Top 10 Signs Of Parallel Universes Throughout History

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Top 10 Signs Of Parallel Universes Throughout History

Today we’re going to be taking a look at some parallel universes stories. From scientific studies to strange objects, let’s get into the Top 10 Signs Of Parallel Universes Throughout History.

#paralleluniverse #top10 #anothereality #mysteries #mandelaffect #dejavu #unsolved #unexplained #mostamazingtop10 #terrifying #timeline #pastlife #time #multiverse #timetravel

Time Codes:
0:00- Intro
0:20- The London Hammer
1:26- Black Holes
2:33- Cloud City
3:23- Deja Vu
4:17- Double Slit Experiment
5:25- Blue Rock
6:10- The Mandela Effect
7:03- The Cold Spot
7:54- Hadron Collider
8:45- The Taured Traveler

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The video shows a McDonald’s but never mentions it in the video.


I’ve experienced dejavú before . I’ve dreamed about a town full of Christmas lights at night . On 2017 I went to Mexico for the first time and crossed the border in Reynosa . Turns out the town was Reynosa that I’ve dreamed about years ago . My family thinks I’m crazy .


Has anyone ever thought that maybe time travel exists in the future and people are going back in time and changing things and that's why we have deja vue and remember things differently.


"Everything we've sent out there is never seen again"

We've literally never sent anything towards a black hole, and if we did it would take 13 million years to reach the closest one.


What I got out of the double slit experiment is that reality doesn't exist unless it's being perceived, which is closer to what a simulation would be like rather than a parallel universe. In game development, we call it occlusion culling. Objects don't load if the game camera doesn't see them. It saves on performance.


If I could travel to any universe, I would choose one where people placed more value on life and freedom, and less value on power and ego. And I don't mean to limit that to humanity's life and freedom


Well, I'm definitely having deja vu.😜 Pretty sure I've seen all of this content many times over, just with different hosts/hostesses.🤔 This channel really needs to upgrade its content, not just the people who are presenting the videos.🤨


I don’t actually believe this but I have a cool theory.

What if our dreams are actually glimpses into alternate universes? That’s why sometimes we’re ourselves in the dream, sometimes things are very similar, sometimes they are completely wacky, or just a little off, sometimes we’re ourselves but the opposite sex, etc. Sometimes we’re watching like a movie, sometimes you have a little control, sometimes you’re dream suddenly changes like you’re jumping universes mid dream. Maybe when you’re having difficulty with something in real life you’re mind is drawn to a similar stressful version of you in an alternate reality and you dream about it.


6:40 The Berenstein/Berenstain one was the first and only Mandela Effect I have ever experienced. I swear to god it was Berenstein. That one still scares the hell out of me.


what if.... when we die before were supposed to, our consciousness travels to a parallel universe where we are slightly older, but fragments of our past or future life bleed into those universes with us, and that's why we have deja-vu. and maybe this process continues endlessly dying and rebirthing.


The double slit experiment used photons and not electrons. And it did not show potential for a parallel universe, it shows that light acts as both a particle and a wave. It also shows that it acts differently when observed.


What if the Mandela effect was actually caused by someone from the future coming back to the past to change the timeline in order to save Nelson Mandela as his death caused some form of catastrophe in the future in which they figured Nelson to be the "linchpin" to those series of unfortunate events. Therefore because of this sudden change in the timeline, there were a number of people who still remembered how the old timeline was instead of this new timeline created in which he dies in his later years.


I’d want to go to a universe where world peace is a thing, and everyone can get along and be themselves without getting judged, abused, or bullied.


If I could go to a parallel universe, I’d go to one where my uncle Jerry and my great grandma are still alive.


Fun fact. That McDonald’s actually exists in Arizona.


I was very young but I remember Mandela dying in the 80's myself. The whole time I thought he was dead till when he was "reannounced" that he had passed away. I still can't wrap my mind around it so strange


For the London Hammer, the "rock" was found to be dissolved sediment that had hardened around the hammer, a process called "concretion". The particles were ancient, but not the mass itself. The same thing happened with the Coso Artifact, a 1920s sparkplug found inside a chunk of hardened sediment that usually gets inaccurately called a geode in accounts.


I would want to go to an ultimate universe where cancer never excited so that my best friend was still alive, she was 19, engaged, in college to be a teacher and had a heart of gold.


Anyone else noticed the Taured Man's birthday was in "88" but the passport was issued in 1950?


As fun as it sounds, unfortunately “Cloud city” was a weather phenomenon, a mirage, which is caused by weather conditions bending light rays. Would be super cool if it was a parallel universe though!
