SoundLab - 19' Z3 Rock Crash

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Welcome to Zildjian Sound Lab Videos. In this installment we talk about and play the 19" Z3 Rock Crash with Paul Francis. He plays the cymbal and talks about Power, Projection, and Playability of the Zildjian's Z3.

Here's a transcript of the video:

Paul Francis: Welcome to the Zildjian Sound Lab video. Today we're going to talk about the Z3 series. Back in 2009 a whole new series of Z's were introduced. We call them Z3 because it's the third rendition of the Z series. This series took over two years to develop.

The reason that we redeveloped the line again was because a lot of our heavier players had been coming to us and mentioning how they like the give and the sparkle of our A Custom series, but like the power and projection of our Z Series, and if we could combine that. So through two years of experimenting with different hammerings and lathings and finishes, we finally came out with this rendition.

The cymbal is buffed to a high gloss finish. Most of the cymbals have larger than normal bells for greater cut and projections. They're lathed like an A, and they're hammered in such a way so the cymbals have some give, but they retain their power and projection.

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