What's Wrong with Bahai?

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Just as John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus, so a Persian prophet known as the Báb (“the Gate”) (1819–1850) prepared the way for Bahá’u’lláh (“glory of God”), the founder of Baha’i. Although Bahá’u’lláh (1817– 1892) believed his messianic mandate was the unification of the world’s religions, his message was fatally flawed. Hank Hanegraaff, the host of the 𝘉𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘈𝘯𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘳 𝘔𝘢𝘯 broadcast and the 𝘏𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘜𝘯𝘱𝘭𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘥 podcast, notes that Baha’is believe that Bahá’u’lláh is a greater manifestation of God than Moses, Muhammad, or the Christian Messiah. Thus, the Baha’i thrust toward the unification of all religions is primed for failure. Islam, the mother religion of Baha’i, would not and could not consider Bahá’u’lláh as a prophet of God greater than Muhammad. Likewise, Christianity is committed to Christ as “the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6; cf. Acts 4:12). Baha’i teaches that every few hundred years the spirit and attributes of divinity are mirrored in a new messenger and manifestation of God. Each revelator reveals as much revelation as the faithful are ready to receive. As such, Moses, Buddha, Zoroaster, Confucius, Christ, Muhammad, and Krishna all paved the way toward the ultimate revelations personified in the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh. The fallacy, of course, is that the revelators and their revelations directly conflict with one another. For example, Moses was fiercely monotheistic whereas Zoroaster and Krishna were polytheistic. Likewise, the Qur’an condemns Christ’s claim to be the Son of God as the unforgivable sin of shirk. Logically, the messengers and manifestations can all be wrong, but they can’t all be right. Finally, Baha’i explicitly denies objective truth claims of Christianity such as the Trinity, virgin birth, incarnation, resurrection, and second coming of Christ.

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You've taken an extremely superficial (to the point of being false) version of Baha'i and then refuted it with dogmatic assumptions about Christ and Christianity. That's fine but to pretend that this is all based on either 1) logic or 2) a thorough understanding of Baha'i is pretty silly. For example, Baha'i doesn't believe that Baha'u'allah is the "ultimate revelator". There are more to come. Also, how is the argument that Islam rejected Baha'u'allah an argument against Baha'i? Judaism rejected Christ. Is that argument against the truth of Christianity?


This is the same arguments Jews use against The Christian religion. We are doing the same thing now. It's sad. 🤦🏻‍♂️


This is why I can’t do all Christian’s man . Most Christian’s will keep humanity divided and we all know god loves us all as one . Religion is what divided humanity in the first because of one’s faith but god said he wanted humanity to come together as one the devil wants to keep us apart. I don’t study no religion yet, but every Christian I come across is so hypocritical, always thinking of doing the deeds for Christ, but they’re totally doing the opposite.


I refuse to belong to any RELIGION! I want my FAITH to guide me to LOVE & PEACE. Don’t tell me to kneel like you and force me to read and believe the books that guide you! Free Will.. greatest gift ever! Baha’i brings people together because if it’s universal non judgement.


Dear Hank, Bahai’s don’t believe Baha’u’llah is the last Manifestation. There will be more to come. They will come every 1000 years approximately. Science and harmony are understood to be in harmony. Also, Bahai’s do not believe the Virgin Birth was not true. We also believe in the Trinity’s eschatological significance.

We believe in Trinity as this: the Father akin to the Sun, The Son as to a pure Mirror, and the Rays as the Holy Spirit.

We don’t denounce the Virgin Birth. Please read Some Answered Questions written by Abdu’lBaha there is a specific chapter about the Virgin Birth.

Also, humanity tends to reject the Manifestations of God. This is evident. We seek to teach God is One. And Baha’u’llah taught things relevant for our new age.

What Jesus Christ’s Teachings taught were relevant for that time period.

Hence we accept Christ, Moses, Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him, as all from one source.

One light, many lamps.

Please read “The Book of Certitude” by Baha’u’llah, I think you’d find it eye opening.


I think we're a bit confused here


Bahá'ís and other faiths
Bahá'ís have a very open attitude to other faiths, and are expected to treat members of other faiths with friendship and peace.

There are no rules in the Bahá'í community that disadvantage non-Bahá'ís.

There is no compulsion on the children of Bahá'ís to accept their parents' faith, although the comprehensive spiritual education they receive means that they are likely to stay Bahá'í.

Seeking peace
The Bahá'í community explicitly seeks to eliminate conflicts between religions, and to encourage cooperation between different faith communities.

