Our World: Why do Civilizations Collapse?

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It seems that every great nation, every powerful empire and rich culture always comes to an end. What is the reason for this cycle? Why do nations who rise up through a unified sense of purpose always lose that? Is our society headed for the same collapse?

In this video we explore two core concepts, Fredrich Nietzsche's take on decadence and the decline of societies, and Plato's concept of the noble lie as introduced in the Republic. In the end we leave it off with a possible answer, but also a pretty open path forward for us to find our way. As always, let us know what you think!
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Before watching: my theory is that civilizations are set up for one type of person, but people change over time, and the systems are both corrupted and incompatible with the priorities of later generations


So, remake ourselves to change the world instead of remaking the world to change ourselves?


Do religions count as noble lies since they outlast many of these civilizations?


Civilizations collapse for the same reason species go extinct: an inability to adapt to a changing environment. You want to reference Darwin not Nietzsche. Keep in mind that adaptability is inversely proportional to the level of specific adaptation. The more specifically adapted a civilization is to a particular environment the more likely it is to break when the environment changes. The longer an environmental element remains stable the more specifically adapted a civilization becomes to it.


It was inevitable that the Bronze age civilizations would sooner than later fall. The Climate in the Middle East was still changing since the last ice age with rainfall decreasing, heat increasing, vegetation dying out and technology advancing. The end of the Bronze age was more than likely due to both a drought and an unsustainable population in the region. Civilizations depend on agriculture advancing their technology and causing overpopulation due to so-called economic growth. But what was once a dream of finding a land of Milk and Honey in the bibles of the time was abused, leading to nightmares during disparate periods throughout recorded history. The Old Testament Bible is about nomadic tribes conquering failing agricultural civilizations and replacing god(s) with other god(s) more compatible to their new reality. Right now certain so-called infallible religions are causing people to overpopulate certain parts of the globe according to their doctrines, and in so doing guaranteeing their downfall.


Manifest destiny was a lie? No. Perhaps you'd prefer living in the Spanish ruled Southwest, with a state religion and no democracy. Or, Alaska ruled by a Russian Tsar. And, the Louisiana Purchase was . . purchased.
