Essential Spiritual Principles of the Baha'i Faith

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My mother was Baha'i, I never was religious, but now that I'm finally looking into it, I've realized I've been practicing many of these principles already.

Maybe it's time to follow in my mother's footsteps.


Love it! I have been working on all of the additional principles of the Baha'i Faith. "We are the flowers of one garden" Baha'u'llah, The Baha'i Faith


I encourage you to make more of these. I hope that you get a following!


Bahai fundamental principles.
1. The independent search after truth, unfettered by superstition or tradition;
2. The oneness of the entire human race, the pivotal principle and fundamental doctrine of the Faith;
3. The equality of men and women, the two wings on which the bird of humankind is able to soar;
4. The basic unity of all religions;
5. The condemnation of all forms of prejudice, whether religious, racial, class or national;
6. The harmony which must exist between religion and science;
7. The introduction of compulsory education;
8. The adoption of a universal auxiliary language;
9. The abolition of the extremes of wealth and poverty;
10. The exaltation of work, performed in the spirit of service, to the rank of worship;
11. The glorification of justice as the ruling principle in human society, and of religion as a bulwark for the protection of all peoples and nations; The institution of a world tribunal for the adjudication of disputes between nations;
12. The establishment of a permanent and universal peace as the supreme goal of all mankind.


Love to be a bahai now i know the true purpose of my exiistand yaabaha ull abha yaa aliyul Allah🙇🌷💕🙇🌷🙇🌷


Like the message but the music is distracting


Even false religions get some things right. Especially like the quality between men and women and the value of all people!


Very interesting, and may I say something about background music!With all due respect, it is extremely annoying and irrelevant!🙈🌿


Can I share this ?so that people will know those principles?


Finally, get ready to lose to the one true God of Abraham.


i belive in that but im not bahai i dont get it i breifly researched still dont get it why they have temples like you can belive in these things


My God is the many faced God he has many faces to wear:
Some call him allah
Some call him elohim
Some call him Jesus
Some call him samael
Some call him yahweh
Some call him yaldabaoth
Some call him monad
Some call him abraxas
Some call him brahma/Vishnu/Krishna
Some call him Amon Ra
Some call him truth
Some call him lie
Some call him evil
Some call him life
Some call him death
Some call him good
Some call him existent
Some call him nonexistent
And more
He's all these things wears all these faces but behind
the mask there is nothing to see
Because he's everything and nothing at the same time

Some greats ın his name
Some greats ın his name
I call him the one with many faces
You can chose what name you chose but it will be never his true name
He's everything he's nothing
He has one face and at the same time no face
He's the many faced God the one the faceles


Could ther ebe some clarifications like on ”peaceful consultation to create unity” is a little vague. Some thing ”abolition of extreme wealth and poverty” is not, and that actually helps


I wish I could join the Baha'i Faith because these spiritual principles sound amazing. However, they do not follow them. 1) Their treatment of homosexuals (required celibacy) is a form of prejudice. 2) Men and women are not equal in the Baha'i Faith as women cannot serve in the Universal House of Justice.


You say that you are all inclusive but Baha condemned homosexual practises, even if the person was a hard wired homosexual. How does it make any sense?


As sweet as this religion appears, JESUS CHRIST is the only way to GOD and to eternal life! This is just one more false religion in a sea of other falsities


Of course fhey make a religion to accept all religions...i mean you gotta accept everyone these days. Sorry thats not love. Love is yes hearing about your thoughts and lifestyles but God is the one true God. And thats okay. Also like you really think you can have the world believe in fhe same stuff. Like thats saying theree will bever be war. The world is sinful always will be untill we go to heaven. I want peace too but sadly earth wont ever be. I mean if we went with whatever a person wants. That means we will all have ppl driving and drinking. We need rules for a reason.


Pithy slogans with no backing. The most pithiest is the oneness of all religions. Christ says He is the way the the truth and the life and no one will get to the Father but by Him. Is he right or wrong?


There is only One God and Muhammed is his last and final messenger ☝🏻
