5 Tips How to Grow a Ton of Courgettes in a Garden Bed #gardening #ukgardening #courgettes

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In this video I show you how to grow courgettes or zucchinis from start to finish with great results. Follow these easy steps and you to will be able to grow courgettes and become self sufficient.

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Hi Adam, Good to see a success with the courgettes after all the other crop tribulations. When all the books say you need a rich well prepared soil to grow marrows, courgettes etc., you confound the "old boys" and do it your way! Your camera glanced by the onions which are looking quite good. As Fred Streeter used to say "the answer lies in the soil"!


Great harvest Adam, will follow your guidelines next year.👍


Hi Adam, I have never grown courgettes but after watching your video, I will definitely have a go next year. Well done.🥒


I've grown those Defender F1 and can confirm what Adam says, they just go! vigorous and prolific. Taste great as long as you don't let them get too big.


Superb yield! I don't know why last 2 years mine have failed. Neighbours have too. My soil PH is on the alkaline side & I make my own compost. Ended up growing my back up plants from greenhouse in pots on shelves in the garden including one in old kettle as you do. After growing from seed I am still traumatised by slugs & snails - day after day, week after week & month after month & armies of them- that constant rain nearly drove insane. Finally, I might get some courgettes at the 11th hour but they'll not be bigguns. Saw your Giant Punpkin video, again mine failed this year but 2020 I got one going ok 🤷‍♀️
