The 19th Amendment is overrated #shorts #justpearlythings

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The Fallen State is a weekly TV talk show hosted by Jesse Lee Peterson. The program examines human nature and relationships in an honest and open manner and goes places that no other show dares to go in pursuit of Truth and enlightenment. Tune in on FRIDAYS at 12 Noon Pacific Time / 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time to catch our Premieres!

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I make bomb sandwiches. I’ll be in the kitchen.


No one cares about sex or gender but the person down the street that doesn't own anything or work for a living maybe should not be voting. pay taxes.


I am a man and I've been saying that all my life. Been working as welder fitter since i was 17 I'm 62 I'm sure theres a lady welder out there somewhere that can do the work. I do.... but i never met her


I work blue collar. The women make the same hourly pay that I make. They are not required to do the heavy jobs. Employers team leaders, supervisors tell me those are mens jobs. I am 56 years old I have been working and paying into social security for 40 years. I work with women every day they do the light work i do the heavy work for the same pay. Im a feminist and tired of the double standard


freedom without the responsibility...

men & women aren't equal until we do the equal work...

what a concept


This a very interesting perspective that I never really thought of... Very thought provoking.


I think Pearl meant to say "Its Privilege without responsibility", not freedom.


Draft is for women and men in my country


Honestly, most humans who vote enjoy the "freedom" to vote without the responsibility of doing so as an informed voter. I think voting should be an earned privilege so we can remove a good majority of idiots from the equation that currently puts the worst people in positions of power. Smarter voters will naturally transform our ever increasingly oppressive bureaucracy into a smaller, more efficient, less corporatized, less tax gluttonous, more constitutionally oriented government, in my opinion.


People say she’s a grifter, but what she says is true, no matter what feelings are hurt.


If you identify as a woman can you not sign up for the selective service?


But women do other things like take most of the child care responsibilities surely that earns us the right to vote


I’ll have to find this complete interview. I admire both people here.


Was just at the DMV today and heard a sobering conversation between a dad and his son about having to register for a selective services, he was asking about the possibility of an upcoming war with some of the new laws. When you ask what rights do men have that women don't, we have the right to die for our country without any say in it, so put that in your pipe and smoke it.


There’s more to keeping society going than just using muscle, many of the best managers, supervisors and people who are in multiple support roles in the military and manufacturing industry using their God given brains are females, at every level of society you will find a woman making great contributions to our society, at the end of their work day they go home and if they have a decent partner, together they will cook, clean, do laundry, feed and care for their kids, bath them, put them to bed, go to sleep and get up the next day and do it all over again, who are we as men to tell any woman they don’t have a right to vote in elections that govern society, we’re all in this together and we should be encouraging each other rather than using the language that divides and marginalizes anyone.


If I can be completely exempt from all responsibilities, then I will agree with her.
Let me stop paying taxes, let me stop having expenses all together, pay me to homeschool my kids cause if I can’t vote on political issues, healthcare issues, district issue ect. Because I wasn’t in the military.
I should also be exempt from paying for whatever outcomes I would have to deal with because of it.
The same should apply for men who want in the military, if I’m not allowed to vote, they aren’t allowed to vote either.
Why should they have freedom without “responsibilities”?


The vote was linked to property ownership not military service. It's not the hard jobs in society, what hard work does a landlord do?


I don't want to go work on an oil rig or any other hard labor job. There are a lot of people like there are a lot of men like me. Does that mean I shouldn't have the right to vote? Let's just make it simple unless you're a bricklayer or an iron worker in this country you cannot vote.


Equal though does not mean the same. Women should vote, not because we are the same, but because we contribute to society in many ways and have a perspective that is valuable. Even women in traditional roles should vote because what happens affects our interests and areas of influence. Heathcare policy affects women. Educational policies affect women. Plus, women pay taxes. Yes, men are soldiers, oil rig workers and financial big wigs. Women are more of society's nurses, teachers, and caregivers. Those are hard jobs, necesary jobs that women in general do more often and better than men. Mother is about the hardest job there is, especially for the women who take on the role full time. It is also one of the most comsequential for society. The best point she has is about responsibility. That is an issue best handled issue by issue, though. We really dont want a largely female military. Women are usually smaller, weaker physically, and less agressive. Most women cannot do the work required on an oil rig, and a coed environment wouldn't be so good for that situation. You don't want a mom with kids working the schedule of an investment banker. Plus, the wives of offshore oil workers need to be home doing their part with the children--which they likely do better. Now, if you want to make it so that only taxpayers vote or only those that serve do, that is a different argument, but we don't really want a female heavy army due to the desire to vote. If there were something like this, I personally think that rather than the draft, some type of civil service should be an alternative requirement for women, conscientious objectors, and those not fit enough for the army. Israel does something like that. Those women who choose not to sign up for the mandatory military service make up an army serving society-in schools, hospitals, as EMTs, police, firefighters, in old age homes, libraries, etc.


Lol..I work on the oil rigs and have seen plenty of women come and go..Maybe 5 out of 100 can cut it..
