1. Correlations of multiplicative functions | Lilian Matthiesen | 2017

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Correlations of multiplicative functions

Connections For Women: Analytic Number Theory February 02, 2017 - February 03, 2017

February 02, 2017 (09:15 AM PST - 10:15 AM PST)
Speaker(s): Lilian Matthiesen (Royal Institute of Technology (KTH))
Location: MSRI: Simons Auditorium

In this talk I will discuss correlations of the form sum_{n,d less than x} h_1(n) h_2(n+d) ... h_{r+1}(n+rd) (and generalisations thereof) for multiplicative functions h_1, ..., h_{r+1}. In particular, I will describe a set of conditions under which such correlations can be evaluated asymptotically and discuss one or two applications

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