Ask Andrew - Can homosexuals be saved?

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Ask Andrew - Andrew answers specific questions from partners and online viewers. Get insights and truths from Bible teacher Andrew Wommack.

In this video Andrew addresses the question: Can homosexuals be saved?

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Andrew Wommack Ministries

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I'm bisexual before but when I met Jesus he set me free from lies I found my true identity in him glory to God.


"It's not love the stes people free. But truth said in love will set them free."


Yes though a homosexual can be a Christian, one cannot remain an active homosexual while claiming to be a follower of Jesus Christ. I turned away from lesbianism in 1991....when I wholeheartedly accepted Christ as my very personal Savior. I had been imprisoned to the behavior for 15 years. I have since devoted my life in Christ to encouraging others, especially gays and lesbians, to come to know Him through the sharing of my testimony in whatever venue God places before me.


Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved! (Romans 10:13)


This was an excellent message. Spoken in truth and honesty. God Bless you !


I lived a bisexual lifestyle for years. Jesus saved me. Thank you Jesus


I love these Ask Andrew videos!! <3


It can be difficult for people to imagine God's amazing grace because we think of Him as a person. God is not a person, God is love. His perfect love hates sin that hurts His creation and anything outside of His perfect design and will can and will hurt us. I have a friend who is a Christian but believes same sex attraction is OK with God. I asked her why then aren't same sex relationships celebrated or spoken of in a positive way in the bible. She had no answer so I suspect she hasn't read the bible cover to cover. Speak God's truth with love.
Great Q and A


Yes!!!! I could leap for joy!!! I get attacked for standing on the truth in love as a wishy washy christian. That is, until they see me do it!!! All glory for to God for He is mighty to save and is my deliverer!


How could anyone take issue with this man and the way he addressed this? I’m homosexual and of the faith, and I applaud this man.


How do you know for sure? God's grace is huge. We all are in trouble if we ever go beyond it. But there is no beginning or end of it that any of us have measured.


Say I’m a Christian and I believe in Christ’s resurrection, but I’m addicted to something very sinful, after doing said addiction, I feel terrible, and I hate knowing I’m gonna do it again. Will I still go to heaven? I feel like I’m taking advantage of Gods forgiveness..


The statement that hit the mark with me was: King David, Saul and John the Baptist where all sinners before their calling by God .This will rock the socks of some my people in my ministry. They where all murderers!!!!


At the end all amounts to who do you love the most, God or yourself?.If you love God above all thinks (to love Jesus is to deny yourself and trust God) you will do his will but if you love yourself above all thinks you will do the thinks that make you happy (love, all types of pleasure, leisure, ect) and make you contempt.When you set your self esteem and self centered attitude/goal higher than your love for God then you make a bridge (spiritual bridge) between you and God.God wants to have an intimate spiritual relation with us, he wants to be 100% a part of our lives and decisions so he could help us make the right ones in all parts of our lives.We weren't made for the purpose of self exaltation and for the purpose of seeking a happy and enjoyable live on this earth.

We were made for the purpose of sharing God's kingdom, love and friendship with God. Adam was considered God's friend, he spoke to God on a one to one basis, and to worship God in spirit and in truth we must reach that relationship through Christ.If we understand that reality we will want to reconnect with God and reestablish that intimate relationship we were meant to have from the beginning of creation but to reestablish that relationship we must accept God's terms and conditions (it was man who rebelled against God and disobeyed God not the other way around).The starting point is accepting by faith his grace through Jesus atonement in the cross.When we do that our sinful carnal nature is buried with Christ and our spiritual nature is risen with our Lord and Savior in his resurrection.That's exactly what Saint Paul meant when he was describing different sins that people do (homosexuals, effeminate, murderers, idolaters, ect) then he goes on saying that some of them were like that but by the grace of God they were transformed..

If you are struggling with homosexuality, pornography or any other sexual sin but you allow Jesus, The Holy Spirit and The Father to enter your live and break the chains that have you under submission and imprisoned you will never be alone and an outcast from God's Kingdom!.Take my word for it, I once WAS an outcast from God's kingdom but by the grace and mercy of God I am NOW counted among His children!.ALLELUIA, glory be to the ALL MIGHTY GOD AND HIS HOLY SON JESUS CHRIST WHO SET ME FREE FROM THE BONDAGE OF


Very well delivered message brother Andrew 😊


Christ is our hope of salvation. There are no conditions on hope.


Amen! I left homosexuality 16 years ago through Christ. I repented, turned away from it and believe in Christ for salvation. 1 Cor 6:11. Thank you for preaching Christ and the atonement on the cross, rather than the law like Stephen Anderson.


Bible says confess and forsake your sin then you will have mercy.


Amen, great words from brother Andrew Wommack!


lol of course Jesus even died for fat people and gamblers, gossipers, He even died for the christians who drive past people in need! come on man He died for all of us☺
