Obligations of a Wife in a Muslim Marriage || Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble || AMAU

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The Muslim Family is a short course brought to you by Al Madrasatu Al Umariyyah. Due to the recent pandemic of COVID-19, you are probably spending more time at home with your family than ever before. Use this as an opportunity to grow closer to each other, and more importantly, closer to Allah. Join Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble as he lays a foundation of simple principles, guidelines & practical pieces of advice to help you and your family maintain a strong bond with each other as well as your Creator.

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BarakAllahu feekum.

#AMAU #TheMuslimFamily #TimHumble
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I'm trying my best to learn so my husband can be please with me inshAllah until we die Amin...


I love Aisha (radhiAllaahu anha)! I hope i will be in jannah with her and other beloved female companions . may Allaah make it easy


The Feminism is spreading globally. Therefore, we can see so many negative comments over this lecture. A wife has to be obedient, a husband has to be responsible towards his family. That is the way of jannah. No one is allowed to do whatever he/she desires.

Wallahul musta'an


I pray Allah blesses me with being a good wife, obedient and peace for my husband. InshaAllah


Please make dua for me to be obedient to my husband and the coolness of his eyes. Just got married and all we do (I do) is fight. Especially when it’s never that serious majority of the time subhan Allah. Please make dua for me 😢


JazaaK Allahu khayr for presenting the ahadeeth in such a good way. I used to read these hadeeth and find them abit difficult to reason. I am so glad you didn't sugar coat them as so many daees do these days.


what a great message and a reminder for todays generation to learn from


Jazaak Allahul kheir brother. May Allah Azza wajaal grant you Jannatul firdaus.


A Muslim husband should not expect his wife to go out and work to provide and maintain the family, it is the role of the man, the husband, the father that Allah has entrusted with. But if she does work providing she works in a place where her expertise is required amongst only women or children, or in an only female work force and not infringing on her intial fundamental core role, responsibilities, duties as a mother, wife....then her money is hers and she does not supplement the husbands wages or contributes to the bills etc. unless she wants to. The husband should not expect that, unless she willing gives something.

Likewise, the wife should not expect the husband to help out in the home. Carry out the responsibilities and duties of a wife, a mother. As that is her role Allah has entrusted her with. But if he does sometimes helps out from his own choice, that is good and is mutual cooperation to lighten some responsibility as and whenever. Each role complements each other, not competes and over powers or over burdens each other. This will bring about peace, harmony, respect in the Muslim home.


I can't find the video for the obligation of the husband. Please could you share this as its equally important.


Ih’dinas swiraatal mustaqiim, ya Rabbal Alaamiin.


Where is the lecture on The obligations of a husband I can’t seem to find it


Can anyone help me by telling me the name of the nasheed thats at the beginning of this video


In the video by 11:16: "...if there was from the man's feet to the crown of his head an ulcer that was spilling out blood and puss and then she came and she faced him and she licked it off she would not have given him his right..."

But Allah teaches us in the Quran that blood is forbidden to us: "He has only forbidden to you dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine..." (2:173)

That teaching in the video contradicts the Quran and it is also disgusting.


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Is there any means to reach out to Ustaz Tim Humble via phone or email address to discuss our issues?


The hadith about the pus covering the husband is considered weak or even very weak. I am very disappointed that you used it. Considering its apparent unreliability, I would submit that it is most unwise to mention it, especially as this very hadith is one which has driven many Muslims away from Islam altogether. In any case, I struggle to believe that my Prophet (saw) would use such disgusting language to make a point which has already been alluded to in far more respectable terms many times elsewhere in the hadith literature.


The video is not working for me after about five minutes something goes wrong
