6 Basic Needs of Newborn Babies | Dad University

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In this video, Jason goes over the 6 Basic Needs of Newborn Babies. What are the essential things you need to know and do in order to care for your newborn? While there are many things we have in front of us to worry about, if we can focus on these 6, our baby can grow, develop, and thrive.

Be sure to stick around until the end of the video, because #6 is the most important of all. If you want to be a great father to your newborn baby, make sure you provide them plenty of #6 :)

Are there any other basic needs you think a newborn must have? Be sure to leave your feedback in the comments section below. Also it really helps us spread the message if you give the video a thumbs up and subscribe.

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This channel has helped me so much to overcome many of the fears of being a first time daddy and has thought me some very useful skills for fatherhood, I can now say that being a daddy rocks and their is no better feeling in the world than coming home from work after a long day and getting to hug and kiss my son.


Bout to be a first time dad. With twins so yeah I’m trippin lol


I believe skin to skin is important. Not only does your skin provide bacteria that helps build their immune system, but they will learn how to regulate their bodies (like breathing, digestion, and heart rate) from what they hear coming from yours. The more you do this the less the chance of SIDs. As a warning, expect a lot of drool on your chest. This will greatly increase your bond as well; whenever my 2 yr old daughter is sad or in pain, it is typically Daddy she wants.


Can happen any time now. Almost 38 weeks in. I am soo exited! Thank you for the coarse, Jason. Your videos have been great help for me throughout the pregnancy. I can't believe I'm about to become a father.


Our 2 months old baby sleeps only about 12hours per day 😐 We've checked with doctors all is normal according to them, some baby sleep less. Bad luck for us 😅


Soon my baby girl will be born... thank you for all of your advice.


I need some advice so yesterday my ex told me she has a 4 month baby she was not going to tell me about but her family talk her into it and now my log is shacked up and I don’t know how to go about this I’m 19. How do I go about to telling my mom. I can be my dad when I can just up and go I have to be there.PLEASE HELP ME I’m sacred


Brand new dad here and this channel gives me confidence and hope lol . The one thing that has been scaring me is every nurse and doctor has different opinions about what works, the dos and dont .. I never get a strait answer lol


"Or if she chooses not to breastfeed"!!!... Um, I think a whole video on how father's should manage (or immediately divorce) a woman in this scenario is likely warranted
