The Great Divide: A Lutheran Evaluation of Reformed Theology

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This is a brief introduction to my new book titled "A Great Divide: A Lutheran Evaluation of Reformed Theology." You can purchase the book from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other major booksellers.
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Before becoming a Lutheran I thought the GREAT DIVIDE was more like a small crack. As a Lutheran I realize the massively deep divide! Thanks. God's peace be with you.


As a Reformed Christian studying at a Reformed theological college, I will be looking out for the book.


Congrats on your new book! Theology students of all stripes love your wisdom and learning.


Just seen this, and I'm getting baptized into my Lutheran church this weekend. Would your book be able to be read by a layman with only high school education??


When Casiodoro de Reina sparked the little known Valencian Reformation, he very quickly had to flee the Inquisition to England. The Anglican Church welcomed him, but the Puritan Calvinists tried to have him jailed on false charges. Then he fled to Geneva, arriving on the very day Calvin approved the burning of fellow Spaniard, Servetus. De Reina wrote, "Calvin is worse than the Inquisition." He then fled to the Lutherans. They DID find De Reina's teachings heretical, but did NOT arrest or kill him. Instead, they dialogued with him, eventually coming to doctrinal agreement. He became the leader of all diaspora Spanish, Italian and Portuguese churches in Germany. He was also the first to complete a translation of the Bible, Luther's Catechisms, and the Augsburg Confessions into Spanish.


Plz use slides to explain this is the way people listen and sees the video


Very interesting, although neither is completely Biblical. Not that the worship of those that belong to either is invalid. God recognizes all sincere worship. But there is currently not a single Christian denomination operating that is truly or completely Biblical.


Frequently in Christianity, a distinction is made between "liturgical" and "non-liturgical" churches based on how elaborate or antiquated the worship; in this usage, churches whose services are unscripted or improvised are called "non-liturgical".

I was a assistant Pastor for the Assemblies of God for almost 10 years . . .one day I was looking through some song books that were dated back to the 1930's. And these were Assemblies of God song books . . .to my amazement there was written literary in these song books that was used . . .by Pastors in the early days of the A/G.
In my heart I said I would never use liturgy In my church services and worship times.
The Holy Spirit checked my heart and told me I was just being religious.
I thought to myself that this was just me and my own thinking saying that . . .
But over a year God dealt with me about liturgy . . .
All hymns that we sing is liturgy . . .the Lord's prayer is liturgy and the very bible is written liturgy. Every church service is liturgy or (a order of service) you sing 4 or 5 songs, tell the announcements collect the offering prays are prayed a sermon preached . . .some churches still have a altar call, then prayers of dismissal and everyone go's out to eat some where. This is all liturgy.

Like a radio there are a lot of frequencies out there in the world . . .sin comes in many sounds, vis·u·al a·cu·i·ties. God spoke everything into existence, Jesus is the spoken word of God, faith comes by believers speaking it. Harmonics of the Spoken Word can products life or death. God doesn't habit every frequency. Not everything you do is pleasing to God, many things grieve the Holy Spirit.

The Vibratory formulae ...or Harmonic Resonance; when you worship God, individually or with others, you are Resonating a Frequency that only God, can Harmonize too. . .all other frequency res·o·nances, do not set up a Harmony Resonance that God, can Resonate too, ....God in Habits our Praises because he Resonates on that Frequency . . . It's not religious in the modern vernacular of the word . . .I love spending time in the presence of God . . . The More we worship God the more we spend time in God's Plane of Existence . .

Using candles and burning incense can help set up a vis·u·al a·cu·i·ty, to help us focus on God and be less distracted by the other frequencies around us . . .Using written liturgies like Hyms and Prayers can help us stay focus on the worship at hand, dialed into or more clarified to the Holy Spirit.
There are a lot of voices out there in the world, trying to draw your attention away from God, there is only one frequency we need to be dialed into, and there is only one order of service that let's us Harmoies with God and it's the Blood of Jesus. . .being applied by faith to a sinners heart.
I love liturgy now . . .it helps me resonate with God in Christ Jesus in Harmony with all that is Holy and Righteous.


I truly believe that Calvin's theology and modern days' american ''calvinism'' of any kind are NOT exactly the same. In many ways I 'd say they are the opposite, the latter being arminianism clothed as ''calvinism''. I also believe that Luther and Calvin are exactly the same but they use another way of rhetoric to express their theology, the same theology of monergism. Maybe their differences have to do with them belonging to different cultures and educations. But their theology is EXACTLY the same, with Calvin getting everything to their logical conclusions and emphasis'. Thank you! I appreciate your work. I love you dearly.
