At what age is it okay to stop feeding my newborn every 3 hours?

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Most tiny newborns will want to eat every two to three hours and this is because their tummies are really small, they can't hold much volume, their tummies digest especially breast milk quickly, and they're growing very rapidly and so they need the calories and energy to grow. Around six to eight weeks babies may start to slow down and eat less frequently, maybe space their feedings out every three to four hours. When their tummies get bigger they can handle more volume and this makes it so they can eat less frequently. So until six to eight weeks of life babies usually eat two to three ounces every two to three hours and then as they get bigger they may eat three to four ounces every three to four hours. You mentioned specifically that your baby is about two months old and you're wondering if it's okay to let your baby sleep four to five hours at a time at night and it's definitely okay. Your baby is at about the age when this will naturally start to happen. By six months of age your baby should be eating about six to eight ounces four to five times during the day and sleeping a good solid eight to ten hours at night with nap periods during the day. You can see a lot changes between two and six months naturally. You'll notice that over time your baby will start to sleep maybe four to six hours at night and then six to seven and then seven to eight and you're so happy because you're getting more sleep too. It would probably just be best to let your baby follow the natural course of things because it sounds like up to this point things have been going well. Good luck with everything and if you have any other questions for me feel free to ask them on our Facebook page and recommend us to your friends and family too.