Top Tips for Finding Design Clients // DESIGN LIKE A PRO

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Need help finding clients? In this episode, I share my tips for finding clients through the power of networking. Don't be scared! I also let you in on how I overcame a big fear of talking to people and how to break the ice when talking to people you don't know. These methods have worked wonders for me and are the foundation of my business.

I'd love to see what works for you too. Please share how you find clients in the comments!

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I've recently become Editor of a new magazine. It's a niche demographic and networking is key. I keep stock of professional business cards and business promo. Always wear a name tag as well. People immediately receive you better if you wear your name tag and dress professionally. I constantly go to events and recently developed that friend to attend them with. We've even been complemented on our energy together. Sometimes if the group seems cliquy it's hard to penetrate and do some networking. I just keep smiling and be approachable. If anything next time you see them they will at least have seen your face before and you might be able to struck up a good conversation.


Hi Nicki! Despite you're so young, you show a huge knowledge about this subject, because this is the hard way, however is one of the best and, for sure, it works! I wish you well.


so inspiring thank-you so much.
i am  web-designer and looking for mentor like you.
smiley= subbed


Thanks Nicki! I really like your advise. I'm a graphic designer and I always find it really difficult to get clients. Right now I have a full-time job so I'm not doing actually "something" to get them, but when I didn't have a job, what I tried to find clients was applying to jobs in freelancer sites such as Elance, and then try to continue the relationship with that client. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not. Another thing I tried was promoting my work via email, I searched for companies or small businesses that I would be interested to work with and I sent them an email introducing myself and my work. 
I'll try your advise thank you so much. I really like what you do :) 

