How to Play Like an Irelia MAIN! - ULTIMATE IRELIA GUIDE

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How to Play IRELIA in League of Legends!

Irelia Guide Description: Welcome to the only irelia guide you need to play like a challenger irelia in League of Legends. You'll learn all of the irelia combos, tricks, tips, runes, to carry as Irelia!

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0:00 - Irelia Introduction
1:11 - Irelia Playstyle
2:40 - Irelia Powerspikes
3:20 - Irelia Tips and Tricks
11:23 - Irelia Combos
12:23 - Irelia Build and Runes

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As an irelia main I'm still watching these videos in hope of being able to play as irelia main


ADC: I have 4 items, I can now 1x1 their support

Irelia: I have my vampiric scepter, I can now 1x5 their entire team


Irelia: gets vamp scepter
"ok guys im full build"


I will, and i repeat; I WILL MASTER THIS CHAMPION. Ill see you in 5 years.


one thing i believe you missed is how important it can be to "hide your E animation" for example there are 2 combos you can use: when you go for a Q on a minion in lane, you just Q and E at the same time to cover up the animation and then you can easily hit the second part of E, or if you go into W stance you can W and E (on your self) to cover up the first part of the E animation once more. This is important because irelias E animation is very telegraphed, she jumps slightly into the air whenever you press E.


More champ breakdowns like this please! Whether I play the champ or not theres alot to learn


A COUPLE REALLY IMPORTANT THING! new irela q does more damage to minions, w does more damage in general, and your q does more on hit damage at 4 stacks. so if you have your passive stacked you just have to get through the first few levels and you can start oneshoting caster minions. 2nd, irelia gets max w damage halfway through the charge, anything after that doesn't give you more damage for prepping minions 5:50. If you don't have enough damage to q minions, get about level 6, and just tap w, they will be low enough to one shot if you have passive stacked. She does more q damage than he makes it seem


There are enough Irelias running around, why you gotta throw gasoline on the fire?


Started league exactly a week ago and I wanted to try Irelia out 3 days in cuz she was rly pretty plus I’ve seen so many cool clips of her so I basically fell in love. Thank you for the tutorial it’s helped me settle into the game and made sense of some questions


Other tips&tricks from me:
It’s preferable to use your W for the damage reduction instead of the damage it deals since your fully stacked autos tend to deal more damage

If you need that slightly faster burst, then instead of ERQEQ you can also EREQQ ( as long as you’re in Q range after you throw R then you can “double Q” provided that your E lands). A lot of people actually don’t know about this

If for some reason you’re running minion dematerializer, then you can use it on a minion and if you time your Q right, you can get a reset. Perfect for the early levels when you don’t minions to Q on.

R slows on hit, which means as long as you don’t misuse your E, you will definitely land that stun. Also those blade walls from R deal damage and also slows anyone who takes it so try to R in a way that would make it so if the enemies try to escape, they’d have to go through that

Fun fact:
She also has voicelines for when she buys BORK, Trinity force and Titanic Hydra. There may be others but I haven’t tried every single item so...


The sudden influx of new Irelia players needed this, thank you.

-An Irelia main tired of seeing people instalock her and then int


Thank you for sharing this knowledge. The level breakpoints on W is something i didn't know it helped A LOT at confidently engaging and waveclearing.
My Irelia stats are terrible so far but i feel like i'm learning something new every game. I've been getting much more confident at the lanephase, only problem is landing e consistently - sometimes the second part doesn't even go off for some reason if i double tap it very fast.
Teamfighting has been rough however since whenever i go R 3 people i get tossed around like a pinball and hit by every single cc imaginable the second i q onto the first target. One thing i learned about teamfighting is always holding your second e until you reach their backline. Using it instantly is pretty useless most of the time even if it hits since you are most like to get cc/ed or they flash after being hit with your ult.


How to play like a Shen main:
Level 1 put q behind the wave if you don’t need to leash, walk near them once you get grasp and q. The slow should let you get 3 empowered autos off, winning you the trade and giving you control of the lane. If they don’t disrespect your sword, you get wave control for level 2 anyway. When you are near level 2 walk behind the minion that is going to die and get ready to level your taunt and go in on them. Against some matchups your level 3 is actually stronger like Renekton or other onhit stuns, so play around that as well (your w can block auto attack stuns).
Against some champs like sett, consider saving your e for dodging his w. Other champs to save e against include:
Tahm Kench (dodge his w with it if you need to)
Irelia (use e to dodge stun and try and taunt her)
etc, if champs have an ability you can dodge then saving your dash might be a good idea.
Only ult when it turns a fight. Don’t ult to save someone’s life and only ult bot if you can rely on an engage supp to go in and get you a double taunt. It’s soloq so a lot of the time don’t rely on people. Champs with high mobility are great to ult as long as they are more mobile than the enemy laner.
General Tips: Q through the enemy, wait. When your q is almost back up, taunt, auto 3 times, q again, 3 more autos. Very good burst in lane.
Against ranged enemies, plan ahead your csing and try and time it with your passive, you can negate a lot of poke this way.
Ulting junglers when they go to gank isn’t a bad idea.
That’s all, thanks for coming to my Shen Ted Talk. If you think I missed anything comment below but if you guys are gonna make more guides like this 100% make one on Shen he is really good
Edit: I forgot to mention what you do in team fights, 99% of the time I suggest peeling your carry. It can be tempting to taunt into the enemy team and do it if it wins you the fight, but a lot of the time they will just ignore you and kill your back line. Don’t hesitate to ult your carry for the shield.
Also there is some secret technology with Warmog Shen, just lookup Warmog Shen trust me :)


Skill capped always have the best presentation and explanations, really appreciate what you guys are doing. Good stuff


"bork is the only power spike you need to worry about" I think you missed vamp scepter lmfao


2:03 JESUS if i was on the enemy team id just turn of my pc after that


-Spam q on the wave
-Get 3 stacks
-Press Q on enemy laner
-100-0 him with your autos
-Win lane
-Carry game


5:30 I shed a *tear* as an Aatrox main 😢


yehhh she's got a couple things about her right. you gotta be quick and decisive enough to use her mobility efficiently, and her stun takes a bit to get the hang of too. but she also has incredible attack range for a melee champion, and one of the best auto-attack animations in the game. like, it comes out fast. her "wind-up" is fast, while her "backswing" is much longer. meaning her attack animation gives her some incredible chase-down potential. like, she can kite and chase as if she were ranged because, well, yeah, what i said.
