CppCon 2016: Ben Deane “A Static Alternative to Virtual Functions, Using Expression SFINAE'

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Lightning Talk
Lightning Talk
CppCon 2016: Ben Deane “A Static Alternative to Virtual Functions, Using Expression SFINAE'
CppCon 2016: Ben Deane “Using Types Effectively'
CppCon 2016: Ben Deane 'std::accumulate: Exploring an Algorithmic Empire'
CppCon 2018: Ben Deane “Easy to Use, Hard to Misuse: Declarative Style in C++”
Lightning Talk: The Process Is The Problem - Ben Deane - CppCon 2021
CppCon 2016: Walter E. Brown “What C++ Programmers Need to Know about Header <random>'
CppCon 2019: Ben Deane “Everyday Efficiency: In-Place Construction (Back to Basics?)”
CppCon 2015: Ben Deane “Testing (before deploying to millions of players)'
When Paradigms Collide - Ben Deane [CppNow 2021]
How We Used To Be - Ben Deane - CppCon 2020
CppCon 2018: Ben Deane “Operator Overloading: History, Principles and Practice”
Concepts in 5 - David Sankel [ CppCon 2016 ]
CppCon 2017: Ben Deane & Jason Turner “constexpr ALL the Things!”
Composable C++: Principles and Patterns - Ben Deane - CppCon 2021
C++20 Lambdas: Familiar Template Syntax - Ben Deane - CppCon 2020
CppCon 2017: Ben Deane “std:: exchange Idioms”
Ben Deane: Testing (before deploying to millions of players)
Constructing Generic Algorithms: Principles and Practice - Ben Deane - CppCon 2020
CppCon 2016: Andy Bond “AAAARGH!? Adopting Almost Always Auto Reinforces Good Habits!?'
CppCon 2016: Jackie Kay “Lessons Learned From An Embedded RTPS in Modern C++'
CppCon 2016: Anthony Williams “The Continuing Future of C++ Concurrency'
C++Now 2019: Ben Deane “What a Conference! NOW 30 That's What I Call C++”
CppCon 2016: Fedor Pikus “The speed of concurrency (is lock-free faster?)'
CppCon 2016: Timur Doumler “Want fast C++? Know your hardware!'