How to Take ANY CASTLE in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord!

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For this Siege Battle I will be showing you guys the Best Siege Tactics to use for taking any castle in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord!

Hey what's up you guys this is Spartan and welcome back to Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord!
So for todays test I gathered every single noble party in a faction and then put them into a single castle to make this the most difficult siege battle you could ever face.
I will be using only 100 soldiers to attack and take a castle with over 1500 defenders! So we are outnumbered 15:1 and we will not be using any siege towers or even a siege ram to help take this castle!

Hope you guys enjoy!

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Imagine just chilling with 1, 500 of your homies in a castle when a very confused scout comes to say “My lord, we are being besieged!” Only to find out it’s just a few dozen men.

Upon going outside to see they’re actually serious because they built siege weapons but they’re not firing. Okay. Looks like they wanna go through the front door? What is going on? Then you and your 1500 homes raise shields right behind your gate expecting an attack. But after they break the door down they immediately retreat back out to the other side of the bridge, and you see the most obvious killzone setup right outside.

Then their commander, naked and holding their banner, comes off his horse and walks to your front line and flips everyone off then runs back outside.


This is a very specific example of castle. Aserai and mongol castles have their gates on the left or right side of a semi-circle arch of wall where archers just rain you from all front sides. I'd like to see this work in other castle types, besides a perfect senario of no side walls for enemy archers, a perfect bridge for your shield infantry and a weak wooden gate.


Welcome back to another insanely broken tactic for bannerlord! Comment down below how this tactic ends up doing in your own playthrough and share to everyone before this is patched!


Seems like it would be problematic if they had their own ballistas or archers in the wall. This seems like the ideal castle for this strat


This is hilarious. You taunt them out of the gates and as soon as they realize what is happening they try desperately to get back in. It's like from a cartoon.


Too stop your soldiers from running to the ladders or using siege engines select all units before battle and turn off “designate command” (F3, F5) to regain control.


It may not be feasible because I play with mods but before I get to the point where I'll need to seige a castle, I make sure to be a little more than halfway through two handed. I also use a long claymore from a mod but I use cut through anyone, crash through and dismemberment mods. As soon as camp is built, I race to the ladders, put it up myself and start climbing. I use either throwing knives/axes or a bow as I'm going up if I see the poker. Then I just spam overhead attacks till I crush through shields and get enough kills to kind of clear an open spot and try to get behind them. The main goal is to knock out .ost of the soldiers on that side so your boys can get up and then run to the other side. To help them out


"Your only chance of winning is ... - ... well, do you know the Spiffing Brit?"
I think the best tactic for such a battle in a normal game without cheesing would be to just not fight that battle.


The way your troops beat on the door made me think you’re just there to talk about their catapult’s extended warranty


I just build trebuchets destroy the walls and send infantry to both openings, usually only take about 10 casualties sometimes more if there are enemy lords in the castles/towns


SpiffingBrit: "I'm taking notes..."


God I wish Xbox had mods, that Roman stuff looks AMAZING


Great tactics and using the game machenics against itself. Bravo sir


I didn’t know you could command them to attack the gate like that. This changes everything.


Legend of Total War would be proud. CHEESE FOR THE CHEESE GOD


4:54 he hasn't life, and then.... magic, all his life again lol hahaha


Keep up the good work btw i like Spartacus series


I ended up with 15 infantry left in a seige and 120 enemies I ordered my troops into a room and formed a shield wall and clutched the mf battle shit was epic got my first feif of the play through


I do this in a slightly different way by destroying the walls and letting onagers pummel the guys standing at the entrances and having my Soldiers saty back to assist with arrows and throwing weapons.

Only issue I see with such a small force is the castle will sally out and crush you most of the time


i Have just heard about this game and i have some questions:
1- can you get all castles?
2- is every castle/town different from each other?
3- does our protagonist has his home?
4- can we live in castles?
5- do castles have interiors?
