InPresence 0204: Even More of Your Toughest Questions

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Jeffrey Mishlove continues to respond to questions that were posed during the October 11 YouTube Live Stream Event. Here are the questions that are addressed in this monologue:

Huge Robert Anton Wilson fan here. Could you please share some memories of meeting and befriending the late Discordian Pope?

Hey buddy, I got abducted by aliens and implanted, and now I can remote view. I hate it. What do you think about the human rights violations caused by these interactions with the sentient one.

In spite of the overwhelming evidence collected by Dr. Ian Stevenson ( late) on reincarnation being the machinery of the universe, why have scientists not taken the phenomenon seriously?

When will you do another karaoke video Jeffrey?

Do you think there is a way for a Nietzschian split of society a la Ubermensch/Untermensch, that doesn't abandon a Christian morality structure, where those with the will to power lend a hand the meek?

I’m in chemo for non Hodgkin Lymphoma. Is there a guided spiritual imagery you can recommend?

Imagine a world where advance e.t. technology was recovered, back engineered, kept secret from the public for over a half a century, & were to be disclosed to the public tomorrow. What would happen?

Question: Would you , in the circumstance of having the ability to assassinate a tyrannical murderous dictator responsible for the ongoing deaths of many thousands of people, ever make that choice?

How does one find meaning?

how sure are you that we have free will? being beings composed of synapses that are programmed to past recollection, influenced by macro and micro probabilities... could will be an illusion?

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980).

(Recorded on October 21, 2020)


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I hope Jeffrey doesn't mind when I call him, the best hippie ever! :D


You are a wonderful raconteur! Thank you.


@ around 4:20 – Just to nitpick – Modern physics is not really the foundation for modern science. The mathematical equations that are supposed to represent physical reality are. And in my humble opinion, this is where the mistakes lie. Once we traded mathematical equations that may or may not represent reproducible natural phenomena, for demonstrable experiments, we started moving away from an empirical study of reality. Instead, we have ended up discussing a virtual reality that has no basis in the real world.

This quote by Nikola Tesla best embodies this idea:
"Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality." – Nikola Tesla

Confirmation bias, peer-reviewed group think, and Pavlovian conditioning through the university-based system of degrees, accolades, and professional salaries all combine to create an environment conducive to perpetuating numerous logical mistakes that lead many of us to believe in Cosmic ideas we should be very critical of.


Hey Mishlove, I've been expecting this video. Great RAW memory.


Meaning to life, whether consciously or not, manifest from the values we hold dearest. For me that would be compassion, love and empathy. Not saying of course that I never slip up on these :)


The question about the Nietzsche Ubermench helping the weaker people is actually a recurring theme in Marvel's Xmen comics. In that series, the philosophy of the heroes is that the mutants should protect and help the regular humans while the super villains generally want to use their mutant abilities to rule or victimize regular humans. To a certain extent, it is really a recurring theme in super hero comics in general, but the Xmen comics tend to portray it in a more obvious way.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts on violence.


Jeffrey have ever heard account of shamans shapeshifting


What kind of mischief is Dr. Mishlove going to get himself into tonight I wonder. 🙂


Maybe simply I find meaning though understanding what I value.


Heard in a speech that his take on free will was that it is confined within the laws of nature. My take was; yes you can fly in a plane, but not by flapping your arms. Practical take on it, but close to spot on, I would say.


Please tell us much more about your agnosticism.




Physics also describes the "Paranormal Science" but I understand the context at which you meant your beginning comments. That's the "Popular" extension of common logic- which is not correct. Physics, in fact, aligns with the explanations of causes and resultants of the Paranormal Sciences as well. I assume you do in fact know this as well. Yet, the popular notion is that it does not run parallel in exact syntax. These matters, which is without a doubt, are truly verifiable given the correct means of analytics toward observation. Thank you for the Truth and Truths you share. Take care. ✌


Another question to ask yourself: If you are willing to do what is necessary to save your own life, why wouldn't you do what is necessary to save someone else? Many are willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. A noble vitue inherent in most people, I would hope, but is used by governments, etc. for their agenda.


"Question: Would you, in the circumstance of having the ability to assassinate a tyrannical murderous dictator responsible for the ongoing deaths of many thousands of people, ever make that choice?
" I would need to know how thousands, big difference between 2, 000 and 999, 999. Secondly, I would need to know the outcome of this choice. If the dictator is simply replaced by someone worse, my actions would have been for naught. In answer to the monologue's final question, just living a good life gives my life meaning.


Your inpresence videos do not appear in the list of videos from my subscribers. It is very annoying because I have to browse your playlist with more than 200 videos to see if you have uploaded any new inpresence video!


5:15 Probably never, ... he lost more subscribers after that last one lol

5:30 Group karaoke, Jefferey? Group karaoke! You're just elling host ories before Halloween aren't Ya?
5:55 Insufficient data, too many parameters must be defined first
11:00 Doing what you wanto Marshall. Doing what you wanto. Create something beautiful. Or sit and meditate. I love the indivisible oneness of the trinity feeling I get from a good meditation


I do not find meaning in my life, nor should I have to. My life is an expression of something higher, a probably fractal self-structure. If this higher self (which extends to God) has a meaning, than my life is an expression of that meaning. This absolute meaning, which cannot be known, expresses itself automatically and naturally, unless I struggle against it -- which I surely will not try to do :) Since the absolute is apparently closely related to Live/Expansion/Beauty/Well-Being, I try to align with those in a way, where as much Light as possible is part of my life.
