the fact that they have fabric pads which don't make you sweat and stick to them. I have those Sonys and it gets uncomfortable and sweaty within minutes. Crazy how Apple was the only brand to realize that having sticky unbreathable material against your skin is not a good idea.


Try Anker’s Soundcore Q45. Amazing Sound quality and amazing ANC


I tried AirPod Max`s, XM5`s and Momentum 4s in Stores, they all sounded great but I found the Momentum 4s more comfortable/customizable than the other two, so I went for those
