30. PS App Deployment Toolkit - PowerShell Script check process (30/33)

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## Author: John Bryntze
## Date: 25th October 2021
## Version: 1.0
if ($JBNChromeProcesses.Count -eq 0) {
Try {
Write-Output "Google Chrome is not started, we can run the installation in session 0"
Catch {
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
else {
Try {
Write-Output "Google Chrome is started, we need to run the installation in session 1, ServiceUI.exe"
Catch {
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
Write-Output "Exit Code of installation is: $LASTEXITCODE"
30. PS App Deployment Toolkit - PowerShell Script check process (30/33)
26. PS App Deployment Toolkit - Overview/Download (26/33)
29. PS App Deployment Toolkit - MDT ServiceUI.exe (29/33)
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32. PS App Deployment Toolkit - Intune Win32 App Google Chrome Creation (32/33)
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Technisches Webinar - Software Paketierung mit PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit - Tipps & Trick...