Cavity Wall Insulation Problems ~ The Ugly Truth

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Roger looks at some of the problems you could have with wall cavity insulation.

Roger looks at the problems you could have with wall cavity insulation.

#insulation #cavity #homeinsulation

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Have to say, as the owner of an approved and accredited insulation contracting company, and wait for it... an approved an accredited damp proofing company, who mostly rectifies the sub-standard installations carried to by other companies, Roger knows his stuff and is talking absolute sense.


Roger, , I would like to say, you ought to be very proud of your presence on YouTube, especially for your consideration of the masses and to educate in the way you do.
God be with you my friend, , 👍


My bungalow was a self build 40 years ago, we lived in a caravan on site, every night after the brickies had finished I went around with a torch and knocked off any mortar on the wall ties. The blown fibre was installed from the inside before the internal walls were plastered. Never had a damp problem in all this time.
Roger is my "go to" for any info regarding buildings.


No fancy speeches, just plain rant. Roger is king when it comes to the soapbox. Knows his subject, back to front and is not susceptible to hype from any reputable organisation. He is no "fly by night" and is there for the long haul.


I had some 'we know our rights' tenants who were complaining of mold. Id never had an issue with it in 20 years but they had been on the internet and told me i had to fit trickle vents and this n that.
I fitted the vents n did this n that and they still complained of mold so i did a full inspection 1 day when they went out banging on peoples doors and lo and behold, hand washed sopping wet laundry on every radiator and every vent they demanded was shut.... AND SELOTAPED OVER!
I got rid.


We need a video about interior wall insulation.


You are an absolute credit to the building industry Roger. Coming from a fully qualified sparky btw.


As a former foreman with a national roofing and cladding company, many times we took coping/tabling stones off flat roofs ie high sports halls/ gyms.only to shine a torch down the cavity to find a couple of feet of cavity insulation at the bottom of a 15m high wall.


It took thousands of years to invent a cavity wall . And it only took a short time to decide to fill them.
Im an electrician and I see loads of houses that have damp problems after having cavities filled. Also in the old days it was common practice to drop cables down the cavities. Guess what the polystyrene installation balls attack the cables . No one ever thinks of that. I also think houses with to much insulation are not healthy to live in. Hence my 1960s house will never have cavity wall insulation as long as I live in it .


I learned more in 13 minutes than in weeks trying to research it on my own. I feel a lot more comfortable with the idea (and risks) of CWI


Many years ago someone I worked with had visits from tenacious cavity-wall-insulation salesmen. Eventually he let one in and let him do his speil, and when the order forms had been filled in and the salesman was proffering his pen for signature, my former colleague said: "just one last question: how do you get the old stuff out?"


I ❤️ your videos. Not only because you turned ranting into an art, but also because most of the time you’re spot on. Never stop ranting ! 🙋‍♀️


As a chartered surveyor who used to work for a national lender I have to say the advice on blocked cavities at the base of the wall is spot on, it’s much more common than people assume. The other common problem is where previous owners have put patios etc. in & raised the ground levels thereby bridging the damp proof course. And then you get the odd numpty, like the one I encountered who had a 4 ft pile of sand heaped against the side wall of his 115 year old solid brick house (because he may want to build a shed base at some time). Needless to say the wall was very damp - & the profile of the limits of the dampness precisely matched the profile of the sand pile, but about 1 meter higher…..odd that…😳😱


One of my friends bought a large bungalow about ten years ago, he bought in in the summer and when winter arrived so did the damp. This was the theme for the next few years and right from the start i told him that the cause was the cavity insulation. He wasn't having it and started using dehumidifiers which are very costly to run. The main thing I noticed when he first showed me the damp spots starting to appear was that in this huge 4 bedroom bungalow there's not a single air brick. I told him straight away that with no ventilation you get condensation which of course causes damp. About 3 years ago he finally relented and let me install some air bricks, we treated the damp that was already there and after 2 winters it hasn't returned. As everyone commenting on here knows, if cavity insulation is retro fitted good ventilation is a must, it was the same with my parents bungalow, built in 1973 with no insulation, retro fitted in 1979, damp by 1980, air bricks fitted in 1981 and no damp since. My father was a master builder and although he's dead now he always maintained that the sole purpose of cavities was to allow an air flow thus helping to prevent the spread of damp caused by modern living, central heating, washing machines etc. When he first started in the building trade a lot of houses were still built with solid 9 inch walls and these old places didn’t suffer with damp until people started fitted plastic double glazed windows and insulating roofs and lofts. I'm sure that my dad wasn't the only builder to know this but trying to convince people that ventilation is important is often almost impossible. In the course of my job i have to visit a lot of rental properties and I'm always finding damp in kitchens and bathrooms the common denominator being that they never open the windows.


Absolutely great and spotless man.
Speaking human language, clearly and honestly.
Makes the subject so interesting.
Can't wait to see more of your videos.
Thank you so much.


brother you don't know how many times i have tried to explain all these to house owners when they call me to fix them problems, explain again and again to make them realise what problem they have and is the best solution for their problem . and they always anded up make half measures like just simply repair and paint the wall .
only to get called again after 4-5 months and get yelled becase the problem shown again and i didn't do a proper job .
And after they finaly have realise that they need to do properly they realise that they have spend more money with those half measures instat of doing the right job at first place .
A new subscriber from Greece ! You have a great channel sir !


The people that did our house prior to us owning it, sealed all the air bricks - the result is high humidity in the house with poor ventilation. I’ve since started putting in new vents through the walls which helps enormously. You need fresh air in homes. Particularly as we are coastal.


Always talks sense this bloke - From his understanding and linking of seemingly unrelated issues in buildings to explain problems, right through to his analysis of salesman mentality - Love it


I remember a time when the building inspector would check the cavities of new houses being built, to check there was
no mortar on the brick ties. They wanted the cavity perfectly clear. Now we have to fill it up. Over the years, regulations
are constantly changing, and not always for the better.


Had it blown In twenty years ago on a grant scheme and it made a dramatic difference. We've never had any adverse issues 🙄
