Tiny Pretty Things Series Review

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Let's discuss Tiny Pretty Things, a new Netflix series that features some gorgeous dancing and tons of drama. This show gave me gray hairs with how messy and chaotic it was, and yet I kept coming back for more.

0:00 Introduction
0:23 Book vs. Show
1:04 Synopsis & General Thoughts (Spoiler Free)
4:30 Neveah
6:59 Bette
7:48 June
9:00 Oren
10:02 Shane
10:27 Nabil
11:09 Caleb
11:49 Matteo
12:48 Dev
12:58 Cassie
13:15 A Message to the Adults of TPT
13:28 Isabel
13:56 Madame Dubois
15:02 Mr. Brooks
15:14 Mr. Renfrew "The Wrench"
15:47 Delia
16:12 Ramon
17:20 Final Thoughts & Signing Off

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I thought it was weird how the black main character got sidelined in her own show....


it felt like a ballet riverdale but it occupied all my thoughts until i finished it...


I noticed that the character of Neveah becomes less and less important and takes her place Bette. I don't how to explain it, but I felt that...


I felt that Neveah's girl power vibe was very inconsistent. At first, she seems kind of innocent and not really ready for the school's drama, then she's all badass and "get out of my way" with Bette, and then she's crying on the phone to her brother that she doesn't fit in, all within the first episode (if not the first day).
Plus, she was supposed to replace Cassie the It Girl and everyone made a big deal out of her arrival, but then she's never even considered for a solo. The competition ends up being between Bette and June, and Neveah never complains about it. Wasn't she supposed to be the new star of the school?
Honestly, we can rip apart the stiff acting, but at least 75% of it is because of bad writing. This show didn't know what it wanted to be and it just threw everything but the kitchen sink at us, hoping something would stick.


i agree with the relationships. they were all rushed and poorly developed. like why is oren saying I love you to neveah when they only started talking like two episodes ago??? they're relationship had potential but i feel like it was TOO soon. plus oren is even in the right mentality to be in a relationship due to his eating disorder.


Still don't understand why every single conversation had to be half naked or inside the sauna


I also feel like the story diverted from Nevaeah’s point of view and focused more on Bette.


it’s a little weird how many sex scenes there are in this show considering the fact we as an audience are supposed to be seeing these people as 16 and 17 year olds.


"Nabil, best character on the show."
"Madame Dubois does not deserve a redemption arc."
"The fact that Delia was willing to let her sister take the fall for her tells me everything I need to know about Delia."
"Ramon Costa is the villain of the show."

I see that you're going to be talking facts here.


I stuck around for the dancing... the acting (especially from Naveah) and the plot had me rolling my eyes constantly


yeah the writing of this show was a mess :/ it seemed to me like it was trying too hard to be a edgy instead of its own thing, and the end result just made it lack substance. the book had so much good material for the writers to use as inspiration!
also those dream sequences were soooo cringey


Seriously, how could June have possibly come to the conclusion that Naveah was the reason BETTE crashed the car that BETTE was driving when BETTE was DUI? Like an idiot. This whole “white character’s POC sidekick” bs needs to be dropped. This shit is embarrassing


this was hands down the WORST show i've ever seen and yes i will be eagerly awaiting season 2. great video!


The dancing was phenomenal, but the plot was ridiculous! There didn’t need to be random nudity


I actually burst out laughing when Cassie woke up. I dunno why, with her narration, and I was sorta routing for her to survive and recover, and when she did, I was like "Oh yeah, it's basically been 9 episodes of them telling everyone what a bitch she is" xD


I don't know why, but I loved how chaotic the show was👁️👄👁️


Why did no one find it strange that this prestigious ballet school only has ONE instructor who does everything from choreo to production and chooses the students. So if he hates you, you don't have a future In the school.


I think the show had a lot of potential and had interesting storylines, the only reason it was bad was because it was poorly executed and felt rushed/forced. The dancers were phenomenal and they had some beautiful dances but they could have worked more on the acting, I know they are not actors but they could have done better. The writing of the show needs to flow, there's some character background but not enough and there wasn't any character development. I think they focused too much on mixing all of their ideas/concepts in one season when they could have spread it out and worked on those concepts/ideas to develop them properly. For example, Oren's character had an eating disorder but was also struggling with his sexuality, it would have been better focusing on one of those concepts instead of forcing both onto that character as his character was a mess. There were way too many cliches and made me roll my eyes the whole entire series. June's character, having an ASIAN mum who strives for perfection and puts too much pressure on her daughter to be "perfect", I mean come on... It's 2021 for crying out loud, aren't we over that basic cliche by now? Too predictable. Or (Shane) the openly gay character who is secretly insecure and is not as confident as he plays off to be. Or (Neveah) the "black girl" from the hood, with a chip on her shoulder and an attitude problem (please I'm rolling my eyes". Let's not forget (Bette) the classic blonde-haired blue-eyed mean girl, who is rich and spoiled, always talking smack about everyone behind their backs (even her "best friend") and takes every opportunity to get ahead. There are so many more to name off but I will be here until 2022 if I named them all.


Hated the acting and writing in this show but I’m way to invested in the characters and will be binging the next season in one day.


In my opinion, of the students, Shane is easily the hardest to root for. I might have liked him had he not sexually assaulted Oren early on in the show. Feels like a double standard to have an entire subplot about the girls at the school being forced into a trafficking ring and then never address the fact that Oren told Shane no, and looked visibly uncomfortable and terrified when Shane preceded.
While I found Oren to be rather boring as a character, I couldn't help but feel bad for him because he is consistently put in sexual situations he obviously doesn't want to be in with both Shane and Bette (the scene where she attempts a threesome), and the show moves forward acting like these things wouldn't have a major impact on him.
The show has the characters do terrible things and then never holds any of them accountable.
