Parallel Universe Proof and Other Space Science Theories | DOCUMENTARY 2024 | #universe #cosmology

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Welcome to our 2024 documentary exploring some of the most fascinating and cutting-edge theories in space science. Today, we journey into the mysterious realms of parallel universes, the multiverse hypothesis, and other revolutionary ideas that challenge our understanding of the cosmos. Join us as we delve into these mind-bending concepts of Scientific Discoveries and uncover the latest research and discoveries that push the boundaries of modern cosmology.
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Love this voice... Going to sleep to this bye


Very educational. Keep up the great vids. 1:03:08


Welcome to the technological information age. This is what has caused the transformation of consciousness that has happened to me.


I really struggle with the probability of a “parallel” universe but with different attributes. If there is a parallel universe it would have to be an exact replica. But this concept that there is a “you” but different makes no sense. Even the tiniest variance between one universe and another would lead to entirely different outcomes. Especially over these timescales.


"Buds" on an infinitely branching "tree." Count me in.


Lol that Gell-Mann called his concept the "Eightfold Way." (I looked it up and its similarity to the Buddhist concept was certainly not an accident - in fact he described his revelations in terms of a form of enlightenment. Considering he discovered some truths about existence I have no position to doubt or criticize.)


July 2024, today the a square millimetre can hold two BILLION transistors. A super computer on a single, lf large, chip.


So the effects attributed to dark matter are gravitational waves from adjacent universes?
Makes more sense than the other theories floating around.


Because of the newer James Webb telescope, we have found brand new stars forming in the areas that are very old, and far. This is yet to be explained.


Distracts tinnitus perfectly. Sleepy times


Our universe is but just one within an infinite fractal fibonacci sequence. I believe this process is never-ending as matter enters a blackhole a new universe is created in a new big bang and our universe is just another blackhole where a star collapsed in a previous universe adding to the infinite bubbles. This the the dark matter & energy we can not see.


My uncle Loren Goodman lived 18 years after his heart transplant. 7 yrs longer than his max life expectancy. The procedure was performed at the most revered transplant hospital in the world. That's the heart transplant hospital in Madison Wisconsin.


Ah the set theory. So there's a universe in which other universes don't exist.


See they have batteries for space that can last decades with 1000s
Or recharge cycles but our phones die in a day and have to replace car batteries every 3 4 years? 🤔


Late again YT! NVM
only 2 dimensions exist ATM..
The 3rd is a suggestion of a process for crying out loud


Parrell universes cannot be physically travelled to. They are infinate universes that operate at infinate signature frequencies that are incorporated as a holographic overlay over our current perceived physical reality. Meditation can change the phase frequencies of the brain that result in the universal signature being resonated with the brains frequency and if they pair and resonate your conciousness shifts your perception to an alternative reality and your conciousness manifested version of your body gets occupied by your shifted conciousness and the illusion witnessed is events or places that remain as real and correct that happened in your original reality, but not in you alternative new alternative earth life


