TOP 10 Most POPULAR Dog Breeds in the World
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Today AnimalWised brings you the 'TOP 10 Most POPULAR Dog Breeds in the World' 👇🐶 While it is very difficult to gauge the exact parameters of what dog breeds are the most popular in the world, it is easy enough to see that some are simply more common than others. Tastes and fashions change, with different dog breeds coming in and out of favour. In saying that, it is interesting to note some of the dog breeds on this list of most popular dog breeds have been maintaining their popularity for centuries. If you are thinking about adopting a dog and are wondering what type of dog breed to get, we want to stress popularity shouldn't be the deciding factor. Mixed breed dogs are by far the most common dog breed and for good reason.
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On AnimalWised you'll discover a high quality channel that's exclusively devoted to the Animal Kingdom. You'll find all sorts of content: from training, diet or beauty and everything that can be useful for you as a pet owner or animal lover. Want to become AnimalWised? Take a look and have fun with us!