Body Dysmorphia Ruined My Life | Lorraine

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Chloe Catchpole, who suffers from body dysmorphia, explains how the condition affected her mental health.
Broadcast on 01/08/17

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I struggle with Body Dysmorphia. It definitely causes one to isolate themselves and stay indoors where people cant see you or judge you. I still cant date men because of my fear that I look weird, some people thinks thats stupid and Im being silly but BD takes a toll on your mental space and its just an automatic thought process you go through every moment of every day.


I wish I could just get rid of it 😢😢 it’s such a horrible experience..


I have been struggling with this from my childhood. As you said at some stage it probably triggered from my own family members judging and making fun of me and comparing me. This disorder started to affect me more when i became a teenager. But for some reason i had break periods when i get complete confidence . At that times i was the most confident person in the school or college. It never lasted long. maximum those period lasted was 6 months. Then i relapse. initially it was nose size, then pimples, then the worst came in jawline. Which still haunts me and affects me. I made the big mistake of trying to change it using my own hands. I saw a maxillo facial surgeon first and he said i have no complaints with my jaw but i never trusted him. My life kept going forward. At many stages i started to think is it just my thought or is it real. The thought of it being real was dominant. But i managed to finish my school, college and attained a Degree and i am working full time now. I also got married to a beautiful girl. I have a beautiful child. But i dont wake up with that happiness and confidence. But my beautiful family makes me happy. then accept and ignore my flaws (which was BDD). I have booked a session with a therapist and i may talk to my doctor. I have hope now. . But i believe it is curable. Knowing it is a mental illness is actually a sense of relief for me.


I deal with dismorphic disorder since over 40yrs now...I grew up in a cult and talking about my problems was forbidden. Emotional neglet caused in mental health issues
things with the hair like she said hairs don't grow bcs of genetic defect and I have the same length since over 17 yrs...for example
Haven't found one thing I like on myself 😢


Been suffering this since a child my Nan started it calling me names ect grew up in strict home but felt I was different knew this within got so bad couldn’t go out no matter how many try’s to look normal even had a nose job but stil feel like a freak exspecslly looking in miror had cancer very bad so my hair was gone it back now but not the same I cry everytime I look in Mirror I just look so ugly I was diagnosed few years ago face to face appointment the man knew suddenly I wasn’t right due to my nervous mess I’m 62 now still have this I wish I just looked normal


Im writing my story in august 2024, I want people in 5-10 years to come and reply to this comment to ask if I’ve gotten over it, and if I have I can give you all advice on how to overcome it. I cannot even leave my bedroom when I went to work I worked in a warehouse and Wore a mask covering my whole face only could see my eyes. Then I quit due to even worrying about what my eyes looked like so started wearing sunglasses. A few years later I only leave my house to go on walks at 4am around a forest when nobody’s out. I wear my hood up and a hat. I rarely see anyone then but still spend the whole 40 minute walk checking the phone camera to make sure I didn’t look too bad. I see everyone my age having fun and going to events yet I can’t even leave my room even my parents can’t look at me as I tell them don’t look at me while we are talking because it makes me uncomfortable. Genuinely don’t know how to get over it had it 4 years now


My obsession was with my face forehead and arms.I have thinning hair wich makes look at my hair.also can't stop looking in reflections and mirriors. I been dealing with this on and of since I was in my teens for last 20 years.I really respect her for going on tv as one my triggers are pictures and seeing myself on film.


its so baddd i cant drive because other people in the cars will see me i wear a mask everywhere. I cant have friends because to have friends you have to hangout with them and i cant im to focused on my looks i cant act normally and i feel terrible. I dont want my own family to see me and I already got a nose job at 15 but I swear the issue is my jaw. I am so isolated and i am online school im 17 now