There is heat and cold space. The only universal energy throughout space within and without entanglement of mass is heat singularities outside and within entanglement as mass in internal magnetic fields grounding currents through the nucleus or core as mass. External magnetic fields are stronger magnetic fields outside of their cores and spin all external heat energy within its field as a centrifugal force of pressure like a record on a player. External magnetic fields don't ground currents through the nucleus or core where force is strongest. External magnetic fields cycling circulation around the monopoles of pure cold repulsion to heat energy singularities propulsion outside of the sphere. Mass neutralizes cold repulsion within mass as outward force of pressure known as weightless outside of a greater internal magnetic field. Mass disolves its internal magnetic fields grounding currents towards the greater magnetic field of external magnetic fields force flow stripping away all external renewable heat energy singularities throughout normal space filled with dark heat energy outside of entanglement of mass from stars decaying their atmospheres as heat waves. Electricity is rapid heat exchanging through mass. Lightning is rapid heat loss of atmospheric gasses unabsorbed heat energy singularities lighting up surrounding atmospheres. External heat energy singularities bouncing around in atmospheres lighting up mass as unabsorbed heat energy singularities outside of entanglement of mass. Light doesn't travel heat does. Lightning is rapid heat loss striking atmospheres instantaneously lighting up atmospheres as a flash. Electrons are sparks created by repulsion to heat unabsorbed, lighting up the mass they bounce off. Light bulbs are hot from heat passing through and bouncing off atmospheric gasses and mass. Cern Collider was designed to disrupt earth's magnetic field grounding currents of heat into space. Cern collider hold heat in the earth's atmosphere to disrupt climate change. If heat doesn't ground, it disolves into external heat energy outside of entanglement of mass as fire. 98.6 grounding currents of renewable heat energy incoming to outgoing currents known as weight within a greater internal magnetic field like earth's internal magnetic field grounding currents through the nucleus or core. Quantum physics grounding currents through the nucleus or core is called magnetism, bonding force of pressure known as mass in cycling circulation patterns of elements. Hydrogen under extreme heat pressure expands into helium. Helium occupies more space and cycles, more heat energy currents than hydrogen. Force of pressure equalization to distance traveling through occupational area of space as outward force of pressure from cold repulsion within mass as occupational space itself. As mass expands, its internal magnetic fields expand. Cold repulsion to heat propulsion momentum from cold repulsion as magnetism. Heat waves magnifying refraction of light in atmospheres. Light is only present in resistance to mass as potential renewable heat energy outside of entanglement of mass bouncing off mass lighting it up as refraction of heat singularities unabsorbed heat. Mirror affects. When heat waves hit your eye from stars near and far away throughout space decaying atmospheres as dark heat energy waves striking your eyes showing the direction of the heat waves incoming renewable heat energy outside of entanglement of mass until your eyes absorb the heat waves. Electricity is rapid heat exchanging through mass grounding heat energy towards the earth's internal magnetic field. Magnetism has a synchronization effect on magnets. Weight is force of pressure grounding currents as bonding force of pressure known as weight. Pulling magnets apart is a force of repulsion to magnetic fields. Unification of unidirectional flow cycling circulation bonding currents. Internal magnetic fields grounding currents are internal magnetic fields as mass. Fire is internal magnetic fields disolving as potential renewable heat energy when entanglement with mass occurs. Absorption. Your eyes absorb heat. Light doesn't travel it is refraction of heat unabsorbed as lighting up the mass it strikes. Your eyes light up. Not all external heat energy gets absorbed by mass, and bouncing off mass is resistance. Incoming renewable heat energy in equalization to outgoing current grounding. Weight is force of pressure impaction. The mass with more current grounding has more force of impact pressure. Mass falls in equalization to cold repulsion within and without no matter the exchanging of currents. The currents flow through all mass in its path in equalization to currents opposing and unified. Mass occupies space as space itself neutralized. Distance traveling increases, and force of pressure decreases as spreading outward pressure. Mass is always outward force of pressure. Mass is external heat energy cycling circulation patterns as mass. Mass disolves as external heat energy. Engines ground heat energy to anti freeze and radiators ground heat energy to atmospheres and atmospheres grounding heat currents towards earth's internal magnetic field or surrounding areas of mass lighting up all mass including atmospheres gases. Theoretically factual probability that works with quantum physics without gravity. Magnetism is the force of pressure in equalization to distance traveling. External magnetic fields are stronger at their cores. The arms of collected external heat energy within and without entanglement of mass spinning in its external magnetic field in equalization to distance traveling and the force of pressure. At the core is the least distance, traveling, and the greatest force of pressure. Mass farther away increases distance traveling, and the force of pressure decreases. Magnetism equalization. Cold repulsion to heat propulsion momentum from cold repulsion. Magnetism is both clockwise and counterclockwise pressure equalization. Magnetism is the force of pressure momentum redirected trajectories towards the weakest point of cold repulsion as mass itself as neutralized repulsion within mass as the outward force of pressure known as weightless outside of a greater internal magnetic field. External magnetic fields are centrifugal, the force of pressure is maintained by spinning all external heat energy within its field. Internal magnetic fields ground currents through the nucleus or core as mass. Theoretically factual probability that works with quantum physics without gravity. Magnetism explains everything about mass and heat energy singularities incoming and outgoing. Conservation of heat energy throughout space. Mass decays as heat loss. Appliances catch fire if they don't ground heat currents. Electricity doesn't exist. Electrons are sparks of unabsorbed heat energy lighting up the mass it bounces off. Light is only present in resistance to mass point to point chain reactions until absorbing heat energy. Night more heat energy is absorbed. You can't look at the nearest because the heat will burn your eyeballs. Light doesn't give you sunburn. Heat does. Light is unabsorbed refraction of heat lighting up mass. Heat is light. Fire. Heat is a singularity. Individuals are external heat energy. Unification of unidirectional heat singularities is internal magnetic fields. The strongest internal magnetic field is hydrogen. The smaller cycling circulation patterns are stronger than earth's wider reaching weaker internal magnetic fields. External magnetic fields are stronger than internal magnetic fields disolving internal magnetic fields by starving out the incoming renewable heat energy and as outward force of pressure known as weightless mass disolves itself to the greater flow cycling circulation of external magnetic fields of massive external drive force of pressure synchronization. Theoretically factual probability that works with quantum physics without gravity.


Im sorry but there are no parallel universes otherwise this universe would not go back in time to adjust itself. Congratulations you are ignorant.
