Adding New Fish? How To Drip Acclimate New Fish To Your Tank

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Adding new fish to your tank? Folks, for years my old acclimation method was as follows: 1. Buy fish. 2. Float bag in tank for 15 minutes. 3. Net fish out. 4. Watch them. Unfortunately, I lost a lot of fish this way. Why? Though I was acclimating my new fish to my tank's temperature, I was NOT acclimating them to my water parameters.

Good acclimation is all about reducing shock and stress to your fish, which can be life threatening. In order to get new fish acclimated to temperature and a wide range of other parameters, I use drip acclimation. In this video, here is how I like to do it.

PLEASE NOTE: This drip acclimation method applies to fish purchased from a fish store that have NOT been in the bag for very long - only a few hours. There is a DIFFERENT process for acclimating mail order fish, as there is ammonia build up in those bags. Just wanted to clarify - this is the technique I use when I purchase fish from a local store.

***dmichaelsfishden is an Amazon affiliate - to purchase products used in the video:

Keep tankin!

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You have great videos! I just found your videos and they have been really helpful! Thank you! I am new to the planted tank hobby. I am trying to learn as much as I can. There is so much more to a planted tank than I imagined. Thank you for sharing all your knowledge about fish keeping!


As an ex-tropical fish import manager, I can explain that bagged fish on long travel times, need to be quickly added to new clean water, because the bag water has become severely toxic. And bagged fish travelling a short time are best slowly drip acclimated. Excellent video, and great advice..


Quick note - you can start the siphon without sucking on it. First submerge a good length of the side to be in the aquarium underwater so that the length fills with water. Then raise the tube up above your head and get the siphon going. As soon as it does put your finger over the end to go back into the aquarium then place in aquarium and release.


Just add some seachem prime or any ammonia detoxifier to neutralise the ammonia spike when the bag is opened and then begin drip acclimating


Thanks for now on I will be drip acclimate them to my tank.


Planning on getting Neon Tetras and Cherry Shrimp in the not-too-distant future but was super intimidated by the idea of having to "drip acclimate" them because historically I'm basically the Grim Reaper of aquatics (not on purpose, I just suck AND have bad luck). This video was really helpful in alleviating those fears, it looks a lot easier than how I pictured it in my head 😓


Thank you for this info. I've had a 20 gallon aquarium and just moved up to 36 gallons. I now understand why some of my new fish in the past did not last very long. And I'd like to add some otos, so thank you for helping me understand those as well


Thank you so much! This was so simple and informative. I had no idea how cheap and easy drip acclimation was! I'll use it from now on. Great video!!


Thanks man! Just so happens that I had extra airline tubing and a drip regulator. Currently drip acclimating my Otto cats as I type this. First time owning these fish didn’t want to kill them lol


Perfectly said and demonstrated within 7 minutes or so. Thank you!


using an air line regulator is such a good idea, im collecting some shrimp tomorrow and will be using this method, thanks!


Thank you for this amazing video. I've seen people use the tie a kink in the hose method, and it seemed so imprecise. I didn't know you could use those airline regulator valves to drip acclimate.


This helped a lot. A friend gave me their 55 gallon tank and their huge rainbow shark (4-5 inches) and I accidentally killed it when I didn’t acclimate it right. I did it right with the pea puffers I moved into it instead


Thank you for the very helpful video! I never knew drip acclimating could be so easy!


This is incredibly helpful thank you! I’m new to fishkeeping and am trying to learn all I can!


Brilliantly presented, thank you! You earned a sub!


Great video I basically have all this stuff on hand already except the T reg i can probly get one at petsmart or homedepot... nice tank setup looking clean


Great video! Informative and helpful thanks. I am planning on using this method when I add fish next and your detailed instructions and example make me feel like I can be successful.


Acclimated my new tetras manually with my mouth today lmao. I mean if it works, it aint stupid. (got some of the water in my mouth. The tannins tasted kinda bitter.)


Thank you so much for this tip. I'll use this method from now on. It just makes sense. Good job!
