JMeter Beginner Tutorial 6 - Jmeter How to record login test
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If you are using JMeter's HTTP Test Script Recorder, you may get a pop up on recording - Recorder: Transaction Control. This is fine. This pop-up will come in the latest version of JMeter. You can just provide a transaction name, and time in ms and continue.
How to record login test in JMeter
Step 1 : add blazemeter plugin to chrome browser
Step 2 : start blazemeter plugin and login to blazemeter
Step 3 : Record your scenario - Stop Recording - Export .jmx
In case you find jmx option disabled export as json and use this link to convert to jmx
Step 4 : Import imx file in JMeter
Step 5 : Add listeners
Step 6 : Run and validate
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How to record login test in JMeter
Step 1 : add blazemeter plugin to chrome browser
Step 2 : start blazemeter plugin and login to blazemeter
Step 3 : Record your scenario - Stop Recording - Export .jmx
In case you find jmx option disabled export as json and use this link to convert to jmx
Step 4 : Import imx file in JMeter
Step 5 : Add listeners
Step 6 : Run and validate
________ ONLINE COURSES TO LEARN ________
------------ UI TESTING ------------
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----------- Connect with Raghav ------------
You can support my mission for education by sharing this knowledge and helping as many people as you can.
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