Comparing beliefs
Bahá'ís do not believe that their faith contains the final and complete truth of religion. They think it is the most complete set of truths available in our present time, which is not at all the same thing.

Since Bahá'ís believe that all religions come from a single source they are happy to study other religions as 'earlier chapters of the same changeless faith of God'.

The Bahá'í faith is not an imperialist faith - it does not seek to end religious differences by getting the members of other faiths to become Bahá'ís.

Transforming each other
While Bahá'ís don't believe they have the final truth, they do believe that by engaging in dialogue with other faiths they create the opportunity for the other faiths to be changed in ways that promote the Bahá'í idea of unity.

They also accept that the Bahá'í faith can benefit from the insights of the other faiths.

Why religions differ
There are two reasons why religions are different, despite springing from the same source:

Different societies and different times had different needs
The great religions present themselves to suit their context
Humanity is developing
as time passed, humankind became more spiritually aware, and able to understand more of the truth
Different religions were founded at different times, and so they presented the truth in ways that human beings could understand at the level of spiritual maturity humanity possessed at that time
Shoghi Effendi taught that the different religions were like "stages in the eternal history and constant evolution of one religion".


I’m a Baha’i and love this presentation of our Faith. Thanks. You did a wonderful job of presenting the core beliefs of Bahá’ís and the teachings of our wonderful Faith. This Faith is not a presentation of something new or at odds with other religions, but is a continuation and fulfillment of their promises. Mankind has matured spiritually and is now becoming ready for this beautiful revelation. Hence, the principles of unity, human nobility, universal education, etc. all resonate with mankind today. Christians and Muslims who truly love their faiths, upon sincere investigation of Baha’u’llah, will readily recognize and love this Faith as their own. ❤❤


Never ask a Bible answer man about other religions, because he is bias, and you won't get even close to the truth!! The divine Messengers come at different times, to different peoples, different nations, and different cultures, so Their Messages are different!! As to what Baha'is believe about the different Messengers of God there is this.... "Know thou assuredly that the essence of all the Prophets of God is one and the same. Their unity is absolute. God, the Creator, saith: There is no distinction whatsoever among the Bearers of My Message. They all have but one purpose; their secret is the same secret."
— Bahá’u’lláh GWB p. 78 - 79


A few mis characterizations but not to worry even this short clip could lead many to investigate the Baha'i Faith and come to see the truth for themselves of what it really teaches.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Baha’i Faith…maybe with some followers here and there but people are fallible…the language barriers are a major ‘thief in the night’ …I thank God every day for having guided me to the Bahai Faith…there has been a lot of blood shed for this Faith…well worth studying…


You mention monotheism and polytheism. In my understanding, Abraham was the first Messenger of God to teach monotheism. Before that polytheism was commonplace. If we look back in history, ancient civilisations had a belief in many gods - African gods, Celtic gods, Greek gods, Norse gods, Roman gods, Egyptian gods, Fijian gods etc. This is part of the collective spiritual history of our ancestors. Had we been alive at those times, then we too might have held such beliefs. I see these beliefs as part of the collective spiritual history of the human race.


I have never heard or read anything from Christians that makes me doubt the Baha'i Faith.


It’s interesting to me that you have so many things wrong about the Baha’i faith but we study all of the religions so we can understand and learn. You need to do the same.


There is so much argument over whose religion is the "right" one.
Every prophet who has ever come to us has brought wisdom. I've learned things from all of them.
Jesus said "the kingdom of God is within".
Within is where I find my church.


52 sec in. I'll watch the rest, but I had to say...
Baha'is do not believe Baha'u'llah is a "greater" manifestation of God than those previous to him. They believe he is the most recent manifestation and will be followed by others as humanity advances. They also believe his Revelation is just the latest expansion of God's Revelation to us, following that of the Prophet Muhammad, which followed that of Christ, etc.


Spiritual Success!! The Kingdom of God on earth!! 12 basic principles.. the foundation of a heavenly city!! 🤩🤩


Baha'i faith is the latest and supreme religion of God for the mankind for 500, 000 years. It is the sole panacea for all the problems of this world.


Zoroastrianism is a monotheistic not polytheistic religion. But I agree with you that the Bahai version of unity of religion is good on the paper, but practically it doors not stand. Krishna is god and Confucius is not considered as a prophet. Some religions are monotheistic and some are not. Even among the monotheistic religions, concept of God, his qualities and attributes are vastly different that one may wonder if those religions are talking about the same god. Even the teachings vastly differ.


Wow. Have your facts completely guess if they listen to you only, then they will be misinformed, but thank you for
