They Found a Frozen Girl But What Happened Next Shocked Everyone

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Have you ever heard a story and thought, “No way is that actually possible!” Well, some people have lived through the most impossible and extreme situations that it’s kinda hard to wrap your head around it! Take, for instance, the story of Jean Hilliard. This 19-year-old woman was found frozen solid, and (get this) she managed to survive!

#frozengirl #JeanHilliard #shockingstory

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- Jean Hilliard was found frozen solid and rushed her to the hospital. Her skin was completely frozen, her eyes weren’t reacting to any light, but she was alive! Her pulse was only 12 beats per minute, and her body temperature was just 88°F.
- When explosives used to clear the way to build a railroad went off early, a huge iron rod was sent right through Gage’s head! He didn’t even seem phased by the whole thing! He casually chatted with people who walked passed him while waiting for the doctor to arrive.
- The next story is about a few friends who were all relaxing in a hammock. When hey went back in the house, a huge branch snapped and fell on the hammock in the exact spot where they would’ve been lying!
- The pilot didn’t strap Gursky properly to the glider. The man did fall, but he grabbed onto the pole and the pilot’s shoulder just in time to catch himself. Gursky had to hold on to dear life with all his strength for a whole 3 minutes before the pilot could attempt to land safely.
- Have you ever heard the saying “lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice”? I guess it’s still true, but nobody said anything about it striking the same person twice…or even 7 times!
- A man named Joe Simpson was climbing in the Peruvian Andes. Something went horribly wrong and Simpson broke his leg. It took him four days to make the journey. He wrote a book about his experience, and that then became the 2003 movie.

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Hey there guys! Which do you prefer: exteme cold or unbearable heat?


If you're reading this, you're beautiful. And dont ever forget that.


A girl on our school is standing under a tree when suddenly a large branch fall just on front of her. Luckily, she didn't have any injuries.


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Edit: I know that no one will believe this but It was one of the most amazing/scary experiences I’ve had in my life.


I can't believe I'm surviving school🤣


Here is my story!

It’s a miracle that we are all on this planet. Like what are the odds.


I know a story of survival it happened to
My family’s flight to Nigeria was delayed for a day we waited in the airport hotel and went in the morning. 30 mins before landing the plane landed it started to move from left to right like crazy every one was screaming and crying I was terrified so I started to pray to god 15 mins later the plane was under control then landed every one was so happy. I didn’t think much of it after a month or on the news a plane crashed and the recreation video the plane moved the same way mine did and crashed, then that’s when I cried tears of happiness, I was so lucky I was to close to death but survived am happy I lived to tell this story...

Btw I am only ten when this happens


A brown reckloose spider saved my life
(Edit) a tree fell on my tent but the spider was in it right before. So I screamed, got out, then a tree fell on it


This came up on my phone and i was like: OMG. 1:29 But she lost her toes looking at my feet right now, thank god I still have mine...


Starting: why would I waste my 8 minutes
After watching: Why did this end

Edit : Thanks for the likes


Me: talking to myself: how could that guy lose a brain

Me: talking to my self again: what if I lose my brain

Me: Re-thinking... wait I don't have a brain


I had a miracle too..

*i stubbed my pinky toe*


A young girl when I was living home growing up was trapped underwater for 45 minutes and they were able to revive her with no brain damage


I have a gosh darn real survival story to tell.... so I was abt 7 and I was swimming pretty deep in the Atlantic Ocean in Montauk, then I slipped and fell on a slant underwater but I couldn’t get back up cause a giant wave kept pushing me down, luckily I can hold my breath for 1 min and 45 sec or I would’ve died for sure. I got my foot stuck underwater and pulled it out, and got up, but I was injured and couldn’t swim, but then a miracle happened . The ocean pushed me back onto the sand and I survived! That’s how I broke my ankle! (~_~) I’m still grateful to this very day.


My dad was in a restaurant sitting and waiting for food, so my aunt told him to get water.. Suddenly as soon as he went to get water the air conditioner fell off the same spot my father were and tottaly crashed the chair and the table


I have survived a MIRACLE!

1 month without WiFi!😖


*Elevator Door* : _Let's just say I didn't see it_


I'm so happy for these people who survived such dangerous painful moments and are now living happily again as if that thing never happend to them 🤧🥰🥺❤️


This is one of my real stories that happened to me. So I was just riding my bike down the road, keep in mind I had no brakes and I was only 8, then I saw a truck driving on the intersection of the road, I tried to stop but I couldn’t on time. The truck and I rammed into each other and I went flying back! All I came out of all that was a swollen thumb and a few scratches, no blood, no bruises, and no broken limbs!!!! Not even a headache!!!


I have a story:
A group of people in India tried to climb the Mt Everest. They almost reached the top when one guy started to have everything breathing problems. The person who was leading carried that person on his shoulders and continued to climb. But the problem grew bigger. So they decided to go to the closest hospital. Two people from the group travelled 6 miles to get a car. But finally they took him to the hospital and the man survived with no injuries.